Retailers don’t need to be reminded about the importance of customer experience. It’s critical – and that’s been true since the dawn of retail. But the nature of that experience has been changing at a rapid clip in recent years, due in large part to well-documented shifts in technology and
When you fit nonlinear fixed-effect or mixed models, it is difficult to guess the model parameters that fit the data. Yet, most nonlinear regression procedures (such as PROC NLIN and PROC NLMIXED in SAS) require that you provide a good guess! If your guess is not good, the fitting algorithm,
스포츠 클럽은 다양한 소스로부터 수많은 데이터를 수집합니다. 선수들의 건강 상태에 대한 물리적 데이터, 의료 정보, 득점이나 경기 시간 등의 성과 데이터가 대표적인데요. 이외에도 티켓 가격, 판매, 시즌권 패턴 등 팀 운영 측면에서 다양한 데이터가 모입니다. 스포츠 클럽은 이전에도 데이터를 활용해왔습니다. 경기 장면을 촬영하고 실시간으로 또는 경기가 끝난 후 주요 영상(footage)을
Neste mundo cada vez mais competitivo e comercialmente agressivo, é notória a preocupação da gestão de topo das organizações em criar mecanismos e estratégias que garantam uma visão integrada e holística dos seus clientes. Já tinha sentido que as suas campanhas de captação não estão a resultar? São cada vez
A question recently popped up in a discussion forum about creating table plots using SAS. So I thought I'd dabble in this topic, and see what I could come up with. If you're interested in tableplots, or American Community Survey (ACS) data, or data visualization, I invite you to follow
More than 3.5 percent of the world’s population is on the move, considered international migrants. That’s more than 250 million people living in a country different than their country of birth or nationality. To put that another way, if all migrants lived in a single country, their population would be
I've said it before: spreadsheets are not databases. However, many of us use spreadsheets as if they were databases, and then we struggle when the spreadsheet layout does not support database-style rigor of predictable rows, columns, and variable types -- the basic elements we need for analytics and reporting. If
Our company talks to utilities all over the world about the value of analytics. We like to talk about "the digital utility" and break down analytics use cases across: assets and operations; customers; portfolio; and corporate operations. I plan to highlight a few analytics use cases for utilities across these four areas
A previous article provides an example of using the BOOTSTRAP statement in PROC TTEST to compute bootstrap estimates of statistics in a two-sample t test. The BOOTSTRAP statement is new in SAS/STAT 14.3 (SAS 9.4M5). However, you can perform the same bootstrap analysis in earlier releases of SAS by using
A Internet das Coisas - IoT - veio para ficar. Segundo o estudo “2017 Internet of Things ROI Research Study”, levado a cabo pelo Internet of Things Institute (IoTi), em colaboração com o SAS, revela que a maioria das instituições inquiridas ainda estão numa fase inicial de implementação de IoT
Jim Harris says the GDPR may cause seismic changes in how people think of privacy and personal data.
We have entered the “second machine age.” The first machine age began with the industrial revolution, which was driven primarily by technology innovation. The ability to generate massive amounts of mechanical power made humans more productive. Where the steam engine started the industrial revolution, the second machine age has taken
When making a new piece of code, I like to use the smallest font I can read. This lets me fit more text on the screen at once. When presenting code to others, especially in a classroom setting, I like to make the font large enough to see from the back of the room. Here’s how I change font size in SAS in our three programming interfaces.
Ever since the Moneyball book & movie came out, athletes have been scrambling to use data and analytics to gain a competitive advantage. One of my favorite sports is boat racing - the ones you paddle. Follow along as I lead you through some maps and graphs I created for
A person in the United States dies every 15 minutes because of substance use disorder. The number has doubled in the past 10 years as the crisis continues to grow in severity, especially in rural areas with high unemployment. Using analytics to map the growth of opioid deaths shows the
Bootstrap resampling is a powerful way to estimate the standard error for a statistic without making any parametric assumptions about its sampling distribution. The bootstrap method is often implemented by using a sequence of calls to resample from the data, compute a statistic on each sample, and analyze the bootstrap
“Machine Learning” is a trendy term being kicked around (pun intended) by fraud fighters around the world. In fact, Machine Learning is such a popular term that it is becoming a staple in buzzword bingo games. Here’s a little secret about machine learning… many of the people who talk about
Many things in nature can be seen as chain reactions. When one action occurs, others follow suit. For example, atmospheric greenhouse gas levels are increasing, which leads to a warming of the oceans. As the oceans warm, weather and climate patterns across the globe are impacted because the amount of
I recently read an interesting article that claims "a single cremation emits as much carbon dioxide as a 1,000-mile car trip." This got me wondering about cremation data, and I ended up on the Wikipedia page about cremation rates. They had a map of the US cremation rates by state ... but the more
My 2018 SAS Global Forum paper was about "how to use the random-number generators (RNGs) in SAS." You can read the paper for details, but I recently recorded a short video that summarizes the main ideas in the paper. In particular, the video gives an overview of the new RNGs
American readers may know that the ongoing 2018 international soccer/football tournament is a big deal in other countries. But it's hard to grasp just how ubiquitous and important it is when there's no other event like it in the United States. The best way I can describe it is if the
Atualmente, nas organizações existe um enfoque muito grande, na procura da melhor forma de tirar partido das novas capacidades e paradigmas analíticos que têm surgido nos últimos anos. Dois fatores têm sido fundamentais como força motriz da utilização da analítica ao serviço das organizações: A disrupção do digital e a
With all the technology advancements and innovative trends driving Industry 4.0 right now, you might expect geeky topics like the Internet of Things (IoT) or artificial intelligence (AI) to be the hottest topics of discussion among industry leaders. Instead, many leaders are still more focused on workplace culture. And here’s
What do the New York Mets, the Orlando Magic and the Boston Bruins all have in common? They all use SAS analytics to gain deeper insights into athlete recruitment, retention, performance, safety and more. And after seeing the success teams like these have had using analytics, collegiate sports are turning
If you use PROC SGPLOT to create ODS graphics, "ATTRS" are everywhere. ATTRS is an abbreviation of "attributes." Most options that change the attributes of a graphical element end with the ATTRS suffix. For example, the MARKERATTRS option modifies attributes of markers, the LINEATTRS option modifies attributes of lines, and
Quando falamos em analíticas, do seu impacto e oportunidades nas organizações, poucos sectores são tão impactados como o sector financeiro (banca e seguradoras). Não só pela quantidade de dados envolvidos, mas também pela inerência do negócio. Mas isto é algo que está a mudar. O tema esteve em debate no
We have updated our software for improved interpretability since this post was written. For the latest on this topic, read our new series on model-agnostic interpretability. Assessing a model`s accuracy usually is not enough for a data scientist who wants to know more about how a model is working. Often
미래에 대한 좋은 소식이 있습니다. 어디선가 들어봤을지도 모르지만 인공지능(AI)과 함께하는 미래 일자리가 모두 절망적이고 암울한 것만은 아닙니다. 말콤 프랭크(Malcolm Frank)의 연구 기반 저서 ‘기계가 모든 것을 할 때 무엇을 해야 하는가(What to Do When Machines Do Everything’는 데이터를 통해 이를 증명합니다. 또 학생과 근로자는 새로운 교육 접근법을 통해 인공지능과 함께하는 미래에 더욱
Kim Kaluba explains why good customer data management starts with trusted data quality.
As parents, sometimes we barely have time to eat, much less read books or listen to hour long seminars on parenting. In this 3 Minute Parenting Tip, you will learn about 3 important strategies to make your rewards or consequences work; no matter the age of your child.