
Data Visualization | Students & Educators
Katrina Miller 0
Dashboard vs. Scorecard: Measuring the Impact of Educator Preparation

With educator preparation programs (EPPs) under fire, states must make difficult decisions on how to hold EPPs accountable, provide information for program improvement, and offer consumer information to the public on EPP efficacy. In conversations I’ve had with state leaders grappling with this issue, I have seen a debate arise

Data Management
Jim Harris 0
Managing data where it lives

Historically, before data was managed it was moved to a central location. For a long time that central location was the staging area for an enterprise data warehouse (EDW). While EDWs and their staging areas are still in use – especially for structured, transactional and internally generated data – big

Rick Wicklin 0
Create a Koch snowflake with SAS

I have a fondness for fractals. In previous articles, I've used SAS to create some of my favorite fractals, including a fractal Christmas tree and the "devil's staircase" (Cantor ) function. Because winter is almost here, I think it is time to construct the Koch snowflake fractal in SAS. A

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
Financial graphs

Browsing on the web, I ran into a simple but visually interesting graph of financial data.  Really, it could be any data, but this one showed up under "Financial Graphs".  I thought this would give me an opportunity to speak about an interesting new feature added to SERIES plot with

Jennifer Bell 0
Pennsylvania principal uses student projections to foster academic success for more students

This student projections post kicks off a series highlighting education leaders sharing the celebrations, and challenges, of using data to drive school improvement. These are real teachers, principals and superintendents working to foster academic growth for every student in their schools and districts. As we near the end of the first

Rick Wicklin 0
Discover power laws by log-transforming data

A recent issue of Astronomy magazine mentioned Kepler's third law of planetary motion, which states "the square of a planet's orbital period is proportional to the cube of its average distance from the Sun" (Astronomy, Dec 2016, p. 17). The article included a graph (shown at the right) that shows

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