Search Results: Visual Analytics (1744)

Analytics | Data Visualization | Students & Educators
Robert Ruf 0
Analytics im Controlling – mutiert der Controller 2.0 zum (Citizen) Data Scientist?

Der Interpretationsspielraum zwischen „Bean Counter“ und „Business Partner“ ist immens. Nicht umsonst sind die Meinungen sehr unterschiedlich, welcher konzeptionelle Controlling-Ansatz der „richtige“ ist. Nicht nur in der Wissenschaft, sondern auch in der Praxis findet man deutliche Unterschiede vor, welches Selbstverständnis das Controlling in den Unternehmen hat. Ich möchte heute jedoch

Analytics | Customer Intelligence | Data Management | Data Visualization | Fraud & Security Intelligence | Risk Management
Randy Guard 0
How companies can succeed in an analytics economy

Artificial intelligence. Big data. Cognitive computing. These buzzwords are the ABCs of today’s marketplace. In a recent interview at SAS® Global Forum, I discussed the unprecedented pace of change that we’re seeing in the market. It’s creating what I like to call an analytics economy. In this economy, analytics –

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Customer Intelligence
Scott Nalick 0
When everything is analytics, nothing is analytics...?

The widespread adoption of the term "analytics" reminds me of the evolution of the term "supply chain management." Initially the term focused on supply chain planning. It involved demand and supply balancing and the heuristics and optimization tools that came out of advanced planning and scheduling. Over time practically everything was included

Analytics | Data Visualization
Georgia Mariani 0
Data visualization helps University of Louisville achieve its 2020 strategic plan

When senior leaders at the University of Louisville (UofL) approached Vice Provost Bob Goldstein in early April 2016 with a request for a fully functioning data visualization platform by start of the 2016 fall semester—just four months away—he did not panic. Instead, Goldstein, along with Becky Patterson, Executive Director of

Data Visualization
Michael Thomas 0
Immersive analytics: yes or no?

I’m drawn to immersive analytics (IA) because it covers areas I’ve been looking at since 2012, and have been publishing on since early 2014, like virtual reality and data worlds. I’m retroactively applying the cool new term IA (not to be confused with AI for artificial intelligence) to all of my activities

Fraud & Security Intelligence
Stavros Stavrinoudakis 0
Visual Investigation: the emerging role for Audit, Compliance, Safety & Security, Health and Financial Crime Departments

From national security agencies, law enforcement organizations looking to terrorism and criminal activities, internal security, audit and compliance departments, to hospitals and public health organizations guarding against disease outbreaks, there are many common needs and constant challenges, e.g.: Detect an event of interest in the early stages. Investigate suspicious events

SAS Poland 0
Social network analysis in SAS® Visual Investigator

As early as in 2009, Gartner predicted that Social Network Analysis (SNA) could be an important tool for detecting business patterns or disruptions and a source of new unprecedented insights for organisations. Today, SNA-based tools, as components of advanced analytic platforms (including predictive platforms), become indispensable for defining long-term strategies and managing

Data Visualization | Students & Educators
Dr. Jürgen Kaselowsky 0
Man muss auch mal über den Tellerrand visualisieren können …

Unendliche Weiten … nein, heute meine ich damit mal nicht das gute alte Raumschiff Enterprise (übrigens 50-jähriges Jubiläum), sondern die Möglichkeiten, die sich einem auftun, wenn man bereit ist, sich auf etwas Neues einzulassen. Eigentlich ist das ziemlich einfach: Man schaut sich bei Leuten um, die aus einer vollkommen anderen

Analytics | Data Management | Data Visualization
Ian Jones 0
No data scientist? No analytics platform? No problem.

“Analytics” and “data scientist” aren’t new terms, but they are trending buzzwords. The popularity of these concepts has created a false impression: Analytics are mysterious abstractions that can only be decoded if you have a white lab coat and an advanced degree in computer science. The reality couldn’t be more different.

Juan Montero 0
How do you feel about analytics?

People say that the world has changed, but I think it'd be more accurate to say that people that have changed the world. Social media, big data, big analytics, internet of things … whether you're an executive, a data scientist, or a student, when you hear these buzzwords, you have

Analytics | Students & Educators
Georgia Mariani 0
ESSA – accountability, indicators and analytics to drive informed decision making

Last December, The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) was signed into law to ensure opportunity for all students in the United States. As part of this federal legislation, states now have the flexibility to design their own accountability systems following certain parameters outlined in ESSA. These accountability systems include academic and non-academic indicators. By

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