
Work & Life at SAS
Page Cvelich 0
My Pet Peeve

I have a pet peeve. When folks I barely know ask me to write them a letter of recommendation or reference. I say no when I feel that my sense of personal integrity would be compromised in the process. With youth, I don’t say no right away. I use it

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Internet of Things | Machine Learning | SAS Events
Marcie Montague 0
Impressive technology, surprising connections

Two minutes in, I knew the 2017 SAS Global Forum Technology Connection would not be typical or average. For one thing, it was SAS Chief Technology Officer Oliver Schabenberger's show, and nothing he does is ever typical or average. The first surprise of the morning was his entrance. He zoomed onto the stage on a Segway, using slight

Analytics | SAS Events
Mike F. Smith 0
Promise and uncertainty in the ISO marketplace: Four things you should know

Operators of transmission networks and wholesale electric markets – ISOs (Independent System Operator) and RTOs (Regional Transmission Organizations) – have undergone sweeping changes in recent years, and the pace won’t be letting up anytime soon. With opportunities ranging from the growth of renewables to newly data-rich operating environments, and challenges

Programming Tips
Rick Wicklin 0
Print tables in SAS/IML

One of the advantages of the new mixed-type tables in SAS/IML 14.2 (released with SAS 9.4m4) is the greatly enhanced printing functionality. You can control which rows and columns are printed, specify formats for individual columns, and even use templates to completely customize how tables are printed. Printing a table

Work & Life at SAS
Cheryl Wheelock 0
Diabetes Alert Day

The American Diabetes Association recognizes March 28, 2017 as Diabetes Alert Day. The intention of this day is to bring awareness to the prevalence of Type 2 Diabetes in America. http://www.diabetes.org/are-you-at-risk/alert-day/ I have a strong family history of type 2 diabetes, which throughout the years has motivated me to learn

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