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In the SAS 9.4 world, SAS Stored Processes (STP) were incredibly popular. An STP is a SAS program that is stored on a server and can be executed as required by requesting applications. On SAS 9.4, they were widely used for web reporting, analytics, building web applications, delivering packages to customers and publishing results to channels or repositories.
As we move into 2025, AI continues to transform industries in unprecedented ways, driving efficiency, innovation, and productivity. But with this rapid advancement come critical ethical questions. How can we ensure that AI systems protect the rights and well-being of individuals? Manufacturing and agriculture are two essential industries where answering
When the SAS Global Forum 2020 conference was cancelled by the global COVID-19 pandemic, I felt sorry for the customers and colleagues who had spent months preparing their presentations. One presentation I especially wanted to attend was by Bucky Ransdell and Randy Tobias: "Introducing PROC SIMSYSTEM for Systematic Nonnormal Simulation".
En la era de la transformación digital, la velocidad, la escalabilidad y la rentabilidad no son solo indicadores de desempeño; son factores decisivos que permiten a las empresas mantenerse competitivas. Hoy, en SAS, nos enorgullecemos de ver cómo nuestra plataforma de IA y analítica, SAS Viya, no solo cumple con
Cada vez más los datos se han convertido en el corazón de todas las operaciones empresariales. Sin embargo, gestionarlos de manera eficiente y convertirlos en información valiosa sigue siendo un desafío. Una buena gestión de datos es esencial para garantizar resultados confiables, éticos y libres de sesgos; que a su
A previous article shows a simulation of two different models of a foraging animal. The first model is a random walk, which assumes that the animal chooses a random direction, then takes a step that is distributed according to a Gaussian random variable. In the second model, the animal again
秋の風物詩であるキンモクセイ(金木犀)は、オレンジ色のフルーティで甘い香りが特徴で、英名はまさしく「フレラント・オリーブ(Fragrant olive)」。香りを楽しむには朝がおすすめで、酵素が活発になるため香りが強くなるそう。ぜひ通勤・通学時に香ってほしい。 キンモクセイはすべて国から持ち込まれた雄株のみで増やしたクローンなので、通常の植物と違って、同じ地域では一斉に開花する。サクラの場合とは逆に、キンモクセイの開花は寒くなる地域から徐々に、東北から九州に向かって進んでいく。ちなみに北海道と沖縄には挿し木がないらしい。 さて、今春のサクラの開花が暖冬で約1週間遅れたのに続き、今秋のキンモクセイも平年より遅れ気味の開花。これは夏が長引いたのが影響しているはずである。実際に10月の平均気温を見ると、関東や近畿は平年より高め、中国地方や九州北部は平年並み、ということで関東や近畿で開花が遅れているとみている。 サクラの開花予測には積算気温が用いられるが(春になると回帰分析を思いだす)、キンモクセイも高温が続くと遅れるため、同様の指標が考えられる。より精緻な統計モデルで予測することも可能である。おくれじとキンモクセイの香りに浸りながら、開花日を予測してみたい。 住宅価格や企業の売上予測においても、ローン支払いの不履行の可能性を見通すにしても、因果解析の手法が用いられる。11~12月は、線形回帰、ロジスティック回帰、生存時間など因果解析のコースがオンパレード(トレーニングコース詳細とスケジュール | SAS)、興味があれば受講してみるのも良いだろう。 2024年11月初旬 相吉
La Inteligencia Artificial Generativa y la Inteligencia Artificial Predictiva son cada vez más utilizadas en el sector asegurador para predecir tendencias, demandas y optimizar operaciones. Sin embargo, de acuerdo con un estudio elaborado por Ernest and Young, el 50 % de los ejecutivos y responsables de áreas de tecnología no
Halloween is one of my favorite times of the year – I'm a Halloween enthusiast. It’s a time for spine-tingling thrills, haunted tales and lots of candy corn. But there’s one fear lurking in the shadows that sends shivers down the spines of data scientists, IT leaders and executives alike,
Según Google Trends en los últimos 5 años las búsquedas “ansiedad por IA” y “estrés por IA” han aumentado en un 100%. De hecho, terapeutas de todo el mundo enfrentan un nuevo tipo de cliente que llega a su consulta: pacientes con ansiedad a causa de esta tecnología. A medida
Generative AI (GenAI) is here to stay – there’s no question about it. A recent SAS survey of 1,600 organizations found that 54% have begun implementing It, and 86% plan to invest in it within the next financial year. As organizations integrate AI into their workflows, a critical question arises:
In SAS, range attribute maps enable you to specify the range of values that determine the colors used for graphical elements. There are various examples that use the GTL to define a range attribute map, but fewer examples that show how to use a range attribute map with PROC SGPLOT.
"Generative AI (GenAI) initiatives should support broader public goals and needs," says SAS' Ensley Tan. While governments recognize GenAI's potential to improve operational efficiency and citizen experience, there is more to it than setting up projects and expecting them to work. Tan, SAS Asia-Pacific Lead for Public Sector Consulting, said public
They say nothing in life is certain other than death and taxes, but there something else I’ve found I can count on from experience: sending out invites for a party on social media only to receive a few affirmative responses and a whole slew of “maybe”. I know my friends
Investment in AI is an obvious target for the insurance sector. Insurers have always been interested in technology that helps detect and prevent fraud and improve underwriting efficiency while speeding processes and reducing – or at least not increasing – costs. But what is the reality in this highly regulated