The SAS® Global Forum Technology Connection isn’t just an opportunity to show off what SAS has been working on. It’s a chance to meet the people behind SAS® technology, see the results of their relentless curiosity, and understand how the world is transformed by it. Executive Vice President, Chief Operating Officer and
A colleague and I recently discussed how to generate random permutations without encountering duplicates. Given a set of n items, there are n! permutations My colleague wants to generate k unique permutations at random from among the total of n!. Said differently, he wants to sample without replacement from the
A fraude é um problema sério, independentemente do sector da economia. Mas, quando o incidente ocorre na Administração Pública é duplamente preocupante, não só porque envolve dinheiro dos contribuintes, mas também porque, normalmente, envolve a divulgação de dados pessoais dos contribuintes. Razão mais do que suficiente para que as várias
Die Diskussionen im IT-Umfeld kreisen heute vorwiegend um Trendthemen wie künstliche Intelligenz (KI), Machine Learning, Chatbots, Blockchain oder Hackathons. Von Business Intelligence (BI) ist kaum noch die Rede. Bedeutet das also, dass diese inzwischen überflüssig ist? Die Antwort auf diese Frage lautet definitiv: nein. Dennoch lohnt sich ein genauerer Blick,
Phil Simon discusses some of the analytics considerations with record-level security.
The financial services industry has witnessed considerable hype around artificial intelligence (AI) in recent months. We’re all seeing a slew of articles in the media, at conference keynote presentations and think-tanks tasked with leading the revolution. AI indeed appears to be the new gold rush for large organisations and FinTech
‘스포츠 분석’이라고 하면 아마 많은 분들이 브래드 피트 주연의 영화 ‘머니볼(Moneyball)’을 떠올리실 텐데요. 이 영화는 2002년 분석을 활용해 오클랜드 애슬레틱스(Oakland Athletics) 야구팀을 승리로 이끈 빌리 빈(Billy Beane) 단장의 이야기를 다룹니다. 빈 단장은 스포츠 분석의 기반을 세웠지만, 오늘날 그 활용 범위는 훨씬 더 넓어졌죠! 몇 가지 예만 봐도 스포츠 분야에서 분석이 얼마나
Sometimes it is important to ensure that a matrix has unique rows. When the data are all numeric, there is an easy way to detect (and delete!) duplicate rows in a matrix. The main idea is to subtract one row from another. Start with the first row and subtract it
The SAS Jedi Mark Jordan presents his SAS Global Forum 2018 paper "Working with Big Data in SAS"
SAS has never been able to sit idle and watch from the sidelines as crises ensue. Why? Because we know that good can be made possible if data is put to work. SAS Global Forum opening session spotlighted four real-life examples of how SAS is showing up and improving the
Gartner geht davon aus, dass dank künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) bis 2025 zwei Millionen neue Arbeitsplätze geschaffen werden. KI und Machine Learning sind in vielen Unternehmen bereits heute wichtiger Bestandteil von Geschäftsprozessen und Unternehmensbereichen. Sie erleichtern den Arbeitsalltag, optimieren die Interaktion mit Kunden, sagen den Ausfall einer Maschine zuverlässig vorher oder
Bright lights, a packed house, loud music and high energy – these are the elements that come to life every year in the SAS Global Forum opening session. But it’s not just about the entertainment and energy. Each year, the Sunday night opening session sets the stage for conference attendees.
When we breathe, we breathe in and breathe out. If we choose only one or the other, the results are disastrous. The same principle applies to professional growth and development. Whether we are programmers, statisticians, teachers, students, or writers, we benefit from taking in and giving back. We "take in"
Data and analytics touch our lives every day. Consider: A call from your bank warning of a suspicious transaction. A well-timed discounted offer for something you need. Most people realize that data and analytics are behind these things, but they remain on the periphery of mainstream conversations. We need to
During the past few days, several news outlets told us that the number of illegal border crossings 'surged' in March 2018. This is a topic that interests me, therefore I wanted to see if the data supported what the news was claiming... Trump's desire to secure the US borders is
Joyce Norris-Montanari lists personal data considerations related to GDPR compliance.
