Light lengthens the day and allows us more time to learn, socialize, contemplate and create. Exploring NASA nighttime satellite images shows how illumination patterns have changed over time. Increases and decreases in illumination show the effects of human civilization on earth. From population collapse and destruction in war zones to economic
Tag: Business Intelligence
You will not find an object in SAS Visual Analytics named Dynamic Text. Instead, you will find a Text object that allows you to insert dynamically driven data items. By using the Text object’s dynamic capabilities you can build custom report titles, object titles, emphasize measures and even supply the last modified time of the data source in your SAS Visual Analytics Report. In this post, I will outline the ways how you can leverage Dynamic Text in a SAS Visual Analytics Report.
Part 6 of this series takes us to the first Dutch SAS partner, PW Consulting, where I talked with Technical Director Willem Boersma, Data Scientist Wouter Hordijk and Sales Manager Jeroen de Nooijer. Company overview PW Consulting was founded in 1988, one year after SAS Netherlands opened. For those who
Analyzing ticket sales and customer data for large sports and entertainment events is a complex endeavor. But SAS Visual Analytics makes it easy, with location analytics, customer segmentation, predictive artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities – and more. This blog post covers a brief overview of these features by using a fictitious event company
SAS Visual Analytics filters in 7.4 and 8.2 enable you to improve the appearance of reports based on calculations that use periodic operators. Parameter settings also enable you to provide users with a prompt for choosing the data to display in a report, without having any effect on the calculations themselves.
Die Diskussionen im IT-Umfeld kreisen heute vorwiegend um Trendthemen wie künstliche Intelligenz (KI), Machine Learning, Chatbots, Blockchain oder Hackathons. Von Business Intelligence (BI) ist kaum noch die Rede. Bedeutet das also, dass diese inzwischen überflüssig ist? Die Antwort auf diese Frage lautet definitiv: nein. Dennoch lohnt sich ein genauerer Blick,
De acuerdo a estudios realizados por la consultora Nielsen en 2017, en Colombia, 51% de los compradores aún no tiene tarjetas de fidelización, una herramienta clave a la hora de obtener datos y aprovechar los servicios de analítica; sin embargo, esto representa una gran oportunidad para los minoristas y los
Desde hace algunos años, principalmente en Estados Unidos, los datos de los electores empezaron a ser utilizados por los partidos políticos para enviar mensajes claros y directos de acuerdo a los perfiles de los votantes, incluso para muchos esta técnica garantizó la elección de Obama y Trump como presidentes; sin
SAS Visual Analytics 8.2 introduces the Hidden Data Role. This role can accept one or more category or date data items which will be included in the query results but will not be displayed with the object. You can use this Hidden Data Role in: Mapping Data Sources. Color-Mapped Display
La atención a los ciudadanos es una preocupación y prioridad creciente en los gobiernos de casi todo el mundo. Las administraciones, sin importar origen político no sólo buscan mejorar la vinculación con los ciudadanos sino incrementar la eficiencia, promover transparencia y desarrollar procesos menos engorrosos y burocráticos que obviamente reducen
Let’s say that you are administering a SAS 9.4 environment that is working just fine. You’ve checked that your full backups are indeed happening and you’ve even tried restoring from one of your backups. You are prepared for anything, right? Well, I’d like to propose a scenario to you. You
By default, SAS Visual Analytics 7.4 supports country and state level polygons for regional geomaps. In SAS Visual Analytics 7.4, custom shape files are now supported, as well. This means that if a site has their own custom polygon data that defines custom regions, it’s possible to create a region
Another report requirement came my way and I wanted to share how to use our Visual Analytics’ out-of-the-box relative period calculations to solve it. Essentially, we had a customer who wanted to see a metric for every month, the previous month’s value next to it, and lastly the difference between
SAS Visual Analytics 7.4 has added the support for date parameters. Recall from my first post, Using parameters in SAS Visual Analytics, a parameter is a variable whose value can be changed at any time by the report viewer and referenced by other report objects. These objects can be a
