
Students & Educators
Nadja Young 0
Busting myths of education value-added analysis, Part 2: It is harder to show growth with high-achieving students

Welcome to Part 2 of the value-added Myth Busters blog series…have you heard this one before? Educators serving high-achieving students are often concerned that their students’ entering achievement level makes it more difficult for them to show growth. “How can my students show growth if they are already earning high

Learn SAS
Julie Platt 0
Working on “stuff that matters”

“It’s not about how much money you make but to work on stuff that matters," according to Tim O’Reilly, founder of O'Reilly Media. At the recent Tools of Change conference, Tim O’Reilly mentioned during his keynote that writers tend to be motivated to work on “stuff that matters.” Through SAS

Rick Wicklin 0
How to plot a discontinuous function

It is easy to use the SGPLOT procedure in SAS to plot the graph of a well-behaved continuous function: just create a data set of the (x,y) values on some domain and use the SERIES statement to connect the points. However, to plot the graph of a discontinuous function correctly

Chris Hemedinger 0
Applied data science in college basketball

Revenge of the Nerds was so 1980s. Now it's a new world order: math geeks and athletes are working together. I'm not talking just about what happens when data nerds observe, analyze, and predict sports outcomes -- as they do in March Madness with their "bracketology". That's compelling, but your

Elizabeth Bautista 0
Economía Digital: nuevos mercados por explorar

La Economía Digital, uno de los pilares de la Estrategia  Digital Nacional (EDN), consiste estimular el aumento de la productividad y el desarrollo de nuevas empresas a través de la implementación de las tecnologías digitales, las cuales representan una inmensa área de oportunidad para consolidar la relación entre cliente y empresa. Para

Students & Educators
Nadja Young 0
Busting myths of education value-added analysis, Part 1: You must control for demographics

In the past five years, value-added models have been increasingly adopted by states to support various teaching effectiveness policies. As educators make the paradigm shift from looking at only achievement data to incorporating growth data, many misconceptions have developed. Compounding this issue is the fact that not all value-added and

Mike Gilliland 0
Lessons from forecasting the stock market

There is a well recognized phenomenon that combining forecasts, derived from different methods using different sources of information, can improve forecast accuracy. This approach, sometimes called "ensemble forecasting," is available in SAS Forecast Server. Per Scott Armstrong's review of 57 studies on combining forecasts, "the combined forecast can be better

Dirk Mahnkopf 0
Shareconomy – Impressionen von der CeBIT

Die CeBIT stand in diesem Jahr unter dem Leitthema Shareconomy. Bitkom-Präsident Dieter Kempf verkündete direkt zum Auftakt der Cebit: „Shareconomy betrifft die gesamte Gesellschaft“ und „Wir wechseln von einer Welt des Besitzens in eine Welt des Teilens.“ Soll uns nach Einführung des Tempolimits nun auch die Freude am persönlichen Besitz

The oath of the data scientist

I, (INSERT NAME HERE), being a data scientist of moral standing and noble intentions, do solemnly swear the following on pain of being banned from ever using a logistic regression again: When faced with an individual untrained in advanced statistics or machine learning, I shall not belittle, condescend, or otherwise

Fraud & Security Intelligence
Greg Henderson 0
Michigan’s holistic view of fraud is what’s required to combat organized criminal networks

SAS announced yesterday that Michigan will use the SAS Fraud Framework for Government to, initially, combat fraud, waste and abuse in the state’s unemployment insurance and food stamp programs. Those two programs are good focus areas and I’m confident they will lead to the state recovering funds, avoiding losses and

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