SAS Global Forum (Denver, April 8-11) Join over 5000 attendees at the biggest SAS event of the year, and see how SAS is embedding more artificial intelligence and automation into the SAS Platform. See the SAS Forecasting and Econometrics Community for the huge list of forecasting, econometrics, and time series
Heute beschreibt TDWI in einem Gastbeitrag, welche Anforderungen die Wissensverarbeitung heute an Unternehmen – und damit auch an Analytics – stellt. Wie wandelt sich Wissenserzeugung und wie findet Wissensaufnahme statt? Das sind aktuelle und zentrale Fragen der Analytics, deren Beantwortung über den Erfolg entsprechender Projekte entscheidet. Denn die Entwicklungssprünge in
Sir Tim Berners-Lee is famous for inventing the World Wide Web and for the construction of URLs -- a piece of syntax that every 8-year-old is now familiar with. According to the lore, when Sir Tim invented URLs he did not imagine that Internet surfers of all ages and backgrounds
Background: Prof. Dr. oec. HSG Holger K. von Jouanne-Diedrich ist seit 2013 Professor für Wirtschaftsinformatik und Customer Relationship Management an der Hochschule Aschaffenburg, Bayern. Er promovierte am Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik der Universität St. Gallen, Schweiz, und studierte Betriebswirtschaftslehre an der Universität Hamburg. Weiterhin hatte er verschiedene Stationen bei der Lufthansa, der
4월 9일은 지난 2010년 시작된 국제 ‘사물인터넷의 날(IoT Day)’입니다. ‘사물인터넷 위원회(IoT Council)’는 사물인터넷이 일상화돼 이웃의 세탁기까지 서로 연결될 수 있는 미래에 대해 생각해보자는 취지로 사물인터넷의 날을 지정했는데요. 실제 모바일 쇼핑부터 석유 굴착 노동자의 안전과 심장병 환자의 건강에 이르기까지 사물인터넷은 가정, 회사, 산업 현장 등 일상 속 모든 분야에서 점점 더 중요해지고
Being the Graph Guy, I wanted to know about all the "data visualization" presentations at the upcoming SAS Global Forum 2018 conference. I tried going through the official interface to search for such sessions, but it was difficult (impossible?) to know that I had found them all. Therefore I created
When speed is required at scale, it's hard to beat parallel processing data in memory with DS2 and SAS® Viya® with the amazing Cloud Analytic Services (CAS)!
Correlation is a statistic that measures how closely two variables are related to each other. The most popular definition of correlation is the Pearson product-moment correlation, which is a measurement of the linear relationship between two variables. Many textbooks stress the linear nature of the Pearson correlation and emphasize that
In meinem letzten Blogbeitrag habe ich mit Anja Stolz, CMO bei der Commerzbank, über die Bedeutung von Kundenzufriedenheit und Kundenbeziehungen im Bankenwesen gesprochen. In diesem Beitrag führen wir unsere Diskussion fort und behandeln die Erfahrungen des Teams um Anja Stolz im Hinblick auf die Digitalisierung. Welche Lehren hat es daraus
In the extended enterprise, data integration challenges abound. David Loshin explains.
If you grew up as a space-junkie kid like me, then you've probably been watching the news for the past few days, wondering when and where China's Tiangong 1 space station was going to fall out of orbit, and crash to Earth. According to Popular Mechanics (PM), that happened at 8:16pm
As a general rule, when SAS programmers want to manipulate data row by row, they reach for the SAS DATA step. When the computation requires column statistics, the SQL procedure is also useful. When both row and column operations are required, the SAS/IML language is a powerful addition to a
2016년 4월 유럽 일반개인정보보호법(GDPR; General Data Protection Regulation)이 채택됐을 때만해도 2018년 5월 25일 법률 시행일은 멀게만 느껴졌는데요. 23년만에 찾아온 대대적인 개편! 새로운 유럽 개인정보보호법(European data privacy laws)의 시행까지 이제 단 몇 주밖에 남지 않았습니다. 오늘은 GDPR이 무엇인지, 기업에 어떤 영향을 미치는지, 개인 정보 활용 동의를 어떻게 관리할 것인지 등에 대한 전반적인 논의부터
These days, it's all about music streaming ... You sign up for a service, you let them know your music preferences, and they create a virtual "radio station" that plays the songs you probably want to hear. But that just doesn't compare with going to a physical record store, buying