
Mary Osborne 0
May the Fourth Be With You 2018

In The Force Awakens, when Poe Dameron, the self-assured pilot, said, “So who talks first, you talk first, I talk first? ..." I had a feeling he’d end up being a character I’d like. When Poe had this interaction with Armitage Hux in The Last Jedi, I was completely sold

Data Management
SAS Korea 0
유럽 일반개인정보보호법(GDPR) 카운트다운! 현재와 미래 진단

유럽 일반개인정보보호법(GDPR) 시행까지 1개월도 채 남지 않았습니다. 그렇지만 SAS 조사 결과, 글로벌 기업의 7%만이 GDPR을 완전히 준수할 수 있는 것으로 나타났는데요. 지금은 마치 한층 더 강력해진 규제 폭풍이 불어오기 전 고요 상태와 같습니다. GDPR이라는 호루라기가 울리면, 이제 경기를 치르는 일만 남았습니다! 5월 25일, 무슨 일이 일어날까요? 상상해볼까요? 5월 25일 아침, 검은색 차량에서

Analytics | SAS Events
Kristine Vick 0
How will IoT and AI drive transformation in health care and life sciences?

As health care evolves, its entire ecosystem – from payers and providers to pharmaceutical companies and government agencies – seeks to find common ground. More data is available than ever. But transforming information into innovation is challenging. Organizations strive to create shared goals, internally and externally, trying to improve patient

Analytics | Data Management
Gastbeitrag 0
6 kostenfreie Tools: Soforthilfe für SAS Administratoren und Metadatenspezialisten

In seinem Gastbeitrag stellt Metacoda sechs nützliche kostenfreie Tools zur Metadatenanalyse vor. SAS Platform-Administratoren, die mit der SAS Management Console arbeiten, kennen die potenziellen Hürden beim Thema Metadatenanalyse und beim Zugriff auf Coding-Benutzeroberflächen. Aber diesen Herausforderungen ist nun dank Metacoda beizukommen – mit sechs kostenfreien Tools.   1. Metadata Explorer

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Data Visualization
Falko Schulz 0
Analyze ticket sales using location analytics and customer segmentation in SAS® Visual Analytics

Analyzing ticket sales and customer data for large sports and entertainment events is a complex endeavor. But SAS Visual Analytics makes it easy, with location analytics, customer segmentation, predictive artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities – and more. This blog post covers a brief overview of these features by using a fictitious event company

Analytics | Internet of Things
Kristine Vick 0
Build your analytics advantage in manufacturing

Connect with SAS before and during IndustryWeek Manufacturing & Technology, a three-day event focusing on the key elements of advanced manufacturing: lean and continuous improvement, leadership, technology integration, talent management and best practices to achieve operational excellence. We look forward to seeing you at Industry Week's Manufacturing & Technology Conference

Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | SAS Events
SAS Korea 0
최신 분석 트렌드의 A부터 Z까지! ‘SAS 글로벌 포럼 2018’ 하이라이트

지난 4월 8일부터 11일까지 미국 콜로라도주 덴버에서 세계 최대 규모의 분석 컨퍼런스 ‘SAS 글로벌 포럼 2018(SAS Global Forum 2018)’이 성황리에 개최됐습니다. 전 세계 SAS 고객, 파트너, 오피니언 리더, 산업별 전문가, 학생 등 3만명 이상이 참석한 가운데 빅데이터, 인공지능(AI), 사물인터넷(IoT), 사기 방지 등 최신 분석 트렌드에 대한 다양한 논의가 진행됐는데요. 그 최고의 순간들을

SAS Events | Students & Educators
SAS Global Forum Academic Summit レポート

4月8日から9日まで、米国コロラド州デンバーにおいて、年次のSASグローバルイベント「SAS Global Forum」が開催されました。 今年のSAS Global Forumには、2月に開催された和歌山県データ利活用コンペティションにてSAS賞を受賞した専修大学のチームを招待しました。 SAS Global Forumでは、毎回、学生・教員が参加するAcademic Summitが開催されますが、今年も4月8日に開催された本イベントをレポートいたします。

Learn SAS
Terry Barham 0
Are SAS practice exams worth the cost?

A SAS practice exam can help you prepare for SAS certification. Practice exams are similar in difficulty, objectives, length, and design of the actual exam. While there's no guarantee that passing the practice exam will result in passing the actual exam, they can help you determine how prepared you are for an exam.

Analytics | Customer Intelligence
Gastbeitrag 0
Ob Fußball oder Marketing: Die richtige Taktik ist entscheidend!

Im heutigen Gastbeitrag geht Robert Schumacher, Director Business Development gateB darauf ein, wie sich mit den Herausforderungen bei digitalen Marketingprojekten umgehen lässt. Ich nehme die Antwort gleich vorweg. Es gibt keine One-Size-Fits-All-Lösung. Beispiel Fußball: Die eine Taktik kann heute funktionieren und morgen – bei Regen, veränderter Team-Konstellation und neuem Gegner

Gastbeitrag 0
Moderne Software-Architektur: Mehr als „alter Wein in neuen Schläuchen“

iCASUS beschreibt in einem Gastbeitrag, wie Unternehmen ihre Anwendungslandschaft modernisieren können. Moderne Software-Architektur braucht moderne Anwendungen. Hört sich logisch an? Ist es auch. Und einfach. Nämlich mit der Migration von Altanwendungen aus der FSEDIT/AF-Welt in moderne Software-Architektur. Mithilfe der von iCASUS entwickelten Frameworks WebFSEdit und AF2Web lassen sich Altanwendungen im

Data Visualization
Rick Wicklin 0
The 80-20 rule for blogs

You've probably heard about the "80-20 Rule," which describes many natural and manmade phenomena. This rule is sometimes called the "Pareto Principle" because it was discovered by Vilfredo Pareto (1848–1923) who used it to describe the unequal distribution of wealth. Specifically, in his study, 80% of the wealth was held

Advanced Analytics
Susan Kahler 0
How to build deep learning models with SAS

SAS® supports the creation of deep neural network models. Examples of these models include convolutional neural networks, recurrent neural networks, feedforward neural networks and autoencoder neural networks. Let’s examine in more detail how SAS creates deep learning models using SAS® Visual Data Mining and Machine Learning. Deep learning models with

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