It all started in 1985. December 2nd as a matter of fact. Four full time staff members shared one office and the responsibility for keeping SAS employees fit and healthy. It has always been a part of the SAS culture to look out for employee’s health and well-being. And as
Data science is hot. You've undoubtedly heard a lot about the field and the role of the data scientist, now it's time to learn more. So, here are the top three reasons to become a data scientist. 1 – For the enjoyment of creating and building new “things” No, data scientists do not
Das Christkind ist unzufrieden! Bald ist Weihnachten und die Vorbereitungen laufen nur langsam an. Stress liegt in himmlischer Luft. Und wenn ein Christkind gestresst ist, müssen die Engel stramm stehen. Doch weil Engel immer eine Lösung haben, sind sie Engel. Öffnen Sie das 2. Türchen und schauen Sie hinter die
Last week my colleague Chris Hemedinger published a blog post that described how to use the ODS LAYOUT GRIDDED statement to arrange tables and graphs in a panel. The statement was introduced in SAS 9.4m1 (December 2013). Gridded layout is supported for HTML, POWERPOINT, and the PRINTER family of destinations
Recently, I have been thinking about how search can play more of a part in discovery and exploration with SAS Text Miner. Unsupervised text discovery usually begins with a look at the frequent or highly weighted terms in the collection, perhaps includes some edits to the synonym and stop lists,
Here in the US, California is known as "wine country" - but I was wondering what other states make wine, and whether there have been any big changes in recent years. This seemed like a good excuse for some graphical analytics... My previous blog analyzed where various Thanksgiving foods were produced. I was
Nicole Tschauder schenkt Ihnen einen analytisch-literarischen Adventskalender. Jeder Blog symbolisiert ab heute bis zum 24. Dezember ein Türchen in ihrem digitalen SAS-Adventskalender. Klicken Sie auf read more, um IHR erstes Türchen zu öffnen: Soviel vorweg: Business Analytics ist himmlisch!
What is information? The lack of a working definition plagued both science and the emerging telecommunications industry until the arrival of Claude Shannon and his famous 1948 paper, “A Mathematical Theory of Communication”, based on his cryptography work during WWII while at Bell Labs. The landmark article is considered the
In my first post, I talked about the hell of using Excel for all your data needs; in my second post, I covered the building blocks and initial first steps that will lead you to a future proof data strategy. Now let’s zoom in on the three domains that underpin
Government organizations are seeking new and innovative ways to use an abundance of data – both internally for government operations and externally to provide the public with greater access to information. This intersection of open and internal government data is the topic of a Route Fifty webinar taking place on
There is no doubt about it – over the past few years there has been a monumental shift in how we think about “enterprise” data management. I believe this shift has been motivated by four factors: Open data. What may have been triggered by demands for governmental transparency and the need
Imagine your company's analytics environment is like an old apartment building, with each unit having its own air conditioner. Each air conditioning unit has to be individually maintained and repaired by the building landlord or "super." The air conditioning units come from different manufactures and are of varying ages. It can be challenging, to
When creating a statistical graphic such as a line plot or a scatter plot, it is sometimes important to preserve the aspect ratio of the data. For example, if the ranges of the X and Y variables are equal, it can be useful to display the data in a square
Cary, North Carolina, Dezember 1997: Das war die Geburtsstunde des SAS® Enterprise Miner™ (nachfolgend Miner genannt). Nur zur Orientierung für die Generation Y: Damals war noch ein Mann Bundeskanzler. Er hatte einen recht hohen BMI, wurde gerne mit einer Obstart verglichen und kam aus einem Ort gar nicht weit weg
Times have changed. As the oil industry shutters and sheds investments that made sense during the two-year period in which oil rode comfortably above $90, the market is establishing a new equilibrium at $40/barrel. This despite the fact that the Baker Hughes domestic rig count is down 64 percent. It’s
“(Teaching) is an incredible opportunity to be a catalyst for what we want the future to be," says Shannon Hardy, a 21-year math and science teacher from The Exploris School, a Wake County charter school in Raleigh, NC. Ms. Hardy uses data not just as a summative measurement tool, but
Aussagefähige, geschäftsrelevante Datenanalysen auf Knopfdruck – davon träumen viele Unternehmen. Leider sieht die Realität gegenwärtig oft anders aus. Um aus der Flut Ihrer Unternehmensdaten nutzbare Ergebnisse zu ziehen, brauchen Sie zweierlei: gute Analysewerkzeuge und kompetente Mitarbeiter.
