Last weekend I realized I wanted something very specific: a great-looking lawn by mid-October that would require minimal effort from me. This meant that the output I needed to produce this desired outcome was the target date on which I needed to have aeration and over-seeding done in my yard.
Focus on outcomes, not inputs

Exploration in trail running, big data and cyber crime
I am a runner – a trail runner to be more precise. There are many trails that I enjoy running near where I live, but what I really anticipate is the opportunity to explore a new trail. Whenever I travel, my trail shoes go with me and I try to

Surfing big waves
I just spent much of the past week watching and trying to ride waves on the North Carolina coast. Small waves, mind you, nothing spectacular and certainly nothing that you would consider edgy or life-altering. Nothing that big wave surfers like Laird Hamilton, Garrett McNamara and others of their substance