I've used SAS with a bunch of different REST APIs: GitHub, Brightcove, Google Analytics, Lithium, LinkedIn, and more. For most of these I have to send user/password or "secret" application tokens to the web service so that it knows who I am and what data I can retrieve. I do
If you are a SAS programmer, you may wonder why you should read this. After all isn’t SAS Enterprise Guide just for folks who don’t want to be bothered writing SAS code? SAS Enterprise Guide is just point, click, and get results, right? Well there is a lot more to
금융소비자보호국, 불공정 행위로부터 소비자 보호 버락 오바마 미국 전 대통령은 2008년 글로벌 금융 위기 이후 소비자 보호를 강화하고, 금융 업계를 규제함으로써 사태 재발을 막기 위해 다양한 노력을 기울였습니다. 그 중 하나가 바로 2011년 월스트리트에 대한 연방 감독 기구로 출범한 미국 금융소비자보호국(CFPB; Consumer Financial Protection Bureau)인데요. 금융소비자보호국은 소비자를 불공정 행위, 사기, 권력
Last week I got the following message: Dear Rick: How can I create a normal distribution within a specified range (min and max)? I need to simulate a normal distribution that fits within a specified range. I realize that a normal distribution is by definition infinite... Are there any alternatives,
Supply Chain Lead Times Most companies with a supply chain have to deal with supply lead times. When I worked in the processed meats industry many years ago, production plans were locked three weeks in advance.That's how long it took to secure raw materials and schedule the production lines. Many
Former U.S. Chief Technology officer Megan Smith stressed the importance of continued investments in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) in her keynote address at SAS Analytics Experience, sharing a quote from George Washington. In his first address to Congress, in 1790, Washington said, “There is nothing which can better
Without a doubt, working with teachers and educational leaders to understand education data is what I love most about my job. I have enjoyed engaging with these dedicated public servants and learned so much from our collaborations. One of the highlights of my role is planning conferences for EVAAS users,
Todd Wright says the risk of fines for GDPR noncompliance may pale in comparison to the risk posed by reputation loss.
If you work in a team environment, you might be accustomed to using mapped network drives for source data folders or to publish results. If you've recently moved to a SAS server environment, you might not have those mapped drives available. How can you tell? This question was posted on
Welche Veränderungen bringt 2018 im Datenmanagement? Ich habe Experten nach ihrer Meinung zu den Technologietrends 2018 gefragt und sie mit meinen eigenen Erwartungen verglichen. Herauskristallisiert haben sich fünf große Trends, die uns meiner Ansicht nach dieses Jahr im Datenmanagement begleiten: 1. Datenbewegung wird wichtiger Cloud-Anbieter haben bereits gezeigt, wie einfach es
Last week I wrote about the 10 most popular articles from The DO Loop in 2017. My most popular articles tend to be about elementary statistics or SAS programming tips. Less popular are the articles about advanced statistical and programming techniques. However, these technical articles fill an important niche. Not
As marijuana has become legal in several states, it's been a frequent topic of interest in the news. And as with any interesting topic, I like to find useful ways to visually analyze the data. In this case, let's have a look at the price of marijuana, and how it
Im Jahr 1963 wurde zu Silvester erstmals der Sketch „Dinner for One“ mit dem britischen Komiker Freddie Frinton im deutschen Fernsehen ausgestrahlt. Im Laufe der Jahre wurde diese Sendung zur lieb gewonnenen Tradition und erlebt immer wieder Phasen, in denen sie zum Kult avanciert. Die zentrale Frage lautet ja bekanntermaßen:
The first time I voted (back in the 1980s), I was very surprised that I didn't have to show any kind of identification. I assumed it was because I lived in a small North Carolina town of 300 people where "everybody knew everybody" ... but they told me that nobody
일본의 한 보험 회사가 올해부터 보험 계약 절차와 정보 조회 등 사무 작업의 90%를 인공지능(AI)으로 대체, 전사 업무 부담을 20% 가량 경감할 것으로 발표하며 이목을 모았습니다. 국내에서도 이처럼 보험과 IT 기술을 융합한 인슈어테크(Insure + Tech) 서비스가 속속들이 출시되며 보험 업계의 비즈니스 모델이 빠른 속도로 다각화되고 있는데요. 오늘은 보험 선진국으로 평가 받는 유럽의
A SAS programmer asked how to label multiple regression lines that are overlaid on a single scatter plot. Specifically, he asked to label the curves that are produced by using the REG statement with the GROUP= option in PROC SGPLOT. He wanted the labels to be the slope and intercept
For the last two years, I’ve spent time listening to and brainstorming with automakers, their suppliers and other technology companies about how to monetize connected vehicle data. This involves: Data that’s offloaded from a roving vehicle fleet (cars, trains, semi-trucks, farm tractors, you name it!). Data coming from driving-related mobile apps used
Seit einigen Tagen ist das brandneue Release von SAS Visual Analytics verfügbar. Ich habe mich natürlich gleich drangemacht, die neue Ausgabe auf Herz und Nieren zu prüfen. Herausgekommen sind neben vielen neuen Funktionen auch die Top-10-Gründe, warum Sie für Ihre Big-Data-Strategie mit SAS Visual Analytics, kurz SAS VA, die besten
What will 2018 unveil for the data management market? I searched expert opinions on technology trends for 2018 and matched them against my own to uncover the five major trends that I think we’ll see in data management this year: 1. Data movement becomes more important. Cloud providers have proven
We open this 48th issue of Foresight with an announcement of the goals and participation rules for the upcoming forecasting-methods competition, the M4. The M in all the competitions— the original, the M2, the M3, and now the M4—acknowledges their primary author, Spyros Makridakis. The competitions are extremely well-known events
Over the New Year's weekend, I was listening to the re-broadcast of Dick Clark's Top 100 music countdown from the 1980s ... it was the music from my high school and college years, when synthesizers and fun-rap music popped onto the scene. Another thing that started in the 1980s was
The fourth edition of the series brings me to Rijkswaterstaat, the Dutch government agency responsible for the main connecting infrastructure in the Netherlands (roads, bridges, waterways and water systems). I talked with Bas van Essen who’s responsible for RWS Datalab, the big data lab within Rijkswaterstaat (RWS). Company Overview RWS
Four things clients say could go wrong when you're working to become a data-driven business.
