Regulations, corporate drivers, leadership and market influences have combined to produce a patchwork of uneven progress on initiatives such as distributed generation, customer choice, asset optimization and the industrial Internet of Things. These initiatives all rely on analytics to gain the most return on investment. To better understand organizational readiness
In part 2, Jim Harris explains more about why you should address data quality and governance issues on the way to data lakes and Hadoop.
When I was in college, I lived in the Alexander dorm, where each room had an American student and an International student. I learned a lot about the rest of the world, and I also heard a lot of different languages being spoken. I'm really impressed when I hear people
There's been a lot of talk in the media lately about the death of retail. Every week, it seems like another retailer announces the closing of stores, acquisitions or even going out of business. Many relate it to the growing competitive landscape with the convenience of online shopping and lure
In a previous article, I showed two ways to define a log-likelihood function in SAS. This article shows two ways to compute maximum likelihood estimates (MLEs) in SAS: the nonlinear optimization subroutines in SAS/IML and the NLMIXED procedure in SAS/STAT. To illustrate these methods, I will use the same data
지난 3월 31일 막을 올린 ‘2017 KBO 프로야구 정규시즌’이 어느새 중반부를 넘어섰습니다. 개막 두 달 만인 5월 30일 최소 경기 수 기준 역대 다섯 번째로 누적 관중 300만명을 넘어서며 식지 않는 인기를 과시하고 있는데요! 이처럼 수많은 관중들의 마음을 얻기 위해 그라운드 위 선수들의 치열한 경기 외에도 야구장 곳곳에서 다양한 시도들이
‘세계 야생 동물의 날(World Wildlife Day)’에 대해 들어보셨나요? 지난 2013년, 국제 자연 보호 연맹(IUCN) 산하 ‘멸종위기에 처한 야생동식물종의 국제거래에 관한 협약(CITES: Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna)’의 170여개 체약국은 3월 3일을 멸종 위기에 처한 야생 동물·식물에 대한 관심과 대책을 촉구하는 기념일로 지정했습니다. 이에 따라
Maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) is a powerful statistical technique that uses optimization techniques to fit parametric models. The technique finds the parameters that are "most likely" to have produced the observed data. SAS provides many tools for nonlinear optimization, so often the hardest part of maximum likelihood is writing down
Registration is now open for the SAS Analytics Experience 2017, being held September 18-20, in Washington, DC. (The Analytics Experience moves to Amsterdam, October 16-18 -- details on that event to follow.) For anyone interested in FVA analysis, Chip Wells and I will be delivering a half-day pre-conference training session
If you were a fan of the original Star Trek television series, you probably remember lots of little details about the show. And you might even feel sorry for the people who don't get the clever references you make to things from the show. If you're that person, then you'll
Utilities can save as much as $10 million a year for every one percent improvement in forecast accuracy by optimizing asset utilization and trading strategies. Changing energy markets and an influx of data from the smart grid are providing more opportunities to reap value from energy forecasting. Improving energy forecasts
Todd Wright says addressing GDPR compliance might be just the catalyst the insurance industry needs.
In a world that never stands still, especially in the post-Brexit whirlwind the UK will soon be entering, it’s imperative that government is agile and responsive. More importantly, how can this capability be arrived at without breaking the bank? The UK Government recently released its Transformation Strategy 2017 to 2020.
I have previously discussed how to define functions that safely evaluate their arguments and return a missing value if the argument is not in the domain of the function. The canonical example is the LOG function, which is defined only for positive arguments. For example, to evaluate the LOG function
Innovation used to happen in structured cycles. The new invention was often a planned event and the domain of a select few departments within an organisation. But in today's always-on economy enterprises need to innovate on a continuous basis to keep up with new players that base their entire businesses
This past weekend, I was a volunteer helping with an Ironman 70.3 race. I was really impressed & inspired by the athletes ... I was also excited about the quantity and variety of data generated by this type of race (compared to a regular marathon). And as a 'graph guy' I
Two colleagues and I, all former educators, have dealt with education equity gaps both as children and professionally. This is the second post in a series about our experiences. I encourage you to read the first entry, Equity in education: I was a statistic. Many people think of education equity
Wait! Don't close this window. I understand that regular expressions can be very complicated (yes, there are many books on the subject), but some basic expressions to test patterns such as zip codes or telephone numbers are not that difficult. In addition, you can sometimes use Google to search for
As a kid who grew up in the 60s & 70s, I was a big fan of the original Star Trek TV series. And in the years since, I have seen lots of the Star Trek “technology” become a reality: cellphones, portable tablet computers, talking computers (Alexa/Siri), etc. But I
Jim Harris advocates addressing data quality and governance issues on the way to data lakes and Hadoop.
If you toss a coin 28 times, you would not be surprised to see three heads in a row, such as ...THHHTH.... But what about eight heads in a row? Would a sequence such as THHHHHHHHTH... be a rare event? This question popped into my head last weekend as I
To stack the deck means to cheat or to fix something so a desired outcome is achieved. This term originated in card games, but can also be applied to other things. And here, I apply it (both metaphorically and literally) to creating a better graph! I recently saw the following
1990년, ‘인터넷’이라는 개념이 가시화되면서 이전까지 불가능했던 연결, 지식, 속도를 누릴 수 있게 됐습니다. 그로부터 27년이 지난 요즘, 인터넷의 가장 최신 형태인 사물인터넷(IoT)에 대한 질문을 많이 받습니다. IoT의 가능성이 무궁무진한 가운데 과연 우리는 1990년에 인터넷을 사용했던 것처럼 지금 IoT를 사용하고 있을까요? 당시 우린 인터넷을 충분히 누리고 있다고 생각했었지만, 지금은 어떤가요? 2012년, 인터넷과 재생
June's move is two in one. The thruster is a multi-joint movement that incorporates a squat and an overhead press. You will work lower and upper body while challenging core stability. You can choose to use a variety of equipment options and even add a toss and catch with a medicine
Last week I was asked a simple question: "How do I choose a seed for the random number functions in SAS?" The answer might surprise you: use any seed you like. Each seed of a well-designed random number generator is likely to give rise to a stream of random numbers,
Clark Bradley explains how SAS can make Hadoop approachable and accessible.
When SAS Add-In for Microsoft Office was first created over a decade ago, SAS programmers were told to check their skills at the door. This new product was for non-programmers only. SAS programmers were invited to contribute to the experience by packaging their code in SAS stored processes, which end
Hay que decir las cosas como son: los consumidores de hoy pueden ser despiadados. ¿Y quién podría culparlos por tener semejante inclinación? Simplemente disfrutan el mundo en el que les tocó vivir: una economía global que, gracias a su alto nivel de digitalización, permite adquirir productos o servicios desde cualquier
By default, when you use the SERIES statement in PROC SGPLOT to create a line plot, the observations are connected (in order) by straight line segments. However, SAS 9.4m1 introduced the SMOOTHCONNECT option which, as the name implies, uses a smooth curve to connect the observations. In Sanjay Matange's blog,