One of the frustrating outcomes of the data import process is when a variable that you need to be numeric is imported as character. This often happens because the column of data contains non-numeric data, for example, where blanks in a database are exported as “NULL” instead of a true
A matrix is a convenient way to store an array of numbers. However, often you need to extract certain elements from a matrix. The SAS/IML language supports two ways to extract elements: by using subscripts or by using indices. Use subscripts when you are extracting a rectangular portion of a
You could argue that it’s misguided for someone like me to say data science doesn't have to be difficult. After all, I’ve been in the industry for many years and should have a few tricks up my sleeve for dealing with data. But with the latest data visualisation technology –
As consumers have moved to digital channels and digital interactions, competition for the hotel consumer has increased dramatically. Now, hotels not only compete with each other, but also with third-party online distributors, and even new disruptors from the sharing economy like AirBnB. However, hotels have one advantage that these other
What happened to the adage, "What gets measured, gets done"? Though progress is being made, there are too many child protection agencies that have yet to understand the profound impact data-informed policy and practice have on performance outcomes, as well as staff retention and satisfaction. Without dipping deep into the
The ODS statement controls most aspects of how SAS creates your output results. You use it to specify the destination type (HTML, PDF, RTF, EXCEL or something else), as well as the details of those destinations: file paths, appearance styles, graphics behaviors, and more. The most common use pattern is
Kürzlich habe ich das Buch „Die Zahl die aus der Kälte kam“ des österreichischen Mathematikers Rudolf Taschner gelesen. Er versteht es meisterhaft, komplexe Zusammenhänge einer breiten Öffentlichkeit zu präsentieren. Eines seiner Beispiele behandelt die Macht der Hohepriester im alten Ägypten. Dabei ist mir folgendes klar geworden: Die Hohepriester im Alten
Sometimes you are writing a program that needs to find out whether a particular SAS product (like SAS/ETS, SAS/QC, or SAS/OR) is licensed. I was reminded of this fact when I wrote last week's blog post about how to create a map with PROC SGPLOT. Although the SGPLOT procedure is
Many readers in applied areas (business, health, psychology & sociology, education, and several others) are reading statistics texts under duress for a course or project, and are in truth somewhere between disinterested and terrified. In my new SAS Press book Business Statistics Made Easy in SAS® I knew that I
“Der hat doch´n Vogel – was für ein Freak” hab ich damals im Bio-Unterricht gedacht, als unser Lehrer davon erzählte, dass er sich im Frühjahr und im Sommer gerne früh morgens auf die Pirsch legt und die Vögel im seinem Garten beobachtet. Mit Vogel-Voyeurismus allein war es aber nicht getan, nein mein Bio-Lehrer dokumentierte
In my previous post, I discussed some of the challenges and costs organizations face when they’re stuck in Excel hell with no real data strategy. Now that we’ve discussed the problem, let’s dive into the solution. Every organization needs a data strategy with these building blocks: Your top priority is
The holiday season is a festive time of the year. But it can also be a nail biter for retailers. Months of planning can be sidetracked by fickle consumers or aggressive pricing from competitors. Paying attention to even a little bit of data can work wonders. In October, SAS conducted
„Mein Name ist Dr. Richard Dump. Ich bin IT Verantwortlicher bei einem großen global agierenden Unternehmen. Unsere IT Strategie ist durch eine konsequente Cloud Ausrichtung in Bezug auf Hardware und Software durch internationale Provider (auch außerhalb der EU) gekennzeichnet. Dies beinhaltet ebenso die Verarbeitung von personenbezogenen Daten.