SAS® supports the creation of deep neural network models. Examples of these models include convolutional neural networks, recurrent neural networks, feedforward neural networks and autoencoder neural networks. Let’s examine in more detail how SAS creates deep learning models using SAS® Visual Data Mining and Machine Learning. Deep learning models with
Search Results: Visual Analytics (1617)
Last week at SAS Global Forum, SAS launched a new solution for law enforcement. Powered by SAS® Visual Investigator, SAS® Intelligence and Investigation Management helps agencies integrate information to uncover sophisticated criminal activity, make connections in real time, and enhance collaboration in investigations. Data and analytics can provide tremendous value
Data and analytics touch our lives every day. Consider: A call from your bank warning of a suspicious transaction. A well-timed discounted offer for something you need. Most people realize that data and analytics are behind these things, but they remain on the periphery of mainstream conversations. We need to
SAS Global Forum (Denver, April 8-11) Join over 5000 attendees at the biggest SAS event of the year, and see how SAS is embedding more artificial intelligence and automation into the SAS Platform. See the SAS Forecasting and Econometrics Community for the huge list of forecasting, econometrics, and time series
Inspired by curiosity and backed by the most powerful analytics in the world, SAS discovers a new planet in our Solar system. See how we used SAS Viya to make this historic discovery.
Learn about the new feature of SAS Viya 3.3 that enables Kerberos delegation throughout the environment. It allows you to have end-user sessions in SAS Cloud Analytics Services that are able to use Kerberos to connect to Secured Hadoop.
We have updated our software for improved interpretability since this post was written. For the latest on this topic, read our new series on model-agnostic interpretability. Don`t jump into modelling. First, understand and explore your data! This is common advice for many data scientists. If your data set is messy,
I bet many of you didn’t even know the term machine learning five years ago. But Gartner did. The Gartner Magic Quadrant for Data Science and Machine Learning Platforms, 2018 was just released, and SAS has been in the leader’s quadrant for five years straight. According to Gartner, “This Magic
인공지능 활용 엔터프라이즈 분석 가능한 ‘SAS 플랫폼’ 최신 오퍼링 출시 SAS 코리아, 최신 머신러닝·자연어처리 등 인공지능(AI) 활용 분석 기능 강화 머신러닝·자연어처리로 비정형 데이터 가치 극대화 및 전 과정 시각화하는 엔드투엔드 비주얼 환경 제공 웹 인터페이스로 전체 분석 라이프사이클을 통합하고, 초보자부터 전문가까지 전사 협업 지원 미국적십자사·시스코·뮌헨재보험 등 도입… 분석 인사이트로 비즈니스
Part 5 of this series brings us to Rotterdam again, where I met with the two Notilyze founders Colin Nugteren and Tom Dogger. Both of them studied econometrics in Rotterdam, but go back as far as the F4 soccer team they were both playing in as kids. Company overview The
우리 모두가 개인 비서의 도움을 받는 세상, 상상이 가시나요? 어쩌면 빠르게 다가올지도 모르겠습니다. 바로 가상 비서, 챗봇 기술의 발전 덕분인데요! 챗봇(chatbot)은 채팅(chatting)과 로봇(robot)의 합성어로 자연어 처리(NLP; Natural Language Processing)와 인공지능(AI)을 이용해 사람과의 대화를 시뮬레이션하고 응답을 도출하는 컴퓨터 프로그램입니다. 쉽게 말해 사람의 이야기에 알맞은 답이나 정보를 제공할 수 있는 기계죠. 단순하고 자동화된 작업을 처리할
If you have worked with the different types of score code generated by the high-performance modeling nodes in SAS® Enterprise Miner™ 14.1, you have probably come across the Analytic Store (or ASTORE) file type for scoring. The ASTOREfile type works very well for scoring complex machine learning models like random
2018 lo iniciamos con fuerzas e ideas renovadas para desarrollar y alcanzar nuevas metas tanto en el ámbito personal como el empresarial. Particularmente, en este año nos enfrentamos al desafío de cumplir con las nuevas regulaciones impuestas por la Comisión Nacional Bancaria y de Valores (CNBV) y sus implicaciones inmediatas,
음악 추천부터 대출 심사, 직원 평가, 암 진단까지 현대 사회는 인공지능(AI)과 머신러닝 기반의 애플리케이션에 둘러싸여 있습니다. 기계가 사람을 대신해 내린 의사결정에 점점 더 많은 영향을 받고 있는데요. 일상적인 것부터 사람의 목숨이 걸린 중대한 의사결정에 이르기까지 우리는 머신러닝 모델에 수많은 질문을 던집니다. 이때 질문에 대한 답변은 ‘예측 모델’이 결정합니다. 생소하고 어려운 개념인데요. 데이터
