To get a high-performing analytics team producing insights that matter, you need great people, powerful software and a culture of experimentation and innovation. Three simple ingredients, but getting there is far from easy. In this post, I’d like to get you thinking about how to organize for success by building
Search Results: Visual Analytics (1617)
Does your data just look like a bunch of dots? Would you like to bring those dots to life so they can tell their story? This example shows how to make some voter-registration dots a bit more lifelike, so you can see what they're saying. You can apply the same
Are you struggling to hire talented data scientists to glean insights from your corporate data? There’s currently a lack of big data talent hampering corporate analytics and causing nightmares for CIO’s, but I have good news for you: You may already have all the data scientists you need! There are
A topic that's been in the news a lot lately is the presidential power to grant pardons, commutations, and such. But all the articles I've seen just quoted numeric totals - I haven't seen a graph of the data anywhere! So I set out to find the data and graph
As early as in 2009, Gartner predicted that Social Network Analysis (SNA) could be an important tool for detecting business patterns or disruptions and a source of new unprecedented insights for organisations. Today, SNA-based tools, as components of advanced analytic platforms (including predictive platforms), become indispensable for defining long-term strategies and managing
Unendliche Weiten … nein, heute meine ich damit mal nicht das gute alte Raumschiff Enterprise (übrigens 50-jähriges Jubiläum), sondern die Möglichkeiten, die sich einem auftun, wenn man bereit ist, sich auf etwas Neues einzulassen. Eigentlich ist das ziemlich einfach: Man schaut sich bei Leuten um, die aus einer vollkommen anderen
I've been working on a pilot project recently with a client to test out some new NoSQL database frameworks (graph databases in particular). Our goal is to see how a different storage model, representation and presentation can enhance the usability and ease of integration for master data indexes and entity
“Analytics” and “data scientist” aren’t new terms, but they are trending buzzwords. The popularity of these concepts has created a false impression: Analytics are mysterious abstractions that can only be decoded if you have a white lab coat and an advanced degree in computer science. The reality couldn’t be more different.
Last week, I attended the IALP 2016 conference (20th International Conference on Asian Language Processing) in Taiwan. After the conference, each presenter received a u-disk with all accepted papers in PDF format. So when I got back to Beijing, I began going through the papers to extend my learning. Usually, when
In the first three articles of the series we drilled down to Data Management and Data Quality as the basis for fraud detection analytics, to Business Rules and Watch lists techniques that play always a crucial role for claim handlers and fraud investigators and to Advanced Analytics which add a
People say that the world has changed, but I think it'd be more accurate to say that people that have changed the world. Social media, big data, big analytics, internet of things … whether you're an executive, a data scientist, or a student, when you hear these buzzwords, you have
One of the most frequent questions I’m asked by my students is which business analytics books to read to support their professional self-development. It is always hard to pick out the best books, especially because I like to mix classics and domain-specific references. I particularly like those that influence business
This is the third of the seven parts of blog post series “A practical guide to tackle auto insurance fraud”. In the first two articles of the series we drilled down to Data Management and Data Quality as the basis for insurance fraud detection analytics and also to the Business
No cabe duda de que la analítica ahora está en todas partes. Gracias a la Nube (cloud) se puede acceder a las soluciones desde cualquier lugar y aplicarla en todo lo que nos imaginemos. Incluso en una pista tan sofisticada y tecnológica como resulta ser la de la Fórmula 1,
Last December, The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) was signed into law to ensure opportunity for all students in the United States. As part of this federal legislation, states now have the flexibility to design their own accountability systems following certain parameters outlined in ESSA. These accountability systems include academic and non-academic indicators. By
Have you ever been involved in executing an exploratory analysis based on an integrated clinical trial database? If so, you've probably experienced firsthand how elaborate the initial phase of data access and data processing can be. Market analysts estimate the ratio for preparing the data, compared to actually analyzing the information,
