Search Results: sas hackathon (123)

Analytics | Data for Good | Students & Educators
Alex Coop 0
Join the ethical AI discussion at this social coding event

As organizations increasingly use artificial intelligence to collect and analyze data and identify individuals, the topic of ethical AI often rears its head. Last year, Michigan's Integrated Data Automated System flagged more than 540,000 unemployment claims as possibly fraudulent. Thousands of state residents’ accounts were inaccurately flagged, making it almost

Advanced Analytics | Artificial Intelligence
Arthur de Crook 0
OpenGate platform helps air transport towards the new normal

SAS, uqudo and iLabs Technologies started a collaboration in OpenGate for touchless and safe travel. OpenGate, based on open source technology and open standards, offers a seamless, automated travel solution based on a reliable platform and technical solution. It enables sharing personal, health and location information between border control, air

Analytics | Data Visualization
Stijn Rogiers 0
One small step for prostate cancer patients, one giant leap for prostate cancer research

In May, I joined several SAS colleagues, academics, clinicians, pharmaceutical companies, and other information and technology specialists for the first-ever IMI PIONEER Hackathon for prostate cancer research. A few weeks later, as I watched the SpaceX launch on TV, it occurred to me that space trips and cancer research have

Analytics | Data Visualization | Students & Educators
Nihan Yami 0
Şimdi dünyanın eskisinden de fazla veri bilimcisine ihtiyacı var

Yeni tip korona virus (COVID-19) ile yapılan global mücadeleye veri bilimi ışığında katkıda bulunmak ister misiniz? Uzmanların belirttiği üzere, “sosyal mesafe”ye dikkat etmek ve temel hijyen kurallarını takip etmek başta olacak şekilde, almamız gereken önlemler var. Veri bilimciler ise bu pandeminin en etkili şekilde yönetilmesinde çeşitli projelerle yardımcı olmaktalar. Sizler

Analytics | Data Visualization
Gregor Herrmann 0
BI ist tot? Noch lange nicht!

Die Diskussionen im IT-Umfeld kreisen heute vorwiegend um Trendthemen wie künstliche Intelligenz (KI), Machine Learning, Chatbots, Blockchain oder Hackathons. Von Business Intelligence (BI) ist kaum noch die Rede. Bedeutet das also, dass diese inzwischen überflüssig ist?  Die Antwort auf diese Frage lautet definitiv: nein. Dennoch lohnt sich ein genauerer Blick,

Analytics | Students & Educators
SAS Korea 0
재미 그 이상! 해커톤으로 혁신하는 4가지 방법

지난 3월 8~11일 로마 바티칸에서 교황청 최초의 해커톤(hackathon) ‘브이핵(VHacks; A Hackathon at the Vatican)’이 개최되어 세계의 이목을 끌었습니다. 전 세계의 기업, IT 개발자, 학생들이 첨단 과학 기술을 이용해 이주민, 난민과 같은 사회적 이슈와 종교간 포용, 대화 등 종교적 이슈에 대한 해결책을 찾기 위해 한자리에 모였는데요. 특히 미국 매사추세츠공과대학(MIT), 하버드대학, 조지타운대학 등

Analytics | Learn SAS | Students & Educators
Dr. Jürgen Kaselowsky 0
Augen auf bei der Berufswahl: der Influencer und Zukunftskompetenzen

Kürzlich habe ich mich sehr amüsiert über eine Reportage im Fernsehen: Man fragte Jugendliche, was sie mal beruflich machen wollen, und die Antworten waren „YouTube-Star“, „DJ“ und immer wieder auch „Influencer“. Letzteres ruft gerade bei der Ü30-Generation Verwunderung hervor, da man irgendwie an Grippe denkt – die Aussprache ist gleich,

Analytics | Data for Good
Shannon Heath 0
How did one school system save money, improve local traffic and make students happier? With fewer bus stops and better bus schedules

Every fall, highways, backroads and neighborhood streets nationwide take on a noticeable yellow hue, as school buses carefully and methodically transport students back to school. In some areas, including Boston, this massive transportation exercise can present a number of challenges. Boston Public Schools (BPS) provided transportation for 25,000 students via