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Platforma SAS® Viya® oferuje wiele algorytmów klasy uczenia maszynowego (machine learning, ML) czy sztucznej inteligencji (artificial intelligence, AI) do trenowania modeli predykcyjnych (klasyfikacyjnych itp.), takich jak lasy losowe (random forest) czy wzmocnienia gradientowe (gradient boosting), jak również modele uczenia głębokiego (deep learning). Choć wielokrotnie potwierdziły one swoją przydatność w praktyce,
Não foi por acaso que Laís Souza escolheu este título para sua apresentação no Women Empowerment Day 2023: "Caí algumas vezes mas nasci para levantar". Sua queda mais emblemática, ocorrida há apenas uma semana da sua primeira Olimpíada de Inverno, certamente não a derrubou, mesmo trazendo o maior desafio de
Um dos temas do painel foi o combate à desigualdade As palestrantes convidadas, Silvia Chakian, promotora de Justiça, e Marina Vezzoni, advogada, foram conduzidas por Thais Cerioni, head de marketing do SAS Brasil, durante a discussão realizada no Women Empowerment Day 2023. O tema foi: Direito das mulheres: combate à
Michelle Proctor, líder da divisão de Investigação de Riscos e Soluções Quantitativas do SAS e atualmente parte do conselho da Diversidade do SAS Women's Initiative Network (WIN) e líder do programa Women in Analytics (WIA), compartilhou em sua palestra sobre a trajetória e sua atuação em prol da diversidade e
Em painel “Mães Reais: importância da desromantização da maternidade”, Carolina Pereira, especialista sênior de comunicação do SAS, Aline Barbosa, criadora de conteúdo digital no perfil @maecrespa, Nátalie Feller, empreendedora e podcaster, e Ana Luiza Palestino, diretora de soluções digitais da TIM Brasil, falaram sobre os desafios da maternidade e como
SAS' Chris Hemedinger announces the SAS Customer Recognition Awards, which applaud SAS customers and partners helping us change the world through analytics.
Nós, mulheres, estamos cansadas de buscar o ideal de perfeição inatingível, sem aceitar nossas vulnerabilidades. Para falar sobre isso, o SAS promoveu, dentro do Women Empowerment Day 2023, o painel “É o fim da era da ‘mulher guerreira’?”, no qual convidou executivas para tirarem suas armaduras e debaterem como as
In today's world, data-driven systems make significant decisions across industries. While these systems can bring many benefits, they can also foster distrust by obscuring how decisions are made. Therefore, transparency within data driven systems is critical to responsible innovation. Transparency requires clear, explainable communication. Since transparency helps people understand how
SAS' Brandon Reese the EURO Meets NeurIPS 2022 Vehicle Routing Competition, which combined efforts of operations research and machine learning experts.
Soaring costs are hitting the public sector hard, squeezing budgets and making it difficult to deliver vital services at a time when many are in high demand. Government departments were told they need to ‘identify savings to manage pressures from higher inflation’ in last year’s Autumn Statement – but how
I recently discussed introductory programming with a colleague who teaches Python at a university. He told me about the following introductory programming assignment: Let N be an integer parameter in the range [1, 9]. For each value of N, find all pairs of one-digit positive integers d1 and d2 that
Las organizaciones de todos los sectores iniciaron un año 2023 más conscientes de que el entorno económico, político y social no permanece estático, y que las condiciones bajo las que operan a diario pueden cambiar con relativa frecuencia. Han aprendido a ser resilientes y prestar atención a lo que sucede
SAS Hackathon team, Data Hack Freaks, created an artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) based dynamic pricing approach that allows insurance providers to adjust pricing based on the changing nature of the risk behavior of their customers. This solution has three major components: The loss ratio score, telematics score
At SAS, where you start doesn’t have to be where you end; and there is ample opportunity for internal career mobility. That couldn’t be truer for Brandi Davis, who recently took on a new role that aligned with her skills, strengths and passions. The best part? She didn’t need to
The last few years have been full of disruption. As a leader, there were days when it felt like all I did was find ways to solve the latest unprecedented problem. While things have certainly stabilized since the early days of the pandemic, business hardly feels “as usual.” The recent