Data Visualization

Get the right information, with visual impact, to the people who need it

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
Image backgrounds

As many of the regular readers of this blog know, SGPLOT and GTL, provide extensive tools to build complex graphs by layering plot statements together.  These plots work with axes, legends and attribute maps to create graphs that can scale easily to different data. There are, however, many instances where

Analytics | Data Visualization
대덕전자, ‘빅데이터 시각화’를 통해 제조 품질 극대화

최근 금융, 통신, 자동차, 공공, 리테일, 교육 등 모든 산업을 관통하고 있는 한 단어가 있습니다. 바로 4차 산업혁명인데요. 빅데이터, 사물인터넷(IoT), 인공지능(머신러닝), 로봇 등 첨단 ICT 기술의 융합으로 완성되는 4차 산업혁명은 미래 산업의 필수 성장 동력으로 자리잡았습니다. 그 중에서도 특히 제조업은 이른바 ‘인더스트리 4.0’의 촉발과 함께 그 새로운 혁명의 시작을 알렸는데요.

Analytics | Data Management | Data Visualization
Georgia Mariani 0
6 examples of data management, reporting and analytics in higher education

Today in higher education, savvy users expect to have the information they need to make data-informed decisions at their fingertips. As such, leaders in institutional research (IR) are under pressure to provide these users with accurate data, reports and analyses. IR has been tasked with transforming data and reports in

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
Stem and Leaf plot

A Stem and Leaf plot is a visual that can help quickly visualize the distribution of the data.  This graph was particularly useful before the advent of modern statistical graphs including the Histogram and Box Plot.  One nice feature of the plot is it shows the actual values in the

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
Scatter with mean value

A frequently requested statistical graph is the scatter plot by with discrete categories along with mean value for each category.  Searching for a "Scatter with Mean" will return a lot of requests for such a graph in SAS, Stata, R and other statistical software. Such a graph is very easy

Advanced Analytics | Data Management | Data Visualization
Interview 0
Gastinterview mit adesso AG Marius Gödtel " Versicherer brauchen schnelle Reportings "

Unser Interviewpartner Marius Gödtel ist Leiter des Competence Centers Business Intelligence IT-Consulting  bei der adesso AG, einem IT-Dienstleister im BI-Umfeld. Marius Gödtel ist ehemaliger Geschäftsführer der flitcon GmbH, die seit 01. Juli 2016 Teil der adesso AG ist. Herr Gödtel, wie präsentieren Sie die adesso AG auf dem SAS Forum in

Advanced Analytics | Data Management | Data Visualization | Learn SAS
Michela Guerra 0
Digital Learning per una nuova esperienza di apprendimento digitale

La digital transformation spazza come un vento tutti i settori industriali e promette di essere un motore per la competitività, la produttività e l’occupazione. Investire sul miglioramento delle competenze e il rafforzamento dei profili professionali è il punto di partenza per attuare la trasformazione di cui tanto si parla. Partendo

Analytics | Data Management | Data Visualization
Michael Rabin 0
Digitalisierung bei Versicherungen: Schritttempo ist auch Geschwindigkeit

Fühlen Sie sich bei Ihrer Versicherung online abgeholt? Am besten 24/7? Was andere Branchen und InsurTechs bereits vormachen, ist bei Versicherungen noch nicht gang und gäbe: die Digitalisierung des Geschäfts. Dabei liegen gerade bei Versicherern die perfekten Bedingungen dafür vor: viele Daten, viele Prozesse, viele Produkte und viele online-affine Kunden.

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