Off and on, users have expressed the need to include multiple blank categories on a discrete axis. Often, this is desirable to separate groups of bars (or categories) in a graph due to some difference their definition. Such a case was discussed in this blog article on using non breaking
Health Care
ODS Graphics procedures primarily strive towards the following goal: "Make simple graphs easy and complex graphs possible". SGPLOT procedure allows you create simple graphs with a single plot statement, and create complex graphs by layering together or combining multiple plot statements. Generally, the appearance follows the guidelines set by industry
SAS 9.4 maintenance release 5 was released on Sept 19, 2017. This release includes many new items including integration with SAS Viya and SAS Studio, a web application for SAS development. Also Included with this release are some cool new features in the graphics domain, some of which were requested
The movie Blade Runner came out about 30 years ago, portraying a dystopian future set in 2019 Los Angeles. Many of the technology predictions in the movie have actually become reality - but how about the weather and pollution? The movie was all about smog and a lack of sunshine, and I wondered
I have a busy life. Did I sign up for it? You bet! Now I’m trying to balance it all and do it well. I’m a mom first and foremost. Being a parent is the most important job someone can take on. Raising the next generation is no easy task
On a recent visit to an In-House Users Group meeting at a Pharmaceutical company, I presented a 1/2 day seminar on creating Clinical Graphs using SG Procedures. Polling the audience for their experience with these procedures indicated that many SAS users are not familiar with these new ways to create graphs. So,
Healthcare, like many industries, is in the midst of a paradigm shift, says Chris Donovan, Executive Director of Enterprise Information Management & Analytics for the Cleveland Clinic. "Historically, healthcare was really about intervention, and about taking care of you when you were sick and getting you better." That type of care
12 hours: That’s how quickly you can die from sepsis. Oh – you’ve never heard of sepsis? Not surprising. More Americans have heard of Ebola, a nearly non-existent condition in the U.S., than sepsis – a condition that affects more than 1.6 million Americans every year. Sepsis is the body’s
La lucha contra el VIH no es sinónimo de reportes interactivos o cuadros de mando, probablemente tampoco se ligue a servicios de comida para pacientes con cáncer o servicios de asistencia médica. CrescentCare ha hecho esfuerzos importantes para mejorar los servicios de salud, una pieza elemental en este esfuerzo es
Die EU-Datenschutz-Grundverordnung kommt näher – ausweichen oder draufhalten? In den letzten Wochen hatte ich die tolle Gelegenheit mit zahlreichen Kunden und Partnern über die neue EU-Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (DS-GVO) zu sprechen. Die Meinungen und Erwartungen sind dabei wirklich außerordentlich breit gefächert. Das ist nicht weiter verwunderlich, denn das Thema hat zuletzt stark an
How to “Mind your Mind” and Improve your Well-being This morning you woke up, started your day and, whether you realized it or not, you said some things to yourself. You may have said, Today is going to be great… I am going to succeed… I look good! or perhaps
El aumento desmesurado de los datos y la latente necesidad de aprovecharlos para tomar mejores decisiones, ha llevado a que soluciones como las de la analítica no solo estén al servicio del crecimiento de los negocios, sino que tengan un alto impacto en la calidad de vida de las personas
There’s nothing like a funny race sign to keep you entertained during a race. Post chuckle, this one got me thinking. It’s true, making a lifestyle change - like adding 15-20 hours a week to train for long distance triathlon – definitely rocks the relationship boat. In our 8 years
Cuando AstraZeneca se propuso hacer más rentable el proceso de fabricación de su producto Turbuhaler y minimizar las variaciones, se enfrentó a un reto importante: la necesidad de construir una solución con capacidad suficiente para manejar todos los datos relacionados con la producción que se almacenaban en todos los sistemas
La vida de un infante es frágil y cuelga de un delgado hilo. Desde los recién nacidos prematuros hasta los bebés con meses de edad que luchan con problemas médicos, las unidades de cuidados intensivos neonatales (UCIN) tienen que estar preparadas para todo. Es por eso que los médicos, las
