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What does data have to do with dry-erase markers? Everything if you’re looking to help teachers stock their classrooms with supplies they actually need. That's the goal of the SAS Data Drive – a school-supply donation drive with a special focus on data, undertaken for the second-consecutive year – conducted
A SAS customer asked how to use the Box-Cox transformation to normalize a single variable. Recall that a normalizing transformation is a function that attempts to convert a set of data to be as nearly normal as possible. For positive-valued data, introductory statistics courses often mention the log transformation or
During the past decade, the public has grown increasingly skeptical of the value of a post-secondary degree. Rising tuition costs and job opportunities in the labor market have only exacerbated enrollment and financial challenges for higher education. In many US cities, wages for new hires have gone up across the
The Young Health Leader Summit is a one-of-a-kind event for health care heroes to come together and tackle some of the biggest challenges in the industry. The event also hosts a unique competition where the young health leaders are tasked with "doing the most good" in 24 hours. The 2022
Tal vez no sea evidente para todos, pero nuestro mundo cada vez está más influenciado por los datos. Cada vez más datos en todo y para todo. Casi todas las tecnologías nuevas o desarrolladas en la última década tienen datos como parte de su ADN. Desde autos inteligentes o relojes
Tanto en la vida como en los negocios, conocer nuestras limitaciones es importante para progresar. Desarrollar una estrategia analítica figura entre las cosas que pueden generar mucho valor para una empresa, pero es crucial entender lo que nos impide comenzar algo nuevo. En un artículo anterior, invité a ese proceso
Hasta ahora en SAS hemos venido impulsando principalmente el uso de la analítica avanzada y el aprovechamiento de los datos en las organizaciones como un factor diferencial, para ganar preferencia en el mercado, para obtener mejores resultados, para tomar mejores decisiones o sacar ventaja frente a los competidores. Ahora es
Hace algunas semanas llamó la atención un post en Linkedin en el que una de las empresas más reconocidas en el mundo decía buscar un Director de Omnicanalidad. No llamó la atención por el anuncio en sí: los directores o gerentes de omnicanalidad vienen haciendo parte del equipo de directores
En el 2022, el Banco de Bogotá, una de las instituciones financieras más importantes y tradicionales de Colombia, recibió el reconocimiento como el Mejor Laboratorio de Innovación Financiera en la categoría “laboratorio de empresas de servicios financieros trabajando con startups y scaleups externas”, por parte de Global Finance. Los laboratorios de datos
SAS' Kevin Russell compares how you order your data with a BY statement in SAS 9.4 versus in CAS using the ADDROWID data set option in SAS Viya.
In the 1960s and '70s, before nonparametric regression methods became widely available, it was common to apply a nonlinear transformation to the dependent variable before fitting a linear regression model. This is still done today, with the most common transformation being a logarithmic transformation of the dependent variable, which fits
In March 2020, when nearly all schools closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, most school leaders would never have anticipated the speed or length of school closures, nor the magnitude of its impact on students and educators. As state departments of education and local school districts continue to take measures
SAS has been busy this summer and so has Women in Analytics (WIA). Read through this list to learn something new, discover upcoming events and see what WIA has been up to! Batting Lab With the recent opening of the SAS Batting Lab, kids are learning how to improve
John Tukey was an influential statistician who proposed many statistical concepts. In the 1960s and 70s, he was fundamental in the discovery and exposition of robust statistical methods, and he was an ardent proponent of exploratory data analysis (EDA). In his 1977 book, Exploratory Data Analysis, he discussed a small
Let's create a Multi-stage Computer Vision model to detect objects on high-resolution imagery taken from an aerial view. The goal is to locate a dog and determine if he is wearing a scarf or not and what color the scarf is.