Healthcare IT News recently published an article on 18 health technologies poised for big growth, a list culled from a HIMSS database. The database is used to track an extensive list of technology products that have seen growth of 4-10 percent since 2010, but have not yet reached a 70
The top 10 use cases for analytics in high-growth health technologies

The top 10 use cases for analytics in high-growth health technologies
Healthcare IT News recently published an article on 18 health technologies poised for big growth, a list culled from a HIMSS database. The database is used to track an extensive list of technology products that have seen growth of 4-10 percent since 2010, but have not yet reached a 70
EHR systems should enable the triple aim, not prevent it
A recent news headline read, “Bipartisan committee wants government-subsidized electronic records systems scrutinized for ‘information blocking.’” * The question before the US Senate Appropriations Committee is whether taxpayer-funded EHR software solutions are now preventing the unrestricted exchange of medical records between health care organizations. If this is in fact the case,