Tag: predictive analytics

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Data Management | Data Visualization | Learn SAS | Machine Learning | Students & Educators
Gonzalo Quintana 0
Formando a la Próxima Generación de Analistas: mentoring de SAS en la UC3M

En el vertiginoso mundo de la analítica, la teoría es fundamental, pero la experiencia práctica es la que realmente marca la diferencia. En SAS, lo sabemos bien. Por eso, hemos forjado una alianza estratégica con la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid para impulsar el talento emergente, brindándoles la oportunidad de

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Data Management | Data Visualization
Charlie Chase 0
Misnomers regarding outliers and their usefulness in statistical modeling

Outliers provide much-needed insights into the actual relationships that influence the demand for products in the marketplace. They are particularly useful when modeling consumer behavior where abnormalities are common occurrences or unforeseen disruptions that impact consumer demand. But why do demand planners cleanse out outliers, when many are not really

Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Internet of Things | Machine Learning
Charlie Chase 0
Practical approaches to new product forecasting using structured and unstructured data

When it comes to forecasting new product launches, executives say that it's a frustrating, almost futile, effort. The reason? Minimal data, limited analytic capabilities and a general uncertainty surrounding a new product launch. Not to mention the ever-changing marketplace. Nevertheless, companies cannot disregard the need for a new product forecast

Analytics | Data Visualization
Gregor Herrmann 0
BI ist tot? Noch lange nicht!

Die Diskussionen im IT-Umfeld kreisen heute vorwiegend um Trendthemen wie künstliche Intelligenz (KI), Machine Learning, Chatbots, Blockchain oder Hackathons. Von Business Intelligence (BI) ist kaum noch die Rede. Bedeutet das also, dass diese inzwischen überflüssig ist?  Die Antwort auf diese Frage lautet definitiv: nein. Dennoch lohnt sich ein genauerer Blick,

Analytics | Data Management | Data Visualization
Georgia Mariani 0
6 examples of data management, reporting and analytics in higher education

Today in higher education, savvy users expect to have the information they need to make data-informed decisions at their fingertips. As such, leaders in institutional research (IR) are under pressure to provide these users with accurate data, reports and analyses. IR has been tasked with transforming data and reports in

Jennifer Bell 0
Rural school district wields predictive analytics to open doors for first generation college students

This predictive analytics post continues a blog series that highlights education leaders sharing successes and challenges of using data to drive school improvement. Sampson County Schools is a small rural school district in southeastern North Carolina. While overall graduation rates in the county were improving, one school wanted to do

Jennifer Bell 0
Pennsylvania principal uses student projections to foster academic success for more students

This student projections post kicks off a series highlighting education leaders sharing the celebrations, and challenges, of using data to drive school improvement. These are real teachers, principals and superintendents working to foster academic growth for every student in their schools and districts. As we near the end of the first

Risk Management
Ian Jones 0
All quiet on the Barnett Front

The Barnett Shale in North Texas hit a historic mark on April 25: Its rig count fell to zero. Two hundred rigs once harvested the 40 trillion cubic feet of natural gas in this massive basin, stretching beneath 17 Texas counties. Today, nothing. This dramatic silence in North America’s second-largest