Have you ever played the lottery? Have you ever heard people bragging about all the money they've won? Does it make you want to play? ... We've had an Education Lottery here in North Carolina for over 10 years, but I still didn't really know much about it - therefore I
금융소비자보호국, 불공정 행위로부터 소비자 보호 버락 오바마 미국 전 대통령은 2008년 글로벌 금융 위기 이후 소비자 보호를 강화하고, 금융 업계를 규제함으로써 사태 재발을 막기 위해 다양한 노력을 기울였습니다. 그 중 하나가 바로 2011년 월스트리트에 대한 연방 감독 기구로 출범한 미국 금융소비자보호국(CFPB; Consumer Financial Protection Bureau)인데요. 금융소비자보호국은 소비자를 불공정 행위, 사기, 권력
Welche Veränderungen bringt 2018 im Datenmanagement? Ich habe Experten nach ihrer Meinung zu den Technologietrends 2018 gefragt und sie mit meinen eigenen Erwartungen verglichen. Herauskristallisiert haben sich fünf große Trends, die uns meiner Ansicht nach dieses Jahr im Datenmanagement begleiten: 1. Datenbewegung wird wichtiger Cloud-Anbieter haben bereits gezeigt, wie einfach es
데이터 분석으로 청소년 자살을 예방할 수 있을까요? 캐나다 통계청에 따르면, 2011년 25세 미만의 캐나다인 사망자 중 5분의 1은 자살로 생을 마감했습니다. 자살은 캐나다 청년층의 두 번째 사망 원인으로 매우 심각한 사회 문제인데요. 특히 캐나다정신건강협회(Canadian Mental Health Association)에 의하면 15-24세의 자살 사망률은 선진국 가운데 세 번째로 높은 24%에 달합니다. 이러한 청년층 자살을
At a time of unprecedented financial challenges – from payment shifts and regulatory mandates to aging populations – our nation’s hospitals are awash in data. Clearly, there is a need for analytics capabilities to make health care more efficient, cost-effective and satisfying to patients and providers alike. In the October
최근 영국 유력지 파이낸셜타임스(FT)는 미국 음료 업체인 ‘롱 아일랜드 아이스 티(Long Island Iced Tea Corp)’가 자사의 이름을 ‘롱 블록체인(Long Blockchain)’으로 바꾸겠다고 발표하자 주가가 하루 만에 500% 급등했다고 보도했습니다. 비트코인을 필두로 시작된 블록체인 열풍은 가상화폐 시장을 넘어 전체 산업과 기업에 영향을 미치고 있는데요. 이러한 현상을 두고 블룸버그는 20년 전 모든 기업이 저마다 인터넷
Me gustaría que se situara algunos años atrás, cuando cursaba algún grado de primaria, su madre seguramente trataba de que llegara con bien a la escuela y que no perdiera las prendas, en especial el suéter que traía bordado su nombre, estoy completamente segura de que en alguna ocasión lo llegó
If you're preparing a big Thanksgiving dinner, then you don't want to leave out the most popular side dish, do you?!? But what is the most popular side dish? ... If you don't already know, then perhaps some data & analytics can help! But before we get started, here's a
It's easier said than done to be a data-driven business, but the squeeze is worth the juice.
Es claro que este año que está por finalizar ha traído grandes cambios para todo el mundo en cuanto a transformación digital se trata, se estructuraron cambios en las industrias, la economía e incluso las formas de comunicación con sus clientes. Pero la tecnología no se detiene y cada día
Es claro que este año que está por finalizar ha traído grandes cambios para todo el mundo en cuanto a transformación digital se trata, se estructuraron cambios en las industrias, la economía e incluso las formas de comunicación con sus clientes. Pero la tecnología no se detiene y cada día que pasa
Nearly two years ago, we launched the Bright Data blog platform to serve the Central East Europe region of SAS. It was designed to enable us to discuss and share ideas with customers in the region, around issues such as analytics, customer intelligence, risk and data management. And, indeed, Bright
To do their jobs well, Joyce Norris-Montanari says users doing analytical data preparation need access to both standardized and raw data.
David Loshin describes how data as a service supports fast deployment, easy accessibility and data reuse.
What’s new and what’s on the horizon for machine learning and analytics? We asked Kirk Borne, Principal Data Scientist and Executive Advisor at Booz Allen Hamilton, what machine learning technologies he’s watching. He focused his reply on applications, not algorithms. “When I think about what’s new and coming up, I
I have been working in the field of Professional Certification and Licensure for roughly 10 years. In that time, I've worked with and observed close to 40 IT certification programs and there has been a recurring question I've encountered at each stop. While it is often phrased differently, it means mostly the same