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Este recurso está diseñado principalmente para científicos de datos, analistas principiantes o intermedios que están interesados en identificar y aplicar algoritmos de machine learning para abordar los problemas de su interés. Una pregunta típica de un principiante, cuando se enfrenta a una gran variedad de algoritmos de machine learning, es:
Durante mucho tiempo, los bancos han tenido dificultades para detectar las transacciones ilícitas entre la multitud de transacciones que procesan a diario. Esto pasa por lo general porque los delincuentes mueven el dinero de manera rápida de una institución a otra para cubrir sus huellas, dejando a los investigadores financieros
Las diferentes crisis locales y mundiales del presente siglo, al igual que las normas y mejores prácticas del mercado aplicadas y en vías de instaurar, han exhibido los retos del sistema financiero. Situado en el marco de un mercado creciente, competitivo, voraz, exigente e innovador, afianzado, en buena medida, por
Change is one of the few constants in our fast-moving world. Organisations must respond rapidly and effectively to changes in their environment, including among their customers. Being able to address new problems and issues, especially at speed, means that innovation is now essential for companies to survive and thrive. However,
The advantage of using SAS PROC KPCA is that you can preprocess your data so that you can classify groups with nonlinear classification boundaries.
La corrupción sigue siendo uno de los principales obstáculos para el desarrollo social y económico de los países latinoamericanos, pero uno de los que más puede ser impactado por la analítica avanzada con inteligencia artificial. Cálculos del Banco de Desarrollo de América Latina CAF estiman que por este flagelo se
Jason Colón was hoping to work on a data for good project – any data for good project, really – offered through SAS’ analytic volunteer program. He had no idea the one he would be asked to do would hit so close to home for him. The organization – which
I’ve spent months traveling and speaking to business leaders worldwide about trustworthy AI and responsible innovation. On the nights I laid awake in unfamiliar hotel rooms, wishing my body clock would adjust faster than it was, I found joy in watching local television in local languages. While I don’t understand
스마트폰 대중화로 모바일 광고 시장은 애드테크(Ad-Tech) 타겟 광고를 기반으로 약 800억 달러 규모로 성장하였으나, 사용자의 행동 정보를 동의 없이 사용하는 광고 생태계의 프로세스로 인해 개인정보 이슈를 가중시켰습니다. 최근 메타(페이스북 모기업)의 주가가 하루사이에 26% 넘게 폭락하였으며, 이는 메타의 실적 부진과 영업이익의 하락이 원인이었습니다. 메타의 경우 전체 매출의 98% 가량이 광고사업에서 나오고
Recently, I needed to know "how much" of a piecewise linear curve is below the X axis. The coordinates of the curve were given as a set of ordered pairs (x1,y1), (x2,y2), ..., (xn, yn). The question is vague, so the first step is to define the question better. Should
Un análisis publicado recientemente en Lexology, un servicio de análisis por internet de diferentes temas que ofrece la firma legal DLA Piper, puso en contexto claro lo que ha venido pasando con tecnologías como blockchain y activos virtuales o criptomonedas, y el impacto que están teniendo como una nueva forma
As the new generations start to sweep into the workplace, we decided to take a peek into what Gen-Z looks for in their career. This post features two SAS employees from different generations. Our more senior employee, Savera Tanwir, asks questions of our Gen-Z mentor, Yutika Aggarwal, to take a
From rising operating costs to wage inflation, business leaders are facing challenges on an unprecedented scale. For small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in particular, this is driving the need for more in-depth data gathering, understanding and insight generation to inform smarter decision making and identify cost-saving opportunities. Some might remember
Billy Dickerson of SAS R&D chronicles three key challenges and lessons learned in SAS' journey to continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD).
The role of Chief Operating Officer (COO) is interesting. It’s a relatively new role—and there is also relatively little consensus about the job description. In some organisations, the COO is the de facto deputy CEO. They have their fingers in most pies, from operational to strategic initiatives. In others, the