I wrote more than 100 posts for The DO Loop blog in 2017. The most popular articles were about SAS programming tips, statistical data analysis, and simulation and bootstrap methods. Here are the most popular articles from 2017 in each category. General SAS programming techniques INTCK and INTNX: Do you
De acuerdo con el World Economic Forum, el éxito de las Fintech -emprendimientos tecnológicos que sirven al sector financiero- está basado en cinco factores: accesibilidad, que tiene que ver con las diversas fuentes de datos que usan para estudiar a un potencial cliente; la democratización del segmento, que no es otra cosa que la bancarización de poblaciones
데이터 분석으로 청소년 자살을 예방할 수 있을까요? 캐나다 통계청에 따르면, 2011년 25세 미만의 캐나다인 사망자 중 5분의 1은 자살로 생을 마감했습니다. 자살은 캐나다 청년층의 두 번째 사망 원인으로 매우 심각한 사회 문제인데요. 특히 캐나다정신건강협회(Canadian Mental Health Association)에 의하면 15-24세의 자살 사망률은 선진국 가운데 세 번째로 높은 24%에 달합니다. 이러한 청년층 자살을
바야흐로 ‘데이터 하이웨이’ 시대입니다. 데이터는 금융, 제조, 의료, 통신 등 산업에 관계없이 모든 기업의 비즈니스를 관통하며 인사이트를 제공하고 있는데요. 그만큼 분석 소프트웨어 시장도 그 어느 때보다 다양한 솔루션과 기술로 활성화되어 있습니다. 실제 가트너에 따르면 전 세계 비즈니스 인텔리전스(BI) 및 분석 소프트웨어 시장의 규모는 올해 183억 달러에 이르고, 오는 2020년에는 228억
David Loshin describes four key traits of fully data-driven businesses.
At a time of unprecedented financial challenges – from payment shifts and regulatory mandates to aging populations – our nation’s hospitals are awash in data. Clearly, there is a need for analytics capabilities to make health care more efficient, cost-effective and satisfying to patients and providers alike. In the October
今回は、仕事納めの時期で少し自分たちの時間が確保できたので、かねてよりTO-DOになっていた、弊社のSAS Event Stream Processing(以下SAS ESP)という製品を用いた「予防保全ソリューション」のためのリアリティのあるデモ環境構築をした様子をご報告します。 このデモは、リアルな電動モーターを使用して、その際の各部位の振動や温度をリアルタイムに計測しSASのリアルタイム処理エンジンで取得・表示・加工・スコアリングするというデモで、インテル様のご協力を得てリアルな機器をつなぎ合わせ、そこにSAS ESPをインストールしていきました。 SAS六本木ヒルズ・ラボ 今回は、モーターが音を出すということと、部品やらなにやら散らかす必要があったため、SAS六本木オフィスのカスタマーエリアに常設されているラボスペース(仮称:SAS六本木ヒルズ・ラボ)を使用して行いました。このラボスペースは、その名の通り様々な実験的な取り組みのためのスペースです。お客様とのブレインストーミングや、学生が課外研究としてやってきて弊社エンジニアと一緒に研究をしたり、あるいは、企業のデータサイエンティストが、弊社の新製品を試しにやってきたりしています。過去ののブログに登場する筑波大学の学生たちも、SASグローバルのコンテストに応募するための分析作業や英語でのポスター作成をこちらの環境に詰めて作業されていました。 ラボを活用した筑波大学学生の話① ラボを活用した筑波大学学生の話② ラボを活用した筑波大学学生の話③ デモキットを組み上げる 今回のデモ環境のアーキテクチャはこちらです。 ますは、組み立てです。 電動モーター。本物ですので回転数を上げると少しうるさいです。 そのモーターに3箇所振動をセンシングするセンサーをつけます。こららはUSB経由でIoTゲートウェイにやってきます。 また、モーターを制御する設定値、モーターの温度の値は別経路でイーサネット経由やCOMポート経由でIoTゲートウェイにやってきます。 オフィスで動かすので直流を交流に変換する必要があったり、普段見ることのないコネクタの形状に戸惑ったりしながら、工作感覚で組み立てました。 IoTゲートウェイにはインテル・プロセッサが搭載されており、Ubuntuの上にSAS ESPをインストールしました。 今回は、弊社のSAS ESP製品の専門家のOさんと一緒に作業したため、思いのほか早く完成しました。こちらは、SAS ESPがハンドリングしているリアルタイムデータをSAS ESP付属のビューワーで簡易的に確認している画面です。3箇所に設置した振動センサーからのリアルタイムデータハンドリングしている様子を示しています。 今回は、仕事納めのためここで時間切れです。年明けには、SAS ESPの真髄であるオンライン学習の処理を設定したり、弊社のSAS Visual Data Mining & Machine Learingで作成したモデルをこのストリーミング処理エンジンにデプロイするなどして、「エッジ・アナリティクス」デモを完成させ、セミナーやイベント会場などで皆様にご覧いただけるようにしていく予定です。 SASのリアルタイム・アナリティクス SASのリアルタイム・アナリティクスソリューションである、SAS ESPについては、2017年5月に開催されたSAS Forum Japanのスーパーデモを録画した下記二つの動画もご参照ください。