Search Results: INSURANCE (512)

Artificial Intelligence | Risk Management
Colin Bristow 0
How can technology help insurers with the fight against money laundering?

Money laundering is a growing threat within the insurance industry. The regulatory framework within banking is adding stronger controls and governance processes which will encourage launderers to seek alternative areas to launder funds. While insurance presents a different type of Anti-Money Laundering (AML) risk, the risks still exist. Long considered

Advanced Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Machine Learning
Isidoro García 0
Cuatro claves para el futuro del sector Seguros

En los últimos años estamos asistiendo a una profunda transformación del sector Seguros, impulsada fundamentalmente por la tecnología. Gracias a ella, las organizaciones ya disponen de información de gran valor que les permite adoptar un enfoque mucho más centrado en el cliente e incluso anticiparse a sus necesidades.  Pero para

Analytics | Data for Good | Students & Educators
Alyssa Farrell 0
Addressing health inequities and closing the cancer care gap with data and technology

Inequities in cancer care cause specific populations in the U.S. and worldwide to bear a more significant burden of disease than the general population, based upon barriers. These barriers to prevention and care have long existed but were undeniably exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. February 4 marks World Cancer Day, which

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Risk Management
Paul Ridge 0
A risk worth taking: Making data a company’s best friend, not its most costly mistake

Within both the business world and our personal lives, data is becoming increasingly intrinsic to everything we do. Whether it’s picking which restaurant to order from, a tailored advert or figuring out the quickest route home, data is a part of our everyday decision making. For businesses, the value of

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Artificial Intelligence
Alianza entre SAS e INIF: la manera más inteligente de prevenir y detectar fraudes en seguros en Colombia

El fraude es considerado el principal flagelo del sector asegurador en la actualidad. Un estudio publicado por la Asociación de Certificadores de Fraude de Estados Unidos (ACFE) habla de pérdidas estima las pérdidas anuales por fraude en 3.600 millones de dólares y eso solo tomando en cuenta cerca de 2.500

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