
Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Cloud
Charlie Chase 0
6 ways retailers can rebalance inventories as consumers shift spending

Consumers are pulling back and shifting their purchases in the wake of inflationary pressures caused by high prices for fuel, freight costs, consumer goods and nonessential products. Demand is shifting faster than many retailers and consumer goods companies anticipated. Inflation continues to rise forcing consumer spending to shift once again

Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Internet of Things
Jihye Yoo 0
이젠 야구도 데이터로 배운다! (The Batting Lab)

야구에 데이터를 더한다면 어떤 효과가 일어날까요? 야구 실력도, 데이터 활용 능력도 향상시켜줄 어린이를 위한 데이터 리터러시 프로그램, SAS ‘배팅 랩’을 소개합니다. 전 세계적으로 7,000명 이상의 경영진을 대상으로 진행한 한 설문조사에 따르면 85%가 미래에는 데이터 활용 능력이 오늘날 컴퓨터 사용 능력만큼 더욱 중요해질 것[1]이라고 답했습니다. 반면, 48%의 어린이는 현재 교육 과정이 데이터

Analytics | SAS Events | Students & Educators
Alex Coop 0
Canadian post-grads tease policy recommendations from data during National Policy Challenge

To help burgeoning data researchers apply data analysis skills across policy sectors in economic, health and social science-informed areas of study, they need both policy and data industry experts to help them develop these critical skills before they graduate. The National Policy Challenge was developed with this goal in mind.

Analytics | Risk Management
Jihye Yoo 0
SAS, 가마쿠라 인수로 금융권 변동성 대응 지원 강화

SAS가 하와이 호놀룰루 소재 리스크 관리 전문기업 가마쿠라(Kamakura Corporation)를 인수했다는 소식을 전해 드립니다. 가마쿠라는 은행, 보험사, 자산운용사, 연금 기금 등 광범위한 금융 기관들이 다양한 유형의 금융 리스크를 관리할 수 있도록 전문 소프트웨어, 데이터 및 컨설팅을 제공하고 있는 비상장기업입니다. 치솟는 인플레이션과 경기 침체가 세계 경제에 먹구름처럼 드리워지면서, 크고 작은 금융 서비스

Advanced Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Data Visualization | Machine Learning
Jessica Curtis 0
How to cultivate trust in analytical models and improve forecast adoption

Often the biggest challenge when implementing a successful forecasting process has nothing to do with the analytics. Forecast adoption – incorporating forecasts into decision-making – is just as high a hurdle to overcome as the models themselves. Forecasting is more than analytical models Developing a forecasting process typically begins with

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Cloud
Tapan Patel 0
2 years in: SAS and Microsoft partnership continues making waves

In June 2020, we announced our strategic partnership with Microsoft to help our joint customers address their most critical analytical challenges with SAS® Viya® on Azure. In honor of two years together, we’re highlighting some of our biggest milestones, favorite stories and impressive results. Better Together In June 2020, we announced our

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