
Rick Wicklin 0
Overlay categories on a histogram

Recently Sanjay Matange blogged about how to color the bars of a histogram according to a gradient color ramp. Using the fact that bar charts and histograms look similar, he showed how to use PROC SGPLOT in SAS to plot a bar chart in which each bar is colored according

Data Management
David Loshin 0
Big data integration as a service

I've seen a number of articles and webinars recently that discuss data integration as a cloud-based service. So I thought it was worth exploring what this really means in the context of big data – specifically when the objective is to exploit many sources of streaming data for analytics. My initial reaction

Torsten Röhner 0
Master Data Management - SAS Adventskalender 7. Türchen

Unser Christkind hat nun eine ganze Menge analytische Tipps bekommen. Auch wenn es kein Analyticsfreak ist, weiß es dennoch um die tollen Möglichkeiten (beispielsweise Mulitchannel-Wuschzettel richtig zuordnen). Dialoge wie diese hier gehören der Vergangenheit an, weil die im Himmel jetzt auch Master Data Management anwenden. Und das kam nur wegen

Rick Wicklin 0
Arrange matrices and graphs in a gridded layout

Last week my colleague Chris Hemedinger published a blog post that described how to use the ODS LAYOUT GRIDDED statement to arrange tables and graphs in a panel. The statement was introduced in SAS 9.4m1 (December 2013). Gridded layout is supported for HTML, POWERPOINT, and the PRINTER family of destinations

Russ Albright 0
Focusing your Text Mining with Search Queries

Recently, I have been thinking about how search can play more of a part in discovery and exploration with SAS Text Miner. Unsupervised text discovery usually begins with a look at the frequent or highly weighted terms in the collection, perhaps includes some edits to the synonym and stop lists,

Leo Sadovy 0
Tell me something I don’t know

What is information? The lack of a working definition plagued both science and the emerging telecommunications industry until the arrival of Claude Shannon and his famous 1948 paper, “A Mathematical Theory of Communication”, based on his cryptography work during WWII while at Bell Labs.  The landmark article is considered the

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