My local middle school publishes a weekly paper. Very recently, I noted an article in that paper regarding an expose on human trafficking overseas, "World Slavery: The Terrors Our World Tries to Forget." The eloquent article in part highlighted how children have been exploited in the fishing industry in Ghana
In SAS, the reserved keyword _NULL_ specifies a SAS data set that has no observations and no variables. When you specify _NULL_ as the name of an output data set, the output is not written. The _NULL_ data set is often used when you want to execute DATA step code
It will be years, perhaps decades, before we fully realize how the Internet of Things (IoT) changed our lives for the better. By then, we won’t be calling it the Internet of Things, or IoT, anymore, and some of us will wax nostalgic as we reflect on the good ol’
Ein Mythos ist in seiner ursprünglichen Bedeutung eine Erzählung. Mythen erheben traditionell einen Anspruch auf Wahrheit. Doch gerade an diesem Wahrheitsanspruch gibt es immer wieder Kritik. Ein Beispiel: Ist es ein Mythos, dass hier in Heidelberg die älteste deutschsprachige Universität steht? Nein, es ist eine Teilwahrheit. Denn es ist die
I recently recorded a short video about the new syntax for specifying and manipulating lists in SAS/IML 14.3. This is a video of my Super Demo at SAS Global Forum 2018. The new syntax supports dynamic arrays, associative arrays ("named lists"), and hierarchical data structures such as lists of lists.
Sequence models, especially recurrent neural network (RNN) and similar variants, have gained tremendous popularity over the last few years because of their unparalleled ability to handle unstructured sequential data. The reason these models are called “recurrent” is that they work with data that occurs in a sequence, such as text
Num mundo de incertezas e desafios económicos, a importância da monitorização e medição do desempenho das organizações, conhecendo os comportamentos dos seus clientes e cumprindo as exigências regulatórias tornou-se evidente. Neste sentido, a Gestão de Informação, o Business Intelligence e o Analytics assim como a sua boa implementação, tornaram-se fatores críticos para a sobrevivência
2018년 5월 25일 유럽 일반개인정보보호법(GDPR)이 발효됐습니다. 전 세계 수많은 기업과 기관이 GDPR에 어떻게 대응할 것인가에 대해 오랜 시간 논의해 왔고, 소프트웨어 제조 업체와 컨설팅 업체는 기업이 새로운 규제 요건을 보다 잘 충족할 수 있도록 솔루션과 접근 방식을 개발, 출시해왔습니다. GDPR이 시행된 후 불확실성이 점차 해소되면서 많은 기업이 GDPR을 개인 정보와
Light lengthens the day and allows us more time to learn, socialize, contemplate and create. Exploring NASA nighttime satellite images shows how illumination patterns have changed over time. Increases and decreases in illumination show the effects of human civilization on earth. From population collapse and destruction in war zones to economic
Das Gesundheitssystem in Deutschland sieht sich mittel- und langfristig vor große finanzielle Herausforderungen gestellt. Zum Teil ist dies wohl das Ergebnis des eigenen Erfolgs. Der kontinuierliche Fortschritt bei medizinischen Behandlungsmethoden hat dazu geführt, dass immer mehr Krankheiten erfolgreich behandelt werden können. Aus diesem Grunde erfreuen sich die Menschen einer immer
The SURVEYSELECT procedure in SAS 9.4M5 supports the OUTRANDOM option, which causes the selected items in a simple random sample to be randomly permuted after they are selected. This article describes several statistical tasks that benefit from this option, including simulating card games, randomly permuting observations in a DATA step,
You've probably seen in the news that a volcano erupted in Guatemala recently. But do you really know much about this volcano, or even where it's located? Hopefully this blog post will get you up to speed on your volcanology! Pictures of a recent volcano erupting in Hawaii show slow-moving
SAS코리아와 행정안전부가 함께하는 <제 16회 SAS 분석 챔피언십> 공모전 접수가 시작됐습니다. 2002년부터 매해 진행되어온 SAS 분석 챔피언십은 정교한 분석 주제, 고품질의 데이터, 전문 심사 과정을 통해 차세대 데이터 사이언티스트를 양성해온 국내 대표 빅데이터 분석 공모전입니다. 행정안전부가 후원하고 한국데이터마이닝학회의 자문으로 진행되는 이번 공모전은 ‘대형사고는 이유 없이 일어나지 않는다’라는 주제로 대학생과 대학원생들의 빅데이터
Everything's big in Texas - at least that's what they say! Therefore let's have a bit of graphical fun, and use Texas as a unit of measure (let's call it a 'tex'). More on that later - but first, here's a picture of my friend Jennifer posing beside a rather
Números recordes para aquele é o maior evento de advanced analytics em Portugal: 1.400 inscritos no SAS Fórum Portugal 2018. Durante um dia especialistas debateram tendências, partilharam experiências e fizeram antevisões do futuro. Com a convicção de que as analíticas vieram para ficar. Estarão em todo o lado, todos terão
GDPR requires more than a simple privacy policy update. David Loshin outlines changes needed in the data management environment.
