
Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
Scatter with box

Previously, I discussed ways to create a Box Plot with Stat Table and Markers in the linked article.  One of the graphs showed a Box Plot of Cholesterol by Death cause along with the display of the actual observations.  The main goal for that article was display of statistics with

Customer Intelligence
Brittany Bullard 0
Retailers use optimization to improve in-store fulfillment and keep customers satisfied

Omnichannel shoppers have been disrupting retailers for years, and its likely to top the industry’s agenda of challenges for years to come. But optimization, an omnichannel analytics technology, can help harness the positives of omnichannel retailing and minimize showrooming. Consider this everyday retail dilemma: E-commerce sales are growing, but in-store

Artificial Intelligence | Internet of Things | Machine Learning
Peter Pugh-Jones 0
Intelligent ecosystems and the intelligence of things

I've long been fascinated by both science and the natural world around us, inspired by the amazing Sir David Attenborough with his ever-engaging documentaries and boundless enthusiasm for nature, and also by the late, great Carl Sagan and his ground-breaking documentary series, COSMOS. The relationships between the creatures, plants and

Learn SAS
Brenna 0
11 new SAS Press titles for 2017

Whether your resolution is to get SAS certified or to become a more advanced SAS programmer, we’ve got you covered with these new titles and upcoming SAS Press books, many of which will be making their bookshelf debut at SAS® Global Forum 2017 in Orlando, FL! Want to be notified when a new book

Matthias Piston 0
Wandel durch Digitalisierung – Auch der Vorstand muss sich neu erfinden

Die Digitalisierung wird ja angeblich alles ändern. Oder sogar revolutionieren. Das gilt sowohl für unser Privat- wie auch das Berufsleben. Unsere Arbeitsweisen und Gewohnheiten werden sich an die digitale Gesellschaft anpassen. Ob wir wollen oder nicht. Gleichfalls werden sich Strukturen und Organisationsformen in Unternehmen verändern. Und diese Veränderungen machen auch

Rick Wicklin 0
The contaminated normal distribution

How can you generate data that contains outliers in a simulation study? The contaminated normal distribution is a simple but useful distribution you can use to simulate outliers. The distribution is easy to explain and understand, and it is also easy to implement in SAS. What is a contaminated normal

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