그래비티(2013), 인터스텔라(2014), 마션(2015), 컨택트(2016), 패신저스(2017)까지, 여러분은 이중 몇 편의 영화를 보았나요? 최근 우주에 대한 공상과학(SF) 영화가 한해도 빼놓지 않고 박스 오피스를 기록해왔습니다. 컴퓨터 그래픽(CG) 기술 발전의 공이 크겠지만, 1969년 아폴로 11호의 인류 최초 달 착륙을 시작으로 혁신을 거듭해온 항공•우주 과학 기술 역시 큰 영향을 미쳤을 텐데요. 과학 기술의 진보와 함께
In meinem vorherigen Blog bin ich darauf eingegangen, was künstliche Intelligenz (KI) bereits kann – und dass der Hype längst noch nicht in der operativen Realität bei Unternehmen angekommen ist. Letzteres ist eine Erkenntnis der aktuellen SAS Studie „The Enterprise AI Promise: Path to Value“. Was die Umfrage darüber hinaus
Debugging is the bane of every programmer. SAS supports a DATA step debugger, but that debugger can't be used for debugging SAS/IML programs. In lieu of a formal debugger, many SAS/IML programmers resort to inserting multiple PRINT statements into a function definition. However, there is an easier way to query
Here's a Proc Print trick for grouped data. Suppose your data is divided into groups, such as males and females. You could sort by the grouping variable before printing, like this: Suppose you want to better emphasize the groups. You could add a BY statement, like this: OK, but, personally,
I wish this were a blog about a new super-affordable airline, but instead capital flight is the illegal movement of money from its country of origin, transit or destination. This movement of money through facilitators is creating a hyper-breed of criminal enterprise using the regulations of the world’s financial systems
One of the great things about living in an area that has seasons is you get to see the leaves change colors in the fall. If you're a big fan of seeing the leaves at their peak, you could actually travel around the country and see the leaves at their
현대 유통업계의 미션: 고객의 쇼핑 여정과 함께하라 여러분은 어떻게 쇼핑하나요? 잡지나 패션 블로그에서 마음에 드는 구두를 발견하면 온라인에서 리뷰, 가격, 구입 가능 여부 등을 검색합니다. 그리고 가장 가까운 오프라인 매장에 가서 구두를 직접 신어본 후 스마트폰으로 더 좋은 조건의 판매처가 있는지 찾아보죠. 이처럼 다양한 채널, 기기, 웹사이트, 매장을 자유롭게 넘나들며 언제
I recently saw an alarming article on social media about an outbreak of airborne plague spreading from Madagascar to Africa (and potentially to the rest of the world). The plague?!? - I thought that only happened hundreds of years ago?!? I don't really trust news on Facebook, so I went
Jim Harris shows how data-driven businesses incorporate three aspects of data governance to guide their decisions.
A SAS programmer wanted to display a table in which the rows have different formats. An example is shown below. The programmer wanted columns that represent statistics and rows that represent variables. She wanted to display formats (such as DOLLAR) for some variables—but only for certain statistics. For example, the
현대 기업에게 금융 사기, 이상 거래 탐지는 분명 어려운 도전과제입니다. 실제 사기 거래 발생률은 낮고 기업 활동의 극히 일부분에 해당되지만, 문제는 적절한 툴과 시스템을 갖추지 않는다면 엄청난 금전적 손실을 야기하는 범죄로 빠르게 이어질 수 있다는 것입니다. 더군다나 금융 사기 범죄자들은 계속해서 새로운 사기 수법을 고안해내고 점차 정교해지고 있는데요. 한가지 좋은
Have you ever seen the "Fit Summary" table from PROC LOESS, as shown to the right? Or maybe you've seen the "Model Information" table that is displayed by some SAS analytical procedures? These tables provide brief interesting facts about a statistical procedure, hence they are called factoids. In SAS, a
When disasters strike, we’re all left wondering what we can do and how we can help. Many donate money and items. Others donate their time volunteering on the ground. Me? I dive into data. I have a passion for using data for good, and have been fortunate to be involved
In my first four posts in the education analytics blog series, we learned how education customers are using SAS, the positive impact for their users and institution, and some of their best practices. In talking to customers for this series, one of the many things we've learned is that they
Once you have a data strategy for omnichannel, what's next? Kim Kaluba explains.
