Search Results: transport (327)

Richard Widdowson 0
Unwrapping holiday season success: Securing customer satisfaction with a transparent supply chain

As the holiday season approaches, businesses may be bracing for what’s been all too common in recent years – supply chain disruption. Retail and consumer goods industries have been hit with disruptions from every direction: profound shifts in consumer preferences, materials shortages, weather events, and geopolitical activities, to name just

Analytics | Students & Educators
Lilia Rodriguez 0
Honoring educators who are learning, teaching and using SAS in innovative ways

This summer, SAS Academic Programs recognized four faculty members from across the country for their excellence in teaching data analytics. Awardees of the SAS Distinguished Award and the Emerging Educator Award received plaques at the SAS Summer Educator Conference, where they participated in a panel discussion about their experience teaching

Advanced Analytics | Artificial Intelligence
Yanick Slikboer 0
Hoe AI modellen oceanen afspeuren om Russische olie te weren uit Europese havens

Sinds de start van de oorlog in Oekraïne heeft de Europese Commissie verschillende sanctiepakketten uitgerold. De economische impact van deze sancties op Rusland is significant en partijen aan Rusland gelieerd en/of op zoek naar commercieel gewin, zoeken voortdurend naar manieren om die sancties te omzeilen. Dit heeft ertoe geleid dat

Corinna Klaes 0
Der Hype um Retail Media: Großes Potential und großes Risiko zugleich?

Retail Media beschreibt eine Plattform, die von einem Einzelhändler oder Hersteller betrieben wird, um ihre eigenen Produkte online zu verkaufen. Darüber hinaus haben jedoch auch Drittanbieter die Möglichkeit über Werbeeinbuchungen ihre Produkte auf dieser Plattform anzubieten. Dies ermöglicht natürlich auf der einen Seite die Vergrößerung des Sortiments und auch der

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Cloud | Customer Intelligence | Data Management
Antonio Calvo 0
Los datos deberían ser el activo más valioso de la cuenta de resultados de la distribución y empresas de gran consumo

Actualmente los datos de la gran distribución no forman parte de la cuenta de resultados, pero es el activo que deberían monetizar con mayor urgencia. Gracias a este análisis avanzado se puede mejorar el margen de la compañía y aumentar la eficiencia de diferentes procesos. En este artículo vamos a

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Artificial Intelligence
Ivan Fernando Herrera 0
El impacto de la inteligencia analítica en los programas de AML

Durante mucho tiempo, los bancos han tenido dificultades para detectar las transacciones ilícitas entre la multitud de transacciones que procesan a diario. Esto pasa por lo general porque los delincuentes mueven el dinero de manera rápida de una institución a otra para cubrir sus huellas, dejando a los investigadores financieros

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Students & Educators
Brock Matthews 0
Innovative higher education analytics projects and influential tech leaders honored by EdScoop

Higher Education has been slow to adopt analytics in comparison to the commercial sector, but those institutions that have embraced a culture of analytics have seen significant and tangible results. Higher Education analytics can help in nearly every corner of academia including enrollment and retention, student success, academic research and

Fraud & Security Intelligence
Stephane Goddé 0
Reducing tax evasion and fraud: the importance of cooperation

It is often said that cooperation is key to addressing big, intractable problems. The European Union recently highlighted this with amendments to the Administrative Tax Cooperation Directive. These amendments are designed to improve cooperation between tax authorities on administrative tax and reduce tax evasion and tax fraud.[1] Increasing information exchange

Artificial Intelligence | Data for Good | Learn SAS
Reggie Townsend 0
Next generation of responsible AI innovators tackle real-world challenges with AI4ALL and SAS

As head of the SAS Data Ethics Practice, I spend a lot of time contemplating the social implications of AI. Considering its benefits like augmenting medical decisions and pitfalls, making decisions based on biased data results in dire consequences for patients. Such implications have the potential to impact society in a variety

Analytics | Machine Learning
Charlie Chase 0
How life science and health care supply chains can adapt to disruption

Robert Handfield, PhD, is a distinguished professor of Supply Chain Management at North Carolina State University and Director of the Supply Chain Resource Cooperative. In an episode of the Health Pulse Podcast, Handfield gave his views regarding the challenges health care and life science companies have encountered over the past two years

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Data Visualization
Carlos Pinheiro 0
Vehicle Routing Problem - A beer distribution example in Asheville

The Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) algorithm aims to find optimal routes for one or multiple vehicles visiting a set of locations and delivering a specific amount of goods demanded by these locations. Problems related to the distribution of goods, normally between warehouses and customers or stores, are generally considered vehicle routing problems. For this article's example, let’s consider a real (and awesome) brewery that needs to deliver beer kegs to different bars and restaurants throughout multiple locations.

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Risk Management
Joe Nyangon 0
How new regulations could streamline climate-related financial risk disclosures

Today’s investors are eager to understand the climate-related risks of their business investments, not just because they are becoming more climate-conscious but also because climate-related risk can bring financial risk. A newly proposed rule in the US aims to bring more transparency to those risks. In March, the US Securities

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