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Over the last decade, more and more people have turned to intermittent fasting as a tool to improve metabolic flexibility, decrease the risk of chronic disease, optimize their longevity and simplify their lives. Fasting needs to be done in a way that works with one’s lifestyle, personality and physiology in
A recent article describes how to estimate coefficients in a simple linear regression model by using maximum likelihood estimation (MLE). One of the nice properties of an MLE formulation is that you can compare a large model with a nested submodel in a natural way. For example, if you can
You’ve seen the agenda. You’ve perused the keynotes. You’re ready for SAS Innovate! But what if you’re not going to Vegas? No problem! Hear from our host, Dominique Weatherspoon, what she's excited to see on stage at SAS Innovate 2024 and how you can watch. For those not at SAS, the
SAS Enterprise Guide 8.4 is released, and it supports connections to SAS Viya to run SAS programs, access data, and more!
SAS announces continued support and releases for SAS 9 and a new role for SAS Enterprise Guide with SAS Viya.
Concerns about risk and the fear of change can be some of the biggest barriers to career development. Following the release of her book Leap: Why It’s Time to Let Go To Get Ahead in Your Career, author Jessica Galica invites you to reframe your view on risk. Speaking for
Estamos quase na Semana Santa o que, por ser uma das épocas em que mais viagens se realizam por todo o país, pode apresentar vários desafios à rede rodoviária e aos sistemas de transporte. A variabilidade nos padrões de movimento durante estas datas acrescenta uma camada adicional de complexidade, o
1. ‘SAS 컨테이너 런타임’이란? SAS는 SAS Viya 2021.1.1.3에서 SAS 컨테이너 런타임(SAS Container Runtime, 이하 SCR)을 출시했으며, 그 이후 많은 고객이 운영환경에서 SCR을 구현했습니다. 이 혁신적인 런타임 엔진은 SAS 모델과 의사결정을 Open Container Initiative (OCI) 호환 컨테이너에 배포하는 역할을 합니다. SCR은 표준 기술을 사용하여 SAS Viya 외부에서 모델과 의사결정을 실행합니다. 클라우드
A statistical analyst used the GENMOD procedure in SAS to fit a linear regression model. He noticed that the table of parameter estimates has an extra row (labeled "Scale") that is not a regression coefficient. The "scale parameter" is not part of the parameter estimates table produced by PROC REG
In the ever-evolving landscape of media, understanding how different generations consume content is crucial. Deloitte's report on Digital Media Trends 2023 sheds light on these generational disparities, highlighting a clear shift towards online experiences among younger audiences. This trend presents both challenges and opportunities for businesses, as they grapple with how
Trustworthy AI is dependent on a solid foundation of data. If you bake a cake with missing, expired or otherwise low-quality ingredients, it will result in a subpar dessert. The same holds for developing AI systems to handle large amounts of data. Data is at the heart of every AI
Careers in risk management can be rewarding. The disciplines are key to a broad range of industries. Risk management teases the analytical side of the brain and there is a clear line of contribution between the work and the organization's performance. Careers in risk management are also shrouded in mystery
Es una realidad que la IA es una herramienta muy valiosa para combatir el fraude, ya que su capacidad para analizar datos y detectar patrones sospechosos supera en muchos casos la capacidad humana. Sin embargo, el uso de modelos de Machine Learning en nuestros sistemas de detección de fraude puede
At SAS Innovate in Las Vegas, attendees should be excited for many reasons. From inspiring keynote speakers to breakout sessions sure to teach you something new and more, this event will have something for everyone to enjoy. Just take the SAS Innovation Hub for example. This interactive space is the
Growing up involves a long process of discovering more about ourselves and the world around us. Looking back at our younger selves' decisions and thought processes can leave a sense of laughter, embarrassment, growth or even pride. Thinking about how far you’ve come as a person can be rewarding. For