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Fraud & Security Intelligence
Ivan Fernando Herrera 0
En un 859% aumentaron los fraudes digitales en Colombia ¿cómo prevenirlos?

La tecnología financiera ha revolucionado la forma en que manejamos nuestra economía. Desde aplicaciones de pago móvil hasta plataformas de inversión en línea, las organizaciones han simplificado y agilizado numerosos procesos. Sin embargo, un estudio realizado por TransUnion muestra que a nivel global los intentos de fraude digital durante los

SAS Events
Becky Graebe 0
Hot takeaways from a CTO wing slayer

As SAS Chief Technology Officer, Bryan Harris has plenty of day-to-day issues that create a hotbed of worries: keeping pace with innovation, finding and retaining top talent, technical debt, delivering on time and making sure SAS technology is ready to meet the needs of an ever-changing business landscape. So, the

Cloud | Data Management
Hans-Joachim Edert 0
Balancing cloud challenges with containerization strategies

Cloud computing and containerization are two technologies that directly impact a CIO's core responsibilities: delivering IT services efficiently and effectively for the business.   Beyond their technical implications, these technologies represent a strategic shift toward meeting business needs for agility, scalability and faster innovation. Striking a balance between opportunities and

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Fraud & Security Intelligence | Machine Learning
Ricardo Saponara 0
A sintonia entre prevenção de fraudes e experiência do cliente

A relação entre a prevenção de fraudes e a experiência do cliente é indiscutivelmente estreita no mundo financeiro moderno. A análise de tendências atuais revela a importância da preservação dos dados como um fator crucial para organizações, impactando a confiança que clientes tem em empresas, a retenção deles - e,

Advanced Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Innovation
Waynette Tubbs 0
Quantum computing and AI: The future of problem-solving

Imagine a not-so-distant future where quantum computing reshapes our approach to solving some of businesses’ and society’s most pressing issues. This isn’t fantasy. Just as nuclear energy, 3D printing and gene therapy transitioned from science fiction to scientific reality, quantum computing is on the brink of becoming the next transformative

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