
Mike Gilliland 0
Engaging the sales force: Forecasts vs. Commitments

Whether to engage sales people in the forecasting process remains hotly debated on LinkedIn. While I have no objection in principle to sales people being involved in the process, I'm very skeptical of the value of doing so. Unless there is solid evidence that input from the sales force has improved

Jim Harris 0
What magic teaches us about data science

Teller, the normally silent half of the magician duo Penn & Teller, revealed some of magic’s secrets in a Smithsonian Magazine article about how magicians manipulate the human mind. Given the big data-fueled potential of data science to manipulate our decision-making, we should listen to what Teller has to tell

SAS Colombia 0
El poder de la analítica para un CEO

Los tiempos en que el presidente o el gerente general de una compañía tenía que pedir la información crítica del negocio al área encargada y esperar varios días su respuesta, son ahora cosa del pasado. La agilidad que exige el mundo moderno aceleró los procesos administrativos internos de las organizaciones,

Dirk Mahnkopf 0
Die CeBIT 2014 Nachbetrachtung zu Datability

Weiterhin bewacht er den Eingang, aber er brüllt nicht mehr, der Löwe vor der Münchener Halle auf der diesjährigen CeBIT. Auf mich wirkt er 2014 eher nachdenklich. Ähnlich geräuschlos wird das Leitthema der diesjährigen Cebit aufgegriffen: Datability, also die Fähigkeit, große Datenmengen in hoher Geschwindigkeit verantwortungsvoll und nachhaltig zu nutzen.

Rick Wicklin 0
Where's Rick at SAS Global Forum 2014?

Once again I'll be at SAS Global Forum this year. The 2014 location is Washington, D. C., so I am looking forward to greeting many friends in the government and consulting sectors. I always enjoy talking with SAS customers about statistics, simulations, matrix computations, and the SAS/IML product, so here's

Mike Hitmar 0
Quality needs a new paradigm

After decades of trying to "manage" and "control" quality, manufacturers continue to struggle with consistently achieving quality excellence. To conquer the realities of today's marketplace and achieve quality excellence, manufacturers need to adopt an analytic approach to quality. The basic objective of manufacturers hasn't changed since the beginning - produce

Kathy Ball 0
Who wants to be a billionaire?

The odds may not be in your favor, but SAS Analytics could help you win a huge prize. As you may have heard, billionaire philanthropist Warren Buffett and Cleveland Cavaliers owner Dan Gilbert have teamed up to offer $1 billion to anyone who can create a perfect NCAA March Madness

Jim Harris 0
What Mozart for Babies teaches us about data science

Were you a mother who listened to classical music during your pregnancy, or a parent who played classical music in your newborn baby’s nursery because you heard it stimulates creativity and improves intelligence? If so, do you know where this “classical music makes you smarter” idea came from? In 1993, a

Rick Wicklin 0
Optimizing a function of an integral

Last week I showed how to find parameters that maximize the integral of a certain probability density function (PDF). Because the function was a PDF, I could evaluate the integral by calling the CDF function in SAS. (Recall that the cumulative distribution function (CDF) is the integral of a PDF.)

SAS Colombia 0
Todo lo que usted debe saber acerca de la gestión de datos

La tendencia del big data hoy refleja una dura realidad: las compañías tienen grandes cantidades de datos, pero luchan por convertirlos en conocimiento y valor. Nuevas tecnologías permiten a las organizaciones alcanzar ese desafío. La gestión de datos posibilita que las compañías, agencias gubernamentales y universidades puedan consolidar y transformar

David Pope 0
Did you know analytics did that?

It is always important to continue to sell the value of analytics within your organization, especially to your leaders.   Usually, these type of results are delivered via reports, dashboards, or emails.   However did you know that analytics: Detects when expensive machinery like electrical submersible pumps (ESP) or oil platforms need maintenance before

Thomas Keil 0
Big Data Analytics auf dem Vormarsch

"30 Prozent der Unternehmen haben bereits Big-Data-Initiativen" - so eines der Ergebnisse der gerade vorgestellten Studie "Big Data Analytics" des Analystenhauses BARC. Die Experten von BARC haben Unternehmen in der gesamten DACH-Region befragt und zeichnen ein aktuelles Bild des Status quo: Fast ein Drittel aller Unternehmen gibt wenig auf Pauschalurteile

Data Visualization
Jennifer Marchi 0
Everyday visual analytics

Imagine you're a business analyst who just discovered a pattern or trend that could significantly help your organization. What do you do next? You share it. Using SAS® Visual Analytics, you've published your results to the Web and mobile device before, but this time you'd rather work with your findings in

Rick Wicklin 0
Optimizing a function that evaluates an integral

SAS programmers use the SAS/IML language for many different tasks. One important task is computing an integral. Another is optimizing functions, such as maximizing a likelihood function to find parameters that best fit a set of data. Last week I saw an interesting problem that combines these two important tasks.

Kattamuri Sarma 0
Examining your inputs with SAS Enterprise Miner

To build accurate predictive models you need clean data. Having a good understanding of the data helps you to interpret the models correctly and enables you to make sound intelligent business decisions. SAS Enterprise Miner can help you to achieve the twin goals of improving the quality of data and

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