It isn't easy to draw the graph of a function when you don't know what the graph looks like. To draw the graph by using a computer, you need to know the domain of the function for the graph: the minimum value (xMin) and the maximum value (xMax) for plotting
Getting ahead of an equipment failure can be the difference between millions of dollars saved, and disastrous losses. Predictive maintenance, which uses data and analytics to determine the health of an asset to predict the best time to perform maintenance, is now easier than ever if implemented with a smart,
A colleague was struggling to compute a right-tail probability for a distribution. Recall that the cumulative distribution function (CDF) is defined as a left-tail probability. For a continuous random variable, X, with density function f, the CDF at the value x is F(x) = Pr(X ≤ x) = ∫
A SAS programmer wanted to create a panel that contained two of the graphs side-by-side. The graphs were created by using calls to two different SAS procedures. This article shows how to select the graphs and arrange them side-by-side by using the ODS LAYOUT GRIDDED statement. The end of the
AI has, for many years, been the stuff of fantasy. From the monster in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein to the dystopian futures depicted in films such as Metropolis, the Matrix and Minority Report, the idea of intelligent machines has been capturing the imagination of writers for centuries. Our ability to store
Beginning July 16th, under FCC rules, those in the U.S. can call or text 988 to be connected to trained mental health crisis counselors. The 988 number connects to the already exisiting National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. The goal is to make it as easy as possible for someone who is
SAS SGPLOT already provides the necessary graphical elements for complex visualization. 3D or high-dimensional data can be easily visualized after being projected appropriately. With SAS' strong support for animation features, SAS users can create complicated 3D or high dimension visualizations quickly.
I previously wrote about partial leverage plots for regression diagnostics and why they are useful. You can generate a partial leverage plot in SAS by using the PLOTS=PARTIALPLOT option in PROC REG. One useful property of partial leverage plots is the ability to graphically represent the null hypothesis that a
For life sciences companies, effective commercial execution depends on delivering useful information to healthcare providers. How can your business manage engagement intelligently across all channels? The pace of pharmaceutical development is accelerating faster than ever before. During the pandemic, life sciences leaders proved that the industry can react to emerging
Hace unas semanas, anunciamos el convenio de colaboración entre el SAS Institute y la Universidad Europea con el objetivo de formar perfiles analíticos gracias a nuestras certificaciones SAS para docencia. En particular, los estudiantes del Doble Grado en Business Analytics + Administración y Dirección de Empresas, así como de los
はじめに 根拠に基づいた意思決定を行うこと (EBPM; Evidence Based Policy Making) が、近年分野を問わず重要視されるようになってきています。意思決定を行う立場としては、根拠となる事象と結果の事象の間に因果関係があるのか、それとも相関関係しかないのかは大変大きな違いです。 因果関係と相関関係を混同した1つの有名な例として、チョコレート摂取量とノーベル賞の受賞者数に関する研究があります。この研究では、「チョコレートを多く摂取するとノーベル賞受賞者数が増加する」という因果関係の存在について触れられています。この論文は、2012年に世界で最も権威のある医学雑誌の1つである New England Journal of Medicine に掲載され、世界規模で大きな論争を引き起こしました。論文では、国ごとのチョコレート消費量とノーベル賞受賞者数を調べたところ、チョコレート消費量の多い国ほどノーベル賞受賞者数が多いというデータが示されました。論争のポイントとなったのは、各国のチョコレート消費量とノーベル賞受賞者数の関係が以下のどちらの関係であるかについてです。 チョコレートを摂取すればノーベル賞受賞者は増加する(因果関係) 別の隠れた要因がそれぞれに影響を与えており、チョコレート消費量とノーベル賞受賞者数の間に見かけ上の関連性が生まれている(相関関係) 一体どちらの主張が正しいのでしょうか。読者の方には、ぜひ今の意見と、このコラム連載が終了した後の意見を比較していただきたいと考えています。 統計的因果推論 (Causal causal inference) とは、因果関係をデータから導くための体系的な学問領域であり、2021年に David Card, Joshua Angrist, Guido Imbensの3名がノーベル経済学賞を受賞したことも相まって、現在大きな注目を集めています。しかし、その注目の程度と比べると、内容についてはあまり認知されていないように思います。そこで本ブログ・シリーズでは、統計的因果推論(または、単に因果推論)に関する連載を行います。データアナリティクスに関わる多くの方に、因果とは何か、それをデータから導くためには何が必要となるのかを理解をしていただき、適切なデータアナリティクスのために活用されることを望みます。連載コラムで取り扱う内容は以下を予定しています。 理論編 潜在アウトカムの枠組み 因果効果を求めるために必要な条件 観察研究と実験研究における交換可能性 選択バイアス (selection bias) 測定誤差 (measurement error) 手法・実装編 推定におけるモデルの必要性 層別化・回帰・標準化 傾向スコアとそれを用いた手法 操作変数法 理論編では、データから因果関係を考えるために必要となる概念、および仮定について取り扱います。また、観測される関係が真の関係と異なる要因について解説を行います。手法・実装編では、理論編で扱う潜在アウトカムの枠組みで因果効果を推定する手法についてSASでの実装方法とともに紹介を行います。SASソフトウェアでは、2016年以降のバージョンで、因果推論に特化した機能が利用できます。 なお、手法・実装編で紹介する因果効果の推定手法は、すべてを網羅しているわけではなく、回帰不連続デザインなど他にもいくつかの手法があることにご注意ください。 本コラムでは出来る限り数学的な記載は避け、直感的な表現をすることに努めますが、数理的な部分に興味がある方に向けた参考資料も準備しています。コラム中に登場する解析例で使用したプログラム・コードは著者のGithub上で公開を行う予定です。 謝辞 この連載記事では、参考文献として主に以下の2つを使用します。 Causal
Wouldn’t it be cool if we establish a mechanism that provides more data scientists easy access to SAS Reinforcement Learning capabilities, from a centralized location and using a standardized approach?
