Search Results: Unicode (78)

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
Displaying Unicode Symbols in Legend

Including special Unicode symbols into the graph is getting more popular.  In general, SG procedures support Unicode strings in places where these strings are coded into the syntax such as TITLE, FOOTNOTE.  These support Unicode characters and also the  special {SUP} and {SUB} commands.  This is because these statements are rendered

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
Unicode Tick Values using GTL

Often it is desirable to use special Unicode characters for the tick value names on the axes.  However, SG procedures and GTL do not support Unicode strings in SAS data sets. With SAS 9.3, the SGPLOT procedure supports annotation which does support Unicode strings.  You can create an annotation data set

Data Visualization
Dan Heath 0
The Power of Unicode

The Unicode character table contains a vast array of  characters and symbols that can be quite useful for making your text more descriptive in your graph. These characters can be inserted into any viewable string that you can define in the GTL or SG procedure syntax. These strings include titles,

SAS Taiwan 0
安裝錯誤訊息: One or more libraries specified in the concatenated library SASHELP do not exist. ...

Q: SAS 9.4 安裝完後遇到錯誤訊息: WARNING: One or more libraries specified in the concatenated library SASHELP do not exist. These libraries were removed from the concatenation. ERROR: The current date of _____________ is past the final expiration date for your SAS system..... ..... ERROR: 從SASHELP 初始化 setinit 資訊失敗。 NOTE: Unable to initialize the

SAS Taiwan 0
SAS 程式(SAS 9.4) 繁體中文出現亂碼怎麼辦?

  SAS EG 常見問題集 SAS EM 常見問題集 Q: SAS 程式(SAS 9.4) 繁體中文出現亂碼怎麼辦? A: 主要發生原因是因為近期 Windows 作業系統更新, [解法] 請至控制台 > 地區設定,將” Beta: 使用 Unicode UTF-8 提供全球語言支援” 選項取消勾選,避免亂碼問題。

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