When you were growing up, did you ever imagine that the most popular show on TV would be 24-hour coverage of a storm?!? Yes, for better or for worse, the weather has become our new reality TV. And as you watch the weather coverage, you probably see all the weather reporters showing the
Już w 2009 roku firma Gartner przewidywała, że analiza sieci społecznych (SNA – Social Network Analysis) może być dla organizacji bardzo ważnym narzędziem do wykrywania wzorców biznesowych lub zakłóceń oraz źródłem nowej nieznanej dotychczas wiedzy. Obecnie, narzędzia wykorzystujące SNA jako element zaawansowanej platformy analitycznej (w tym predykcyjnej), stają się niezbędne do
Per tre giorni, la capitale italiana ospiterà Analytics Experience, evento in cui professionisti IT, figure accademiche, business user ed executive da tutto il mondo si riuniscono con l’obiettivo di approfondire lo stato dell’arte degli analytics. Un mix di keynote strategici, storie di successo internazionali, corsi di formazione, certificazione SAS, update
“Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up. It knows it must run faster than the fastest lion, or it will be killed. Every morning a lion wakes up. It knows it must outrun the slowest gazelle, or it will starve to death. It doesn't matter whether you are a
W obecnych czasach temat wykrywania nadużyć w obszarach finansów, usług dla obywateli oraz bezpieczeństwa narodowego staje się coraz większym wyzwaniem dla firm prywatnych i instytucji państwowych. Powszechność dostępu do Internetu, gwałtowny rozwój handlu elektronicznego i rosnące ilości danych przetwarzanych w usługach „w chmurze” powodują konieczność zastosowania zaawansowanych narzędzi informatycznych. SAS®
A medida que evoluciona el panorama de la analítica y por la experimentada trayectoria que en SAS hemos construido por 40 años como líderes en el mercado, nos enorgullece dar a conocer un evento, en torno a la analítica de negocios y sus tendencias, mediante la fusión de The Premier
Die Fortschritte im Bereich Analytics sind rasant. Während vor wenigen Jahren nur wenige Experten Themen wie Machine Learning, Data Mining oder Cognitive Computing diskutierten, beschäftigen sich jetzt auch Nicht-Mathematiker und Fachbereiche mit diesen Begriffen und versuchen, diese einzuordnen. In meinen Gesprächen mit CIOs, zunehmend auch mit Chief Digital Officers, treffe
The digital disruption is creating unforeseen events, such as new competitors, products and services that threaten the performance and positioning of consolidated players. Big data and analytics prove themselves, through successful user cases, as the answer to intercept the demand, prevent churn, draw an integrated view of the customer, manage
In the digital era data analysis is not even a necessity, but an everyday task of any company. The effectiveness and efficiency of decision-making processes has a key influence on whether the organization is successful or fails. The use of advanced analytics in order to obtain the best possible recommendations
Il concetto di as-a-Service è uno dei paradigmi più importanti nel campo IT (e non solo) degli ultimi anni. Permette non solo di adottare una tecnologia innovativa, ma anche di decidere quale grado di complessità affrontare nella sua implementazione. Non è necessario essere un esperto per poter accedere a qualcosa di nuovo
Ist Ihnen das auch schon mal passiert? Sie radeln mit Ihrem Fahrrad zügig durch Gegend, und plötzlich werden Sie scheinbar mühelos von einem anderen Radfahrer überholt. Keuchend sehen Sie dem anderen hinterher und wundern sich über die unglaubliche Fitness des vermeintlich untrainierten oder älter aussehenden Rasers. Erst auf den zweiten
Erinnern Sie sich an Blofeld, Goldfinger oder Dr. No? Diese Bösewichte und Gegenspieler des berühmtesten Geheimagenten Ihrer Majestät einte eines: Sie präsentierten ihre hinterhältigen Weltbeherrschungspläne mit allen Daten und Fakten auf überdimensionalen Bildschirmen. (Webinar-Link zu Analytics für Alle). Wenn die Weltherrschaft nicht Ihr neues Geschäftsmodell ist, Sie aber auf der
We all find change easier when it starts with something we’re familiar with. That’s why I think sports analytics examples are popular – most of us are sports fans, so we get it more easily. It’s also why automotive examples that illustrate the potential reach of the Internet of Things
Report designers often discover after aggregating data by groups in the Visual Analytics Designer that it would also be nice to see additional aggregations of the data, for example, a maximum or minimum of that sum across groups. This means creating an ‘aggregation of an aggregation.’ If you plan your report objectives in