Something Stupid – eines der berühmtesten musikalischen Duette von Frank Sinatra und seiner Tochter Nancy kennt wahrscheinlich jeder. Ein anderes Duett hat sich in den letzten Jahren im Datenanalyse-Umfeld zusammengetan – Business Intelligence und Advanced Analytics. Ob das „something stupid“ oder doch eine ganz smarte Idee ist, wird in diesem
“Es una apuesta de la compañía”. Con esta frase, muchas empresas de la industria de bienes de consumo (CPG, por sus siglas en inglés) describen su decisión de introducir un nuevo producto al mercado. En el enunciado, la referencia al juego no es gratuita. En este sector, lanzar una novedad,
Unser Interviewpartner Marius Gödtel ist Leiter des Competence Centers Business Intelligence IT-Consulting bei der adesso AG, einem IT-Dienstleister im BI-Umfeld. Marius Gödtel ist ehemaliger Geschäftsführer der flitcon GmbH, die seit 01. Juli 2016 Teil der adesso AG ist. Herr Gödtel, wie präsentieren Sie die adesso AG auf dem SAS Forum in
For many years the humble spreadsheet has held many different roles and responsibilities supporting finance, marketing, sales -- pretty much every department in your business. There's always someone with a “magic spreadsheet,” but how effective is this culture that always uses the same format to consume data? My view of
Los datos no conocen fronteras. Este concepto enmarcó la edición número 42 del SAS Global Forum, el evento de analítica más grande del mundo que atrajo a más de 30.000 asistentes presenciales y virtuales. Durante cuatro días, profesionales de negocio y amantes de la tecnología, tuvimos la oportunidad de intercambiar
Earth is an explosive world! Data from the Smithsonian Institution's Global Volcanism Program (GVP) documents Earth's volcanoes and their eruptive history over the past 10,000 years. The GVP database includes the names, locations, types, and features of more than 1,500 volcanoes. Let's look closer into volcanic eruptions across the globe
How many meteorites have hit the earth in the last 4,000 years? Where have they landed? And which ones were the biggest? Can we show all of this information - and more in an intuitive data visualization? It turns out NASA provides public data about recorded meteorite impacts on earth all the
4 dominant trends can be distinguished in the development of Business Intelligence tools and in the way they are used in modern organisations. These trends will evolve into directions of development for these tools, changing their role in supporting decision processes and building competitive advantages. Trend 1: Self-service models The
¿Cómo alcanzar el éxito empresarial basándose en la analítica y gestión información? Esta es una pregunta que resulta común en las compañías cuando se está considerando la adquisición de algún servicio de Business Intelligence, y la pregunta puede responderse planteando una nueva interrogante ¿cómo podría usted o su equipo tomar acertadas
A lo largo de más de 40 años apoyando el crecimiento de su negocio, con nuestras soluciones de Analítica Empresarial, hemos forjado un fuerte compromiso con nuestros socios de negocio: ser un socio confiable y no sólo un proveedor. Siendo líderes en el mercado en soluciones Analíticas, tenemos claro que
Consumers want content 24 hours a day, seven days a week, all around the world. It's a tall order for media & entertainment (M&E) companies and a 180 degree shift from days past. How do they provide enough content to meet demand? Audiences are binge watching over-the-top (OTT) programming, creating
Analysts often use a simple moving average to get an idea of the trends in data. This is simply an average of a subset of time periods, and the size of the subset can differ depending on the application. The technique can be used with data based on time periods,
Big-Data-Themen und die damit verbundene Datenanalyse werden für Unternehmen immer wichtiger. Wie in meinem vorherigen Blog ausgeführt, ist Big Data (Analytics) deutlich mehr als einfach nur Business Intelligence für große Datenmengen. Stattdessen bilden sie die Basis für neue Geschäftsmodelle und Erfolg oder Misserfolg von Unternehmen oder gar ganzen Branchen.
Reference lines on a visualization are used to help identify goals or targets, acceptable or unacceptable ranges, etc; basically any metric that puts a frame of reference around the values on the visualization. The Percent of Total of a metric is used to help identify a part-to-whole relationship. It answers
.@philsimon with some recommendations on modernization.
Stellen Sie sich vor, Sie sind frühmorgens mit dem Auto „ab in den Urlaub“ gefahren. Durch vorausschauende Routenplanung sind Sie den größten Staurisiken glücklich ausgewichen und nähern sich bei geschätzten 38°C der letzten Landesgrenze vor Ihrem Urlaubsziel. Die ganze Familie sitzt mit ausgelassener Stimmung im vollgepackten Auto. Die Kinder auf