Insurers are bracing for serious change as customer journeys continue to transform. IDC FutureScape predicts that by 2024, 50 percent of all policies of non-life and life insurers will be sold through a fully automated personalized insurance engine and client-guided customer journeys, creating stronger brand loyalty. A progressively more complex
Many people know that you can use "WHERE processing" in SAS to filter observations. A typical use is to process only observations that match some criterion. For example, the following WHERE statement processes only observations for male patients who have high blood pressure: WHERE Sex='Male' & Systolic > 140; In
The SAS Batting Lab was recently featured on NBC’s Today Show. If you missed it, you can watch the segment in the video above. For more about The Batting Lab, get a firsthand look at the experience of the batting cage and learn more about the data literacy value of
Becoming a parent is one of the most exciting things in life. Unfortunately, sometimes pregnancy complications occur, remaining a serious challenge, that is not often talked about. Ahead are interviews with leading researchers in Dublin aimed to understand the impact of data and analytics on maternal health. According to the
SAS research statistician Ji Shen reveals how to train a machine to be a batting coach.
In today's environment, data is exceedingly important but also increasingly harder to get and manage. A reliable customer data platform (CDP) can provide significant value to retail and consumer packaged goods (CPG) companies. Customer data platforms are used to consolidate and integrate customer and consumer data into a single data source. CDP
A previous article shows how to compute the probability density function (PDF) for the multivariate normal distribution. In a similar way, you can compute the density function for the multivariate t distribution. This article discusses the density function for the multivariate t distribution, shows how to compute it, and visualizes
Los habitantes del planeta están cada vez más conectados. Se estima que actualmente el número de usuarios de teléfonos inteligentes a escala global supera la marca de los 3,000 millones, y que esta cantidad siga creciendo paulatinamente en los próximos años. Tal cantidad de usuarios demanda cada vez más de
There’s plenty of buzz about innovation and thinking outside of the box at SAS these days. But for those who attended SAS' Patent Dinner, the proof was in the patent. SAS Legal Counsel Director Tim Wilson offered opening remarks at The Umstead event. “So much of what we do in
Recently, I needed to solve an optimization problem in which the objective function included a term that involved the quantile function (inverse CDF) of the t distribution, which is shown to the right for DF=5 degrees of freedom. I casually remarked to my colleague that the optimizer would have to
The COVID-19 pandemic brought an enormous urgency to the life sciences sector. Companies vied for suitable treatments and in less than a year, COVID-19 vaccines were developed. This demonstrated clearly that the sector could move at speed when necessary. Though vaccines were supported by regulators, inefficiencies in vaccine and drug development were exposed.
En mayo de 2022 en SAS hemos celebrado el mes de la salud mental y este año fue el primero en el que la compañía organizó el “Global Recharge Day”. El viernes 6 de mayo supuso un día libre para todos nosotros y las oficinas de SAS estuvieron cerradas en
See how these 12 carbon terms are starting to define our future.
Rainforests are a vital part of the climate and life on our planet. Rainforests are known as ‘the lungs of the Earth’ because they produce 20% of the world’s oxygen. Because of this, conservation efforts are more important than ever. By combining the power of AI and analytics technologies with
For a linear regression model, a useful but underutilized diagnostic tool is the partial regression leverage plot. Also called the partial regression plot, this plot visualizes the parameter estimates table for the regression. For each effect in the model, you can visualize the following statistics: The estimate for each regression
The ODS GRAPHICS statement in SAS supports more than 30 options that enable you to configure the attributes of graphs that you create in SAS. Did you know that you can display the current set of graphical options? Furthermore, did you know that you can temporarily set certain options and
When The Arab Academy for Management, Banking & Financial Sciences (AAMBFS) began looking for a business partner to help prepare a new generation of students for the increasing role analytics plays in the finance and business sectors, they took a very non-academic approach. Unlike traditional university programs focused on a
The SAS Batting Lab is a six-week program designed to help improve kids’ understanding of data while also helping them improve their baseball and softball swings. Using analytics in an interactive, AI-powered batting cage, kids can compare their swings to batting stars. During the program, the participants also became more