
Work & Life at SAS
Alyssa Grube 0
Our SAS Culture Code

Assessing a company from the outside can be tricky business – but it shouldn’t be. That’s why we’re kicking off a series to pull back the curtain on the #saslife. From our values to our vision and (almost) everything in between, we’re giving a transparent look at what it’s really like to

Catherine (Cat) Truxillo 0
5 keys to building stronger analytics teams

With so much complexity and change in the marketplace, organizations worldwide are leveraging opportunities to make better predictions, identify solutions and take strategic, proactive steps forward – which means that they increasingly depend on big data. In their quest for organizational resilience, however, companies find that numbers aren’t necessarily the secret

Advanced Analytics
Kevin Scott 0
Improving the detection of level shifts using the median filter

Time series data is widely used in various fields, such as finance, economics, and engineering. One of the key challenges when working with time series data is detecting level shifts. A level shift occurs when the time series’ mean and/or variance changes abruptly. These shifts can significantly impact the analysis and forecasting of the time series and must be detected and handled properly.

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Cloud | SAS Events
Lexi Regalado 0
4 ways you might not realize advanced analytics is changing the world

The word innovation often draws to mind images of self-driving cars, new phones, and shiny tech. Yet, innovation often happens behind the scenes, especially in advanced analytics. Around the world, industries like healthcare, government, banking, manufacturing, and more rely on the latest advancements in analytics. At SAS Explore, an event for

Analytics | Data Visualization | Learn SAS
Rick Wicklin 0
Visualize how parameters in a binary logistic regression model affect the probability of the event

A previous article shows that you can use the Intercept parameter to control the ratio of events to nonevents in a simulation of data from a logistic regression model. If you decrease the intercept parameter, the probability of the event decreases; if you increase the intercept parameter, the probability of

Analytics | Programming Tips
Rick Wicklin 0
Simulate data from a logistic regression model: How the intercept parameter affects the probability of the event

This article shows that you can use the intercept parameter to control the probability of the event in a simulation study that involves a binary logistic regression model. For simplicity, I will simulate data from a logistic regression model that involves only one explanatory variable, but the main idea applies

Kayla Woitkowski 0
6 reasons why hiring early-career talent may be a strategy to explore

Determining the “right” talent strategy for an organization isn’t easy. Diverse projects and priorities demand various levels of knowledge, skills and experiences to achieve the end goal. Talent planning requires assessing current employees and unearthing the gaps to identify what’s needed to meet business demands. Specific and extensive knowledge and

Mike Turner 0
Knowing your customer: how the telecoms industry can weather a squeeze on consumer spending

With the cost-of-living crisis continuing and the UK now in a recession, industries have to acclimatise to shifting market trends and consumer behaviour to maintain revenue and hit sales targets. The telecommunications industry is susceptible to consumers’ different priorities in times of economic hardship - many consumers will stick with

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