
Mike Gilliland 0
How to find a job in business forecasting

If you are looking to find a job in business forecasting, or trying to fill one, there are many online resources available: Professional Organizations Institute of Business Forecasting & Planning - Very active searchable list of currently available jobs in forecasting and planning, from entry level to executive. Employers post

Mike Gilliland 0
Forecast Value Added Q&A (Part 6)

Q: ­Is the MAPE of the naive forecast the basis for understanding the forecastability of the behavior?  Or are there other more in depth ways to measure the forecastability of a behavior? MAPE of the naive forecast indicates the worst you should be able to forecast the behavior. You can

Mike Gilliland 0
Forecast Value Added Q&A (Part 5)

Q: ­Company always try to forecast 12 or 24m ahead. Whether we should track accuracy of 1m/3m/ 6m or x month forecast, does that depend on lead time?  How to determine out of these 12/24 months, which month should we track accuracy? Correct, forecast performance is usually evaluated against the

Mike Gilliland 0
Forecast Value Added Q&A (Part 4)

Q: ­What is a legitimate goal to expect from your FVA...5%, 10%? Q: ­How do we set Target FVA which Forecasters can drive towards?­ The appropriate goal is to do no worse than a naive model, that is FVA ≥ 0. Sometimes, especially over short periods of time, you may

Shelley Sessoms 0
A successful trip to London

Those of you who read these posts regularly might remember I planned to attend Analytics 2013 in London. I did get to attend, and am back in the states (though not fully adjusted to the Eastern time zone). This was a wonderful conference. Three great keynote presentations, over 40 analytical

Mike Gilliland 0
Forecast Value Added Q&A (Part 3)

With this Q&A Part 3, we are about halfway through the questions submitted during the FVA webinar. We did over 15 minutes of live Q&A at the end of the webinar, and covered many of the submitted questions at that time, however I always prefer to issue complete written responses to

Rick Wicklin 0
How to color clusters in a dendrogram

The CLUSTER procedure in SAS/STAT software creates a dendrogram automatically. The black-and-white dendrogram is nice, but plain. A SAS customer wanted to know whether it is possible to add color to the dendrogram to emphasize certain clusters. For example, the plot at the left emphasizes a four-cluster scenario for clustering

Mike Gilliland 0
Forecast Value Added Q&A (Part 2)

Q: Could you send me the presentation? With audio if possible. If you'd like a pdf of the slides, email me directly: mike.gilliland@sas.com For the audio, the webinar recording is available for free on-demand review: FVA: A Reality Check on Forecasting Practices Q: Can we get the case study referred here

Mike Gilliland 0
Forecast Value Added Q&A (Part 1)

As promised in yesterday's Foresight-SAS sponsored webinar on "Forecast Value Added: A Reality Check on Forecasting Practices," here is Part 1 of my written response to the over 25 questions that were submitted during the event. (Note: It may take a week or so to get through all of them.)

Jan-Ole Romann 0
5 gute Gründe für das SAS Forum 2013

Die Bedeutung von Daten und deren Auswertung wächst in jeder Branche – ebenso wie die Komplexität von Geschäftsprozessen und ihren wechselseitigen Abhängigkeiten zunimmt. Ob es um ein besseres Kundenverständnis geht, eine genauere Risikoberechnung oder eine Optimierung von Produktion und Logistik: der Erfolgsfaktor von morgen liegt in der Analyse der ständig

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
BarLine Graphs

A Bar Line graph is commonly used in many domains.  The SGPLOT procedure makes it easy to create bar line graphs where the user can customize it in many different ways.  This post is prompted by a recent question on the communities page on creating such a graph, with one bar and

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