As a dietitian/nutritionist the majority of my focus is on how food impacts our bodies and our health. But it is so important to also recognize the global impact of our food choices. We need to not just include our health in the decision, but also the biodiversity of the
At SAS, where you start doesn’t have to be where you end; and there’s ample opportunity for internal career mobility. But don’t take our word for it – hear it from people like Blake Sheldon. Blake’s been at SAS for almost nine years, and during that time he’s held four
A lot of programmers have been impressed by the ability of ChatGPT, GPT-4, and Bing Chat to write computer programs. Recently, I wrote an article that discusses an elementary programming assignment, called FizzBuzz, which is sometimes used as part of a hiring process to assess a candidate's basic knowledge of
What do you get when you mix leaders from every industry, a hall-of-fame basketball coach and a best-selling author together in three days? SAS Innovate in Orlando, of course. As organizations navigate this changing economic landscape, many are turning to analytics and AI to help them stay ahead of the
This blog post was originally published in 2019 but recently I have been speaking with a number of parents who are struggling to parent as a team. It seems like a good opportunity to revisit this topic. There are a few common ways that parents find themselves on different pages:
Recently, I learned about an elementary programming assignment called the FizzBuzz program. Some companies use this assignment for the first round of interviews with potential programmers. A competent programmer can write FizzBuzz in 5-10 minutes, which leaves plenty of time to discuss other topics. If an applicant can't complete the
The technology world never stands still, and transformation and change are constant. With that in mind, spending some time thinking about the why, what, how and when of a move to the cloud and Viya 4 is a worthwhile activity.
The SAS 9 Content Assessment is a collection of applications that are designed to help users understand the various characteristics of their deployment. SAS Content Assessment delivers information that is critical to helping you to upgrade to the latest version of SAS (Viya).
Sometimes the smallest creatures can have the biggest impact. Think, for example, of how often you hear about people’s gut microbiomes and their outsized impact on overall health. Now zoom out to a much larger ecosystem and you'll have an idea of what a team of SAS analytics volunteers was
SAS Explore 2023 is open for your ideas and submissions! Bring your content ideas to the conference -- your experience and expertise is needed!
In SAS, you can approximate the exponential of a matrix by using the EXPMATRIX function in SAS IML software. This article discusses the exponential of a matrix: what it is, how to compute it, why it is useful, and why you should think of it as a linear map that
Over 40 years ago Steven Hayes developed ACT Therapy (pronounced as the word "act") which incorporates practices of psychological flexibility and a focus on values. For Work/Life's recent email series, A Month of Values Based Living, Triangle area therapists shared introductions to the six components of ACT Therapy and related
Let's look at the wider landscape and the direction of our customers, partners and SAS as we move SAS applications to be cloud-native in Viya 4.
Where do hammerhead sharks go at night? And perhaps more importantly, why? That's what Research Scientist and Professor Alex Hearn of the Galapagos Science Center hoped that a team of SAS analytics volunteers would be able to answer by analyzing data he's collected over nearly two decades. The project is
Who is responsible for ensuring that new AI technologies are fair and ethical? Does that responsibility land on AI developers? On innovators? On CEOs? Or is the responsibility more widespread? At SAS, we believe that it is everyone’s duty to innovate responsibly with AI. We believe that adhering to trustworthy
In a previous article, I showed how to overlay a density estimate on a histogram by using the Graph Template Language (GTL). However, a SAS programmer asked how to overlay a curve on a histogram when the curve is not a density estimate. In this case, the vertical axis for
Hi! I’m Daniel, a technical intern at SAS and a student at North Carolina State University. Reinforcement learning is an exciting strategy that is versatile and broadly useful in the fields of data science and machine learning. I implemented an intelligent Minesweeper-playing model using SAS reinforcement learning, and this article
In the past few years, disruption and uncertainty have become the norm. It feels like we're living through decades’ worth of change, in sometimes just a few days. And it’s not slowing down. Business priorities, though, remain unchanged: Increase revenue. Operate more efficiently. Meet customer expectations. It's increasingly clear that
In her first blog post, SAS' Mu He shows you how to train a convolutional neural network that can accurately detect patients with COVID-19 using the transfer learning technique.
I see the term resilience in a lot of business literature these days. Intuitively, it makes sense. After a pandemic, global supply chain disruptions and resulting economic fragility, executives understandably consider adaptability, durability and how best to operate with a strength of character – all attributes that define resilience. Many
You can start learning about ModelOps and SAS Model Manager now. Compare the various educational resources provided by SAS according to your learning preference.
In honor of Women's History Month, SAS organized various events to celebrate and empower women. Keep reading to see how we highlighted women's contributions and achievements in various fields. Fair Play discussion Fair Play makes the “invisible care” work historically held by women visible, inspiring a more balanced future for
What do you do when you want that extra dessert or handful of chips, but you’ve reached a point where junk foods are getting in the way of your health goals?
When the SAS statistical graphics (SG) procedures were designed in the early 2000s, a goal was to create a comprehensive Graph Template Language (GTL) and leverage the GTL by using SG procedures that perform common tasks easily without having to write any GTL. This project was hugely successful, and "ODS
For several years Kim Andreaus and I have taught Powerful Tools for Caregivers, an evidence-based program that teaches skills for self-care and stress management. One of the lessons from the class that always resonates with me is the concept of guilt versus regret. Guilt is shame-based and implies there was
A previous article discusses how to compute the union, intersection, and other subsets of a pair of sets. In that article, I displayed a simple Venn diagram (reproduced to the right) that illustrates the intersection and difference between two sets. The diagram uses a red disk for one set, a
Artificial Intelligence (AI) can drive environmental innovation (EI) in sustainability and reduction of carbon emissions. However, the use of AI itself also comes with environmental costs. The high computational requirements of AI-based systems lead to significant energy consumption, contributing to greenhouse gas emissions. The energy consumption of AI systems can
We demonstrate a few common and essential public health functions using SAS Viya. Our goal is to show the art of the possible within the realm of accessibility.
SAS has redesigned the support page made just for administrators to provide them with a seamless experience to install and maintain their SAS environment.
Welcome to the continuation of my series Getting Started with Python Integration to SAS Viya. In this post I'll discuss how to update rows in a distributed CAS table. Load and prepare data in the CAS server I created a script to load and prepare data in the CAS server. This