A SAS/IML programmer asked whether you can pass the name of a function as an argument to a SAS/IML module and have the module call the function that is passed in. The answer is "yes." The basic idea is to create a string that represents the function call and then
A ghoulish Halloween Boo to all my readers! Hope my costume freaks you out, but even if it doesn't, I’m positive PROC FREQ will in a few amazing ways! Today’s Programming 2: Data Manipulation Techniques class asked about the power of PROC FREQ. Since I stopped to explain some of it's benefits to
I often create temporary ODS output files - and getting rid of those files after I'm done is an extra chore I don't relish. For example, if I want to generate a PDF-only report and email it from SAS (see "Jedi SAS Tricks: Email from the Front – Part 2")
Joyce Norris-Montanari says IT and business need to work together when giving business users self-service data preparation tools.
Bankkunden werden auch immer anspruchsvoller. Im Zeitalter von Google, Apple, Facebook und Amazon haben wir uns daran gewöhnt, personalisierte Angebote auf Basis der von uns freiwillig zur Verfügung gestellten Daten zu erhalten. Hier ist sie wieder, unsere Chatbot-Idee aus meinem 1. Beitrag zu KI in der Bankbranche, und es gibt
This article demonstrates a SAS programming technique that I call Kuhfeld's template modification technique. The technique enables you to dynamically modify an ODS template and immediately call the modified template to produce a new graph or table. By following the five steps in this article, you can implement the technique
‘사물인터넷(IoT)’ 세상을 바꾸다 데이터 포 굿(Data for Good)! 사물인터넷(IoT)의 폭발적인 성장과 함께 점점 더 많은 분야에서 데이터가 선하고 유용하게 사용되고 있습니다. 하루가 다르게 데이터를 수집하고 인사이트를 생성하기 위한 독창적이고 참신한 방식이 소개되고 있는데요. 환자가 치료 계획을 잘 지킬 수 있도록 돕는 스마트 알약: 사람이 삼킬 수 있는 센서는 약의 복용뿐만 아니라
If you’ve been waiting for the buzz to settle around the Internet of Things before deciding how to invest in this new technology space, now’s the time to stop waiting. I’ve been working in the technology sector for a few decades, and the innovation and excitement I’m seeing around IoT
If you plan to travel abroad and see the world, you'll need a passport. And, depending on several factors, you might also need travel visas. Which passports allow you to travel with the least amount of hassle (and the least amounts of visas)? Let's create a map to help you
‘호모 나랜스(Homo Narrans)’라는 단어를 들어보셨나요? ‘이야기하는 사람’을 뜻하는 라틴어로 1999년 미국의 영문학자 존 닐(John Niels)이 동일 제목의 저서를 통해 처음 소개했습니다. 그는 인간은 태생적으로 이야기하려는 본능을 가지며, 이야기를 주고받지 않고서는 살아갈 수 없고, 이야기를 통해 사회를 이해한다고 설명했는데요. 이야기는 기억에 남으며, 사람과 감정적으로 연결되고, 행동을 고취시킵니다. ‘이야기하다’라는 뜻의 ‘스토리텔링(Storytelling)’은 지속적이며
David Loshin describes some steps you can take to ensure that self-service data preparation improves collaboration.
Selbstfahrende Sport Utility Vehicle auf unseren öffentlichen Straßen, Siri immer im Zugriff, Alexa im Wohnzimmer … Künstliche Intelligenz und die dahinter funktionierenden Machine-Learning-Verfahren begegnen uns bereits heute, zum Teil eingebettet in den Alltag, zum Teil mit unserem „Wow“, wenn die US-Verkehrsaufsichtsbehörde NHTSA bestätigt, dass es bei einem Unfall mit einem selbstfahrenden
Todos conocemos el caso de alguien que amamos o que es parte de nuestra vida y que tiene una enfermedad o un tipo de cáncer. En el mundo cada día se registran nuevos casos de esta enfermedad, entre los principales se encuentran: pulmón, estómago, hígado, colon y mamá. De los
Suppose you want a list of car manufacturers from the CARS dataset. Easy! Call the %CHARLIST macro from a %PUT statement, like this: The CHARLIST macro generates a list of unique values of a selected variable from a selected dataset. So does PROC FREQ. But, if you don't need statistics, the CHARLIST
현존 최고의 데이터 과학자들이 뽑은 머신러닝 알고리즘 개발 베스트 프랙티스! 그 대망의 마지막 시간입니다. 이전 블로그를 통해 다양한 유형의 모델을 결합하는 방법을 소개해드렸다면, 오늘은 다양한 유형의 데이터를 결합하고, 모델의 다양한 변수를 활용하는 방법에 대해 이야기하고자 합니다. 이전 시리즈를 놓치셨나요? 블로그 1탄, 블로그 2탄을 참고해주세요. 기본기 다지기 희귀한 이벤트 탐지하기 수많은 모델 결합하기 모델