Fraud & Security Intelligence

Find out how analytics can protect against fraud and cybercrime

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Fraud & Security Intelligence
Matthias Piston 0
„Innovation braucht Fehlertoleranz und Risikobereitschaft“

Exnovation – wissen Sie was das ist? Das ist das Gegenteil von Innovation. Nein, das wollen wir nicht haben. Wir wollen Innovationen, und die bitte am laufenden Band. Koste es, was es wolle. Gerade im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung. Innovation ist irgendwie zum Zwang geworden. Denn wer sich nicht innerhalb kürzester

Advanced Analytics | Fraud & Security Intelligence | Machine Learning
SAS Korea 0
고급 분석, 거세지는 자금세탁방지(AML) 요구에 대한 구원 투수

유럽 연합(EU)의 자금세탁방지(AML; Anti-Money Laundering)와 고객 위험 평가에 대한 새로운 컴플라이언스 요구가 거세지고 있습니다. 이에 따라 앞으로 6개월 후 유럽 금융 업계는 큰 도전 과제에 부딪힐 것으로 보이는데요. 바로 유럽 연합의 ‘4차 자금세탁방지 지침(Fourth Anti-Money Laundering Directive)’ 때문입니다. 해당 지침과 관련된 모든 변경 사항들이 전면 시행되기까지 6개월도 채 남지 않았습니다.

Analytics | Fraud & Security Intelligence
EU-Umsatzsteuerkarusselle ergaunern Milliarden – moderne Analytik bringt sie zum Stillstand

Umsatzsteuerkarusselle drehen auf dem Jahrmarkt der Straftaten tagtäglich fröhlich ihre Runden. Sie sind bei einer cleveren Spezies von Kriminellen ein beliebter Klassiker, der sich wie ein geldgieriger Virus immer wieder einnistet, wenn nichts dagegen unternommen wird. Dabei werden jährliche viele Milliarden Euro auf betrügerische Konten geschaufelt. Die Basis: Handel mit

Analytics | Fraud & Security Intelligence
Marco Heidelberger 0
Mehr Effizienz in Regulatorik und Compliance

Dieser Weg … Kann er leichter sein? Regelmäßig begeben wir uns in ein Hamsterrad. Für die Erfüllung von Regulatorik und Compliance sind auf dem Weg bis zum Reporting viele vorgelagerte Schritte notwendig. Diese zu bewältigen, ist sehr mühsam: Die beteiligten Fachbereiche und Systeme sind meist sehr heterogen aufgestellt, die Prozessschritte

Fraud & Security Intelligence
Min-Gi Cho 0
티핑포인트를 맞은 글로벌 금융 사기 방지

뉴욕 주 금융 당국(NYDFS), 금융 사이버 보안 규정 발표 최근 미 뉴욕 주 금융서비스국(NYDFS)은 뉴욕의 은행, 보험사, 기타 금융 기관을 대상으로 새로운 사이버 보안 규정을 발표했습니다. 2017년 3월 1일부터 효력을 발휘한 이 규정은 소비자와 금융 서비스 산업 전체를 보호할 사이버 보안 프로그램의 개발과 유지를 골자로 합니다. 이 사이버 보안 지침은 2016년 9월

Fraud & Security Intelligence | Risk Management | SAS Events
Jeanne (Hyunjin) Byun 0
SAS코리아, “글로벌 자금세탁 규제 대응 위한 방안 모색 서둘러야”

주요 금융사 준법감시실 자금세탁방지 담당자 대상 ‘자금세탁 규제 대응 전략 세미나’ 개최 글로벌 자금세탁방지 규제 동향 및 SAS 솔루션 활용한 규제 대응 방안 공유 자금세탁방지 규제 위반 시 재정적 피해는 물론 기업 명성에도 부정적 영향...빅데이터 분석 통한 유연한 대응 필요 2017년 3월 15일, 서울 세계적인 분석 선두 기업 SAS(쌔스)코리아(가 15일

Analytics | Fraud & Security Intelligence
Colin Bristow 0
Anti-money laundering requirements: Are the stakes increasing?

Part 504 of the US Department of Financial Services Superintendent’s Regulations seems to significantly up the requirements for firms to conduct ongoing review and continuously improve their approach to anti-money laundering (AML) monitoring. But is it really very different from the intergovernmental Financial Action Task Force's broader suggestions to introduce

Fraud & Security Intelligence
Stavros Stavrinoudakis 0
Visual Investigation: the emerging role for Audit, Compliance, Safety & Security, Health and Financial Crime Departments

From national security agencies, law enforcement organizations looking to terrorism and criminal activities, internal security, audit and compliance departments, to hospitals and public health organizations guarding against disease outbreaks, there are many common needs and constant challenges, e.g.: Detect an event of interest in the early stages. Investigate suspicious events

Fraud & Security Intelligence
The last part of the blog post series “A practical guide to tackle auto insurance fraud” – Part 7: Operational Processes and Automated Controls

This is the seventh and last part of the blog post series “A practical guide to tackle auto insurance fraud”. In the first six articles of the series we drilled down to: Data Management and Data Quality as the basis for fraud detection analytics. Business Rules and Watch lists techniques

Advanced Analytics | Fraud & Security Intelligence | SAS Events
SAS Poland 0
SAS® Visual Investigator – the new dimension of use of advanced SAS analytics

Today, fraud detection in the areas of financial services, citizen services and national security is becoming an increasingly relevant challenge for both private organisations and government agencies. The ubiquity of the internet, the e‑commerce boom and growing volumes of data processed in clouds necessitate the implementation of advanced IT tools.

Fraud & Security Intelligence | Risk Management
Perseguir el fraude: un paso más dentro del proceso de negocios exitosos

Dentro de toda compañía la búsqueda del éxito es una constante, sin embargo, para alcanzarlo el primer paso es minimizar y de ser posible desaparecer todos los factores de riesgo que puedan ponerlo en peligro, por ejemplo, el fraude. Diversos son los factores que pueden dar paso a la presencia

Analytics | Fraud & Security Intelligence
Aus Schaden klug werden: Wie man auf Konferenzen von Betrugsfällen lernt

Konferenzen rund um die Betrugserkennung mit Analytics sind eine wichtige Informationsquelle im unaufhörlichen Kampf gegen Kriminalität – für unsere Kunden, für unsere Wettbewerber, für uns selbst. Auch heute noch ist es ein Tabu einzugestehen, dass man Opfer eines Betruges wurde, und kaum ein Unternehmen spricht offen darüber. Denn absolut niemand

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