Years ago, I wrote an article about how to create a Top 10 table and bar chart. The program can be trivially modified to create a "Top N" table and plot, such as Top 5, Top 20, or even Top 100. Not long after the article was written, the developer
With talk of tariffs in the news lately, I'm sure everyone is curious about possible ways to bypass them. One possible loophole is using the foreign-trade zones (FTZs) in the US. What are FTZs, and where are they located? Read along and find out!... The Foreign-Trade Zone act was passed in
Called out as two common IT threads in my previous blog post, how do artificial intelligence and automation connect with another prominent movement, the Internet of Things (IoT)? First, consider these predictions from IDC on IoT. By 2020, At least 45 percent of IoT-created data will be stored, processed, analyzed
Why do people donate money to politicians and political parties? Sometimes it's because they agree with the platform, but sometimes it might be for potential financial benefits. When it comes to large donations from Fortune 500 companies, I suspect the latter! And since politics has been in the news a
We asked banking leaders. Here’s a sneak peek of our findings in advance of our June 12 webinar How important is customer experience in banking today? Very. It's the number one business challenge banks face, surpassing even regulatory compliance, because it links directly to revenue. And the stakes are only
What can you learn from a chief data scientist who's worked in analytics for for 25 years and has been involved in the development of many key SAS solutions, including SAS Enterprise Miner? As a veteran of the analytics industry, Wayne Thompson has witnessed the evolution of machine learning and
A previous article showed how to use a calibration plot to visualize the goodness-of-fit for a logistic regression model. It is common to overlay a scatter plot of the binary response on a predicted probability plot (below, left) and on a calibration plot (below, right): The SAS program that creates
Remember when electric vehicles were a new thing? Just a few years ago, everywhere we turned there were opinions, white papers, and articles espousing the wonders of electric vehicles, and an equal chorus of voices warning of the dangers and challenges of electric vehicles. Would they blow up half of
According to a recent Bloomberg article, this year the United States passed Hong Kong and Singapore to become the country with the world's most competitive economy! They say, "The U.S. dethroned Hong Kong to retake first place among the world's most competitive economies, thanks to faster economic growth and a
Die Steuerbehörden sind wahrscheinlich nicht jedermanns Lieblingsorganisationen. Aber überall auf der Welt spielen sie eine Schlüsselrolle bei der Erhebung von Einnahmen, die es den Regierungen ermöglichen, Geld für wichtige öffentliche Dienstleistungen auszugeben. Man braucht nur die Medienberichterstattung über die Steuerhinterziehung einiger großer Technologieunternehmen zu lesen und die dazugehörigen Bemühungen der
Maybe you’ve heard of text analytics (or natural language processing) as a way to analyze consumer sentiment. Businesses often use these techniques to analyze customer complaints or comments on social media, to identify when a response is needed. But text analytics has far more to offer than examining posts on
작은 정보 하나라도 범죄 조직 전체를 드러내는 실마리가 될 수 있습니다. 그렇지만 법 집행 환경은 점점 더 복잡해지고 있으며, 조사관은 유례 없이 많은 양의 데이터를 직면하고 있는데요. 조사나 인텔리전스 개발 활동의 핵심은 이러한 데이터에서 의미를 찾고 잘 드러나지 않는 연결고리를 이해하는 것입니다. 데이터와 분석은 행동으로 옮길 수 있는 인텔리전스를 식별하고 수사를
The SAS language provides syntax that enables you to quickly specify a list of variables. SAS statements that accept variable lists include the KEEP and DROP statements, the ARRAY statement, and the OF operator for comma-separated arguments to some functions. You can also use variable lists on the VAR statements
Nos últimos tempos tem-se falado muito de criptomoedas, Blockchain... mas exactamente o que é que essa tecnologia faz e de que forma irá impactar as empresas? Perguntas que o Business Analytics fez a Sam Penfield, Advisory Solutions Architect no SAS, um especialista em consultadoria e desenvolvimento de software que, nos