Search Results: api (2286)

Gerhard Svolba 0
SAS Contextual Analysis: ein Selbstversuch

Erfahrungen aus einem Selbstversuch mit SAS Contextual Analysis Bitte verstehen Sie mich nicht falsch. Ich bin unseren SAS Produkten und SAS Lösungen gegenüber in keinster Weise misstrauisch! Trotzdem wollte ich die Möglichkeiten unserer neuen Lösung für Text Analytics „SAS Contextual Analysis 14.1“ auf der eigenen Haut spüren und verstehen lernen.

Programming Tips
Uttam Kumar 0

SAS 9.4 M3, introduces a new procedure named PROC SQOOP. This procedure enables users to access an Apache Sqoop utility from a SAS session to transfer data between a database and HDFS. Using SAS PROC SQOOP lets you submit Sqoop commands from within your SAS application to your Hadoop cluster. PROC

Leo Sadovy 0
Painting with big data analytics

Big data, by which most people mean Big Volume, doesn’t get you very far just by itself, but with the addition of Big Variety and analytics, now you’re talking. In fact, most organizations who are making headway into capitalizing on their data assets now refer to the process as "big

Carsten Krah 0
model risk management: Alles im Griff? (Teil 2)

Kennen Sie einen Riskmanager, der sich schon mal mit dem Risiko beschäftigt hat, das von seinen eigenen Risikomodellen ausgeht? Ja? Das glaube ich Ihnen sogar, denn wenn ich mich mit Vertretern von Risikoabteilungen darüber unterhalte, behaupten auch sie, sie hätten in Bezug auf Modellrisiko-Management (model risk management) alles im Griff. Doch

Data Management
Stuart Rose 0
The final countdown… and beyond

It’s rather appropriate that the rock band Europe recorded the hit “The Final Countdown”, because today, September 22nd, represents 100 days until the much anticipated (and delayed) European insurance legislation Solvency II will come into effect on January 1st 2016. Designed to introduce a harmonized, EU-wide insurance regulation, Solvency II

Russ Cobb 0
Focus on outcomes, not inputs

Last weekend I realized I wanted something very specific: a great-looking lawn by mid-October that would require minimal effort from me. This meant that the output I needed to produce this desired outcome was the target date on which I needed to have aeration and over-seeding done in my yard.

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