
Tamara Fischer 0
Was bin ich?

In einem vor langer Zeit angeblich äußerst beliebten TV-Format fragten Menschen mit außergewöhnlichen Berufen ein Rate-Team „ Was bin ich ?“. Und um den Ahnungslosen zumindest einen Clue zu geben, vollführten die Kandidaten eine für den unbedarften Beobachter meist nichtssagende, für ihre Tätigkeit aber typische Handbewegung. Die typischen Handbewegungen würden

Amanda MacDowell 0
A case for real-world evidence

For health and life sciences organizations, discussions about big data include gaining value from that data in the form of real-world evidence. Consider for a moment the amount of healthcare data that exists today thanks to the adoption of electronic health records. Then think about the future with data from

Rick Wicklin 0
Computing polar angles from coordinate data

Equations that involve trigonometric functions can have infinitely many solutions. For example, the solution to the equation tan(θ)=1 is θ = π/4 + kπ, where k is any integer. In order to obtain a unique solution to the equation, we define the "arc" functions: inverse trigonometric functions that return a

Sian Roberts 0
Narrow miss at PharmaSUG 2015 for bestseller

Bill Benjamin’s bestseller, Exchanging Data between SAS and Microsoft Excel: Tips and Techniques to Transfer and Manage Data More Efficiently, was pipped at the post as he narrowly missed the top spot to Implementing CDISC Using SAS: An End-to-End Guide, at last month’s PharmaSUG 2015 meeting in Orlando -- by one

Internet of Things
Alyssa Farrell 0
Does OT + analytics = IoT?

Operations technology (OT), such as control systems, are crucial elements in our daily lives. They make the stoplights function at intersections. They guide robots with precise movements on the shop floor. Their switches and routers are the backbone of our internet. But what if they were even more intelligent? What

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
Is that Annotate?

The SGPLOT procedures includes features to add annotations to your graph in many different ways.  Annotations provide you a flexible way to add features to your graph that are not available through the standard plot statements. Recently, I saw this graph on the web that caught my attention.  Clearly, this looks like

Learn SAS
Jim Simon 0
DATA STEP text file tricks

When reading a text file (common extensions: TXT, DAT; or, for the adventurous: HTML) with the DATA STEP, you should always view several lines from the text file, and compare to the record layout, before completing the INPUT statement.  There are many ways to view a text file.  I use

Rick Wicklin 0
Fit a circle to data

I still remember the first time I was asked to "consult" on a statistical problem. A former physics professor had some students who had gathered data that should lie along an arc of a theoretical circle. The professor asked if there was a regression technique that could find the center

Andreas Gödde 0
Big data use cases and the big data wake up call

According to recent studies on big data readiness, the majority of companies (more than 60 percent in the latest study of Crisp Research) are not prepared for the challenges of digital transformation. In fact, 58 percent of decision makers surveyed say they have no strategy in place. The quest for

David Froning 0
5 proven ways to improve field quality performance

Your customers are more demanding than ever before.  Improving field quality and your customer's experience of your product is essential to staying competitive.  However, truly understanding customer experience can be a daunting task.  These recommendations have been refined and proven in dozens of manufacturers as simple ways to rapidly improve field quality performance. 1. Think big; start small.

Data Management
David Loshin 0
Embedding event stream analytics

In my last two posts, I introduced some opportunities that arise from integrating event stream processing (ESP) within the nodes of a distributed network. We considered one type of deployment that includes the emergent Internet of Things (IoT) model in which there are numerous end nodes that monitor a set of sensors,

Learn SAS
Jim Simon 0
Weird PROC FREQ trick

Default PROC FREQ output looks like this: Suppose you don't want the two cumulative statistic columns above.  No problem.  Those can be suppressed with the NOCUM option on the TABLE statement, like this: proc freq data=sashelp.shoes; table product / nocum; run;

Tobias Nittel 0
Software stirbt - alles wird zu Software

Alles wird zu Software : Wir hören es derzeit überall - Firmen erfinden sich neu. Ob Automobil, Kraftwerk oder Einzelhändler, alle Geschäftsmodelle sollen sich vom Produkthersteller oder -verteiler, hin zum Services-Geschäft bewegen. Über die USA weiss man ja, dass fast 80% des Bruttosozialproduktes aus den Dienstleistungen kommen. Oftmals weniger bekannt

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