Musings on Menopause and Fitness What the heck is happening to me??? I’m not sure if I’m happy or sad, freezing or on fire, coming or going, want to be healthy or eat an XL Papa Murphy pizza… Hormotional…Menopause… Like Mother Nature wasn’t cruel enough with menstruation, pregnancy, labor, delivery
If countries have a similar median age, does that mean they are also similar in other ways? My best guess at an answer is - probably. Perhaps if we plot the data on a map, we'll be able to see the answer more clearly. I first started thinking about this
Ya no se trata de imaginar cosas. Cada día las empresas enfrentan miles de desafíos. Desde decisiones de negocio hasta procesos operativos, pasando por la manera de relacionarse con sus clientes o de preparar los informes de cumplimientos regulatorios o cuidarse de los ataques o fraudes. No son escenarios que
As a kid who grew up in the 60s & 70s, I was a big fan of the original Star Trek TV series. And in the years since, I have seen lots of the Star Trek “technology” become a reality: cellphones, portable tablet computers, talking computers (Alexa/Siri), etc. But I
When presenting information in form of a graph we show the data and let the reader draw the inferences. However, often one may want to draw the attention of the reader towards some aspect of the graph or data. For one such case, a user asked how to highlight one
In a recent Computerworld feature, Deanna Wise, Executive Vice President and CIO of Dignity Health, encouraged forward-thinking CIOs to develop partnerships within their organizations to drive better customer experiences that translate into revenue. Wise has a strong record of doing just that, collaborating with SAS to implement advanced analytics throughout
A nivel global, la mayoría de las personas tiene conocimiento sobre el tema por las constantes primicias que vemos cada año acerca de muertes de celebridades ocasionadas por sobredosis de medicamentos recetados, pero esto solo es la punta del iceberg de un problema mucho mayor. De acuerdo con información de
In meinem vorherigen Beitrag ging es darum, wie sich das Internet of Things (IoT) über den aktuellen Hype hinaus geschäftsfähig machen, also operationalisieren, lässt. Und um die Hürden, die Unternehmen in Sachen Analytics dafür überwinden müssen. Immer wieder spreche ich in diesem Zusammenhang mit Kunden über ein Thema, das nicht
Want to strengthen your chest and triceps with one exercise? Check out these variations of the chest press. The chest press relies on strength and stability, and it's not just for Mondays. Choose one arm, both arms, decline, incline, or all options as you focus on maintaining a neutral spine with
In honor of March Madness, the RFC hosted our first March Mania Challenge led by our Fearless Trainer, Angie Fernandez. Team Captains gathered, or in my team’s case, conjured might be a better word ;), a group of five SAS Employees. Our task was to compete in dedicated Mania exercises consisting
미국의 최고 권위의 과학자인 버니바 부시(Vannevar Bush)가 기계가 생각하고 학습하는 미래를 예측한 것이 1945년이었습니다. 당시까지만 해도 과학적 공상으로만 보였던 것이 이제는 Google 검색 결과 같이 평범한 사물까지도 머신러닝의 산물이 되고 있습니다. 넷플릭스(Netflix)는 머신러닝을 사용하여 개인 맞춤형 영화 추천 서비스를 제공하고 있습니다. eHarmony는 머신러닝을 통해 사랑까지 수량화하여 예측합니다. 은행들은 사이버 감시를 비롯해 사기 및 악용
The American Diabetes Association recognizes March 28, 2017 as Diabetes Alert Day. The intention of this day is to bring awareness to the prevalence of Type 2 Diabetes in America. I have a strong family history of type 2 diabetes, which throughout the years has motivated me to learn
This article is motivated by a recent question on the Communities Web Site on creating a scatter plot with additional summary information. Recently, I described how to create a scatter plot with a box overlay. While such graphs have been discussed in earlier posts, this article provided a visual benefit
If you're a fan of SAS' ODS Graphics, you probably know that it does pretty much everything except geographical maps. But it's flexible enough that you can "fake it 'till you make it"! This example describes how to fake a geographical (choropleth) heat map using Proc SGplot polygons. In my
This is the 4th installment of the Getting Started series. The audience is the user who is new to the SG Procedures. Experienced users may also find some useful nuggets of information here. Series plots are frequently used to visualize a numeric response on the y-axis by another numeric variable on