Vivimos en la era de la hiperconectividad, nos comunicamos con el mundo en un entorno cada vez más digital. Y, precisamente, una de las principales consecuencias del COVID-19, al margen de las sanitarias y las socioeconómicas, ha sido una significativa aceleración de la digitalización tanto a nivel individual como empresarial.
As he watched me unpack yet another Amazon delivery, my husband decided to do an intervention. Scattered around me on the floor were solar panels, water purification tablets, tarps, hunting knives and enough batteries to power New York City for many weeks. It was 2019 and hurricane season was upon
A previous article about standardizing data in groups shows how to simulate data from two groups. One sample (with n1=20 observations) is simulated from an N(15, 5) distribution whereas a second (with n2=30 observations) is simulated from an N(16, 5) distribution. The sample means of the two groups are close
As we saw in the last installment, The Confidence Man works by making every assertion -- no matter how ridiculous, heinous, or false -- with extreme confidence. By following this practice, with never a waver or inkling of self-doubt, roughly 40% of people will follow along in adoration. If you
Hidden Markov Models Introduction Statistical models of hidden Markov modeling (HMM) have become increasingly popular in the last several years. The models are very rich in mathematical structures and can form the theoretical basis of many real applications. In the classical continuous/discrete Markov process, each state corresponds to an observed
Katherine Taylor explains how and why new data improves risk models.
A common operation in statistical data analysis is to center and scale a numerical variable. This operation is conceptually easy: you subtract the mean of the variable and divide by the variable's standard deviation. Recently, I wanted to perform a slight variation of the usual standardization: Perform a different standardization
Identification of Concepts and Topics based on out-of-the-box rules. It is common practice to develop a business or industry specific taxonomy.
An embedding model is a way to reduce the dimensionality of input data, such as images. Consider this to be a type of data preparation applied to image analysis. When an embedding model is used, input images are converted into low-dimensional vectors that can be more easily used by other computer vision tasks. The key to good embedding is to train the model so that similar images are converted to similar vectors.
In the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, the issue of tax administration was low on the agenda for most. Beyond the obvious public health concerns, most business and government leaders were focused on how best to keep businesses afloat. But for those in federal, state and local governments responsible
Data collected during the manufacturing process is used to try to identify the cause of discrete problems after the event.
Have you ever seen the "brain teaser" for children that shows a 4 x 4 grid and asks "how many squares of any size are in this grid?" To solve this problem, the reader must recognize that there are sixteen 1 x 1 squares, nine 2 x 2 squares, four 3 x 3 squares, and one 4 x 4 square.
Las soluciones analíticas son muy importantes justo en el momento que vivimos. Tanto en la lucha directa contra la proliferación del virus como en la planificación operativa de los gobiernos y las instituciones de salud, es el instrumento que permite a las empresas enfrentar la crisis económica que surgirá como
The iml action was introduced in Viya 3.5. As shown in a previous article, the iml action supports ways to implement the map-reduce paradigm, which is a way to distribute a computation by using multiple threads. The map-reduce paradigm is ideal for “embarrassingly parallel” computations, which are composed of many
Com o início do “desconfinamento”, a reabertura das empresas fabris e a entrada faseada em produção, esta é também uma altura importante para pensarmos em como tornar as nossas empresas mais eficientes e em alavancar investimentos efetuados anteriormente. Numa fase em que ainda não estamos a produzir a 100%, a
I spoke with Antonie Berkel and Dr. Joost Huiskens about a systems analysis project for the design of a clinical decision support system (CDSS) which integrates computer vision to help radiologists monitor the progression of tumors.
How can organizations be more resilient during an uncertain business and public health situation? Lessons learned from organizations at the front lines of crisis response reinforce the importance of good analytic governance. These leading organizations have shown us that the fundamentals of the analytic life cycle – data, discovery and
Αν θέλετε να «σπάσετε» την καλοκαιρινή μονοτονία🙂 ανάμεσα στις θαλάσσιες βουτιές, το χταποδάκι στην ταβέρνα και την χαλάρωση από το διάβασμα ενός βιβλίου, σας έχω μια καλή πρόταση! Εάν δεν καταφέρατε να είστε ένας από τους χιλιάδες επαγγελματίες στον τομέα των analytics που συμμετείχαν από 56 χώρες και παρακολούθησαν το
It’s National Intern Day! Created by WayUp, National Intern Day is a holiday dedicated to recognizing and celebrating the future leaders of the world: Interns. At SAS, we feel like every day should be Intern Day, but #NationalnternDay presents a unique opportunity to celebrate the value interns bring to our company. This
When you write a program that simulates data from a statistical model, you should always check that the simulation code is correct. One way to do this is to generate a large simulated sample, estimate the parameters in the simulated data, and make sure that the estimates are close to
Each of us has been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic in a myriad of ways. In March we dove deep, headfirst, into a number of emotions and a new way of life that is ever-evolving. Some people may find they are drinking more in one night or more days of
For many retailers, the biggest challenge was simply to have enough staff to get products onto shelves quickly enough.
Dashboards and metrics support data-driven decisions – if you understand the terms.
The Kronecker product (also called the direct product) is a binary operation that combines two matrices to form a new matrix. The Kronecker product appears in textbooks about the design of experiments and multivariate statistics. The Kronecker product seems intimidating at first, but often one of the matrices in the
Alena caught up with Pedro Peleja, Technology Transformation Director at Una Seguros, to talk about digital transformation.
Move from rapid response to long-term resiliency based on these 5 tips.
Last month a SAS programmer asked how to fit a multivariate Gaussian mixture model in SAS. For univariate data, you can use the FMM Procedure, which fits a large variety of finite mixture models. If your company is using SAS Viya, you can use the MBC or GMM procedures, which
Everyone is familiar with The Confidence Man. This person can spout any sort of nonsense and easily demonstrable lies, and yet 40% of the people still believe him. The Confidence Man exposes a curious characteristic about human behavior: If you make your assertions with extreme confidence, no matter how obviously
For SAS and its partners, it provides opportunities for growth, new markets, and better service.