
Programming Tips
Rick Wicklin 0
4 ways to standardize data in SAS

A common operation in statistical data analysis is to center and scale a numerical variable. This operation is conceptually easy: you subtract the mean of the variable and divide by the variable's standard deviation. Recently, I wanted to perform a slight variation of the usual standardization: Perform a different standardization

Advanced Analytics
Susan Kahler 0
Video: Image embedding using deep learning with Python (DLPy) and SAS Viya

An embedding model is a way to reduce the dimensionality of input data, such as images. Consider this to be a type of data preparation applied to image analysis. When an embedding model is used, input images are converted into low-dimensional vectors that can be more easily used by other computer vision tasks. The key to good embedding is to train the model so that similar images are converted to similar vectors.

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Internet of Things | Machine Learning
Bruno Maia 0
Cuatro puntos importantes en el uso de la analítica en la crisis del COVID-19

Las soluciones analíticas son muy importantes justo en el momento que vivimos. Tanto en la lucha directa contra la proliferación del virus como en la planificación operativa de los gobiernos y las instituciones de salud, es el instrumento que permite a las empresas enfrentar la crisis económica que surgirá como

Advanced Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Internet of Things | Machine Learning
Artificial IoT – Com o relançamento da atividade económica numa fase pós-Covid19, como poderemos alavancar o IoT para tornarmos as nossas empresas fabris mais eficientes.

Com o início do “desconfinamento”, a reabertura das empresas fabris e a entrada faseada em produção, esta é também uma altura importante para pensarmos em como tornar as nossas empresas mais eficientes e em alavancar investimentos efetuados anteriormente. Numa fase em que ainda não estamos a produzir a 100%, a

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Artificial Intelligence
Christos Michas 0
+1 ακόμα must have στην καλοκαιρινή λίστα των διακοπών σας!

Αν θέλετε να «σπάσετε» την καλοκαιρινή μονοτονία🙂 ανάμεσα στις θαλάσσιες βουτιές, το χταποδάκι στην ταβέρνα και την χαλάρωση από το διάβασμα ενός βιβλίου, σας έχω μια καλή πρόταση! Εάν δεν καταφέρατε να είστε ένας από τους χιλιάδες επαγγελματίες στον τομέα των analytics που συμμετείχαν από 56 χώρες και παρακολούθησαν το

Mike Gilliland 0
The Forecaster as The Confidence Man

Everyone is familiar with The Confidence Man. This person can spout any sort of nonsense and easily demonstrable lies, and yet 40% of the people still believe him. The Confidence Man exposes a curious characteristic about human behavior: If you make your assertions with extreme confidence, no matter how obviously

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