A pocos días de que Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) asumiera formalmente la presidencia de México, su administración envió a la Cámara de Diputados su propuesta de Egresos de la Federación para 2019, la cual asciende a $5.6 billones de pesos, 321 millones más de la correspondiente a 2018, cuando
Tag: analytics
Encouraging data sharing can sometimes feel like refereeing kids on Christmas morning. “Mom said you have to SHARE!” my sister bawled, grabbing at the Game Boy in my hand as I held the toy just out of her reach. I had just gotten it as a Christmas present and had
SAS for Mixed Models: Introduction to Basic Applications takes you step-by-step through the journey of creating models, enabling you to transform scores of data into actionable insights.
Típicamente, durante los dos últimos meses del año en las tiendas, centros comerciales y mercados se observan aglomeraciones para adquirir todo tipo de mercancías: regalos, juguetes, dispositivos electrónicos, videojuegos, ropa, vinos y, por supuesto, los alimentos con los que celebrarán las familias la Noche Buena y recibirán el 2019. Asimismo,
The data revolution is causing disruption everywhere. Even governments are feeling the effects. While the public sector may be less prepared for the impending changes, government has good reasons to embrace the data revolution. First, governments have been collecting data for years. They have lots of data. This supports programs,
Creative government workforce approaches come in many forms. Some time ago, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) offered employees an interesting choice to incentivize them to stay. Employees could either telework from home one day per week or receive $1,000. As Jon Lemon, principal industry consultant at SAS told the
La devastación que provocó la crisis financiera de hace una década, que alcanzó a las principales economías del mundo y contagió al resto, dio origen a modificaciones y actualizaciones en las Normas Internacionales de Información Financiera (NIIF). En particular, me centraré en la NIIF 9 (o IFRS 9, International Financial
In this blog series, we’ve spoken directly to professors to find out why it’s so important to teach analytics, their advice for students, and to learn how they create interest in analytics programs at their universities. For this third and final post, we’ll hear how SAS has played a role
The opioid epidemic continues to be one of the largest challenges facing the United States. In 2016, more than 42,000 Americans died from opioid overdoses, and that number continues to climb. Recent data shows that more than 130 people die every day in the United States after overdosing on opioids,
Está próximo a celebrarse en México (el 27 de noviembre) Hot Sale, evento anual cuyo propósito es impulsar las ventas de productos de consumo en línea a través de ofertas, descuentos y promociones especiales. Organizado por la Asociación Mexicana de Ventas en Línea (AMVO), la Asociación Mexicana de Internet (AMIPCI)
Blockchain es una tecnología que tradicionalmente se ha asociado a la industria financiera por ser la base que permitió la creación y consolidación del Bitcoin, la famosa criptomoneda. A grandes rasgos, Blockchain es una base de datos distribuida y segura (gracias al cifrado), utilizada para almacenar todo tipo de transacciones,
La duda es uno de los nombres de la inteligencia. - Borges Para data scientist/analistas de datos/viejos mineros/lobos de mar. En los comienzos de nuestra carrera de data scientists, el poder de cómputo era muy inferior al que disponemos hoy. Sin embargo, muchas empresas ya veían el enorme potencial de
Healthcare fraud is alive and well. Honesty is dead and gone. There, I’ve said it. What else are we to take from surveys that find that 27% of people would sell their work passwords...44% of them for less than $1,000?* What does it mean that 37% of survey respondents think
In my first two posts of this blog series, we heard why two students chose to pursue a STEM field and what appealed to them about data science. We also heard how they put their knowledge to work on a real-world data science project. Today, we'll hear their advice to future
In many grocery stores throughout the country, the acronym “WIC” accompanies a number of the food items on the shelves. The letters stand for the federal “Women, Infants and Children” program that provides nutritional food to pregnant women and their young children who are in need. While this is a
SAS is launching the SAS Student Series, which bundles thousands of dollars’ worth of training and certification materials into an affordable package for university students and recent graduates.
One would expect analytics in government to be a hot topic at a SAS government event. What the crowd didn't see coming was Margaret Weichert, Acting Director of the US Office of Personnel Management and Deputy Director for Management at the Office of Management and Budget, touting her ability to
Emerging technologies enable retailers to differentiate with data and analytics that enhance the customer experience. In four key ways, retailers can partner with the analytics using data associated with past and present interactions and, through systemic innovation capitalize on future customer interactions.
¿Quién, en ocasiones festivas y/o momentos especiales, no ha escuchado o repetido alguna vez y casi de manera automática: “Brindo por la salud”, “Lo importante es la salud, lo demás va y viene”? Al parecer, son escasos los momentos de nuestra vida, donde nos acordamos de nuestra propia salud, salvo
What skills will students need in order to pursue a lucrative career in analytics? I recently interviewed two professors to find out. In my first post, the professors discussed the importance of teaching and learning analytics. Today, we'll hear their top advice for students studying analytics, such as: get a
El popular dicho español ‘El que mucho abarca poco aprieta’ ha cobrado gran relevancia en la era del análisis de datos. Cuando los data scientists, data analysts, y analistas en general realizan modelos para predecir comportamientos, tendencias, patrones, etc. se enfrentan ante el desafío de abarcar lo suficiente para apretar
We hear a lot about data science nowadays, but do you ever wonder how it’s being used to help solve real-world problems? In my first post of this blog series, we heard why two students chose to pursue a STEM field and what appealed to them about data science. Today, we'll hear
An abundance of data does not equal an abundance of wisdom. At the SAS Government Leadership Forum, leaders from federal, state and local agencies will discuss how analytics can bridge the gap between data and wisdom to make meaningful changes in how government operates. Analytics, however, is not just about
El Estudio de Evasión Fiscal Global, realizado por la Universidad de las Américas Puebla (UDLAP), por encargo del SAT, revela que la evasión fiscal le cuesta a México alrededor de $510,000 millones de pesos, particularmente en rubros como el impuesto sobre la renta, el impuesto al valor agregado y combustibles
“Antes de correr, hay que aprender a caminar” es una consigna que hemos escuchado en diferentes momentos. Sin duda, fue una recomendación hecha por nuestros padres, y hoy vuelve a resonar cuando queremos emprender enormes proyectos de innovación e implementar las últimas novedades y tendencias tecnológicas en nuestras organizaciones. Muchos
Once a disaster is over, and the frenzy of news stories and social media posts has subsided, it can seem like the crisis has passed. However, for those Hurricane Florence survivors left with ruined homes and businesses, damaged schools and buildings, there remains a struggle to return to normalcy. As
I often get asked for programming tips. Here, I share three of my favorite tips for beginners. Tip #1: COUNTC and CATS Functions Together The CATS function concatenates all of its arguments after it strips leading and trailing blanks. The COUNTC function counts characters. Together, they can let you operate
About two-thirds of the way through her Analytics Experience presentation, Dr. Tricia Wang showed a video from Frans de Waal, a world-renowned primatologist. The video showed two monkeys receiving rewards for giving a researcher a rock. Each time a monkey handed over a rock it received a piece of cucumber.
If you use SAS Visual Analytics and don’t have the SAS Visual Analytics app, you're missing out on a ton of convenience and interaction you could be having while on-the-go. This post outlines the app highlights.