
Data Visualization | Learn SAS
Ryan Kumpfmiller 0
An introduction to SAS Visual Analytics: the Parallel Period function of the Derived Item calculations

My new SAS Press book “An Introduction to SAS Visual Analytics” (written in collaboration with Tricia Aanderud and Rob Collum) covers all of the different aspects of SAS® Visual Analytics, including how to develop reports, load data, and handle administration. Below is an example of the types of tips that you can find

Programming Tips
Rick Wicklin 0
Order correlations by magnitude

Correlations between variables are typically displayed in a matrix. Because the correlation matrix is determined by the order of the variables, it is difficult to find the largest and smallest correlations, which is why analysts sometimes use colors to visualize the correlation matrix. Another visualization option is the pairwise correlation

Miriam Audelo 0
Innovación para todos los presupuestos

El precio que paga una empresa que se transforma digitalmente no sólo implica "asumir el costo cultural" de una visión disruptiva que modifica la operación del negocio. De hecho, es una suma real y que se refleja en las inversiones que realizan las organizaciones. Según datos de un estudio global , este año,

Analytics | Internet of Things
Keith Holdaway 0
Why analytics and IIoT are critical for the oilfield of the future

As traditional reserves deplete and oil prices rise, market analysts predict that the global demand for petroleum products will increasingly be met with oil extracted from non-traditional resources in more challenging and harsher environments. Therefore, companies across the oil & gas industry are evaluating technologies and processes that can deliver

Sandra Hernandez 0
Analítica: la base de una banca más sólida e innovadora. El caso colombiano, un ejemplo

Los bancos colombianos han entendido que la transformación digital es una prioridad para su industria, sobre todo porque ya no solo están disputándose el mercado con los actores tradicionales sino que han empezado a cruzarse con las Fintech, las diferentes startups que han empezado a ofrecer nuevos servicios financieros basados en tecnología.

Analytics | Data Visualization
Georgia Mariani 0
Education analytics: The benefits of using data visualization and analytics

For our third installment in this blog post series, let’s continue our journey to learn more from three SAS education customers. Today, we'll hear about the benefits their users and institutions have received by using SAS for data visualization and analytics. In this post, you'll hear from: Linda Sullivan, Assistant Vice President

Advanced Analytics | Data Visualization
Jeanne (Hyunjin) Byun 0
인공지능(AI) 활용 엔터프라이즈 분석 플랫폼 ‘SAS 바이야(SAS Viya)’

분석이 매 순간, 데이터가 존재하는 모든 곳에 적용된다면 어떤 일들이 가능해질까요? 오늘날 우리는 데이터가 사회와 경제를 움직이는 ‘데이터 이코노미’ 시대에 살고 있습니다. IDC는 오는 2025년 전 세계 데이터 양이 현재의 10배에 달하는 163제타바이트(ZB)에 이를 것으로 전망했는데요. 그러나 데이터는 그 자체만으로 유용하지 않습니다. 모든 데이터는 대기 시간과 유효 기간의 속성을 지니기

Advanced Analytics | Machine Learning
Charlie Chase 0
Is demand sensing and shaping a key component of your company’s digital supply chain transformation?

Depending on who you speak with you will get varying definitions and opinions regarding demand sensing and shaping from sensing short-range replenishment based on sales orders to manual blending of point-of-sales (POS) data and shipments.        Most companies think that they are sensing demand when in fact they are

Learn SAS | Programming Tips
Rick Wicklin 0
Data-driven simulation

In a large simulation study, it can be convenient to have a "control file" that contains the parameters for the study. My recent article about how to simulate multivariate normal clusters demonstrates a simple example of this technique. The simulation in that article uses an input data set that contains

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