Fraud & Security Intelligence

Find out how analytics can protect against fraud and cybercrime

Analytics | Fraud & Security Intelligence
Jeanne (Hyunjin) Byun 0
자금세탁방지(AML) 및 사기 범죄에 대한 5가지 예측

평화롭고 안전한 일상을 지키기 위해 우리가 맞서 싸워야 할 대상은 사실 바이러스 말고도 꽤 많습니다. 자금세탁방지(AML)를 비롯해 신원 도용 및 보험 사기 등, 끝없이 진화하는 금융 범죄와 각종 사기 수법들이 바로 그 중 하나입니다. 2020년에도 기술적인 변이(?)를 멈추지 않을 그들을 막기 위해 우리는 무엇을 준비하고 유념해야 할까요? SAS 사기 방지

Data Management | Fraud & Security Intelligence
Nuth Ratanachu-ek 0
A practical guide to improve the effectiveness of watch list screening

Watch list screening has been one of the rules with highest false-positive rate. Watch list screening has been one of the pillars for know your customer (KYC) and anti-money laundering (AML) regulatory requirements since the beginning. It was introduced to prevent known criminals (or known high risk entities) from utilizing

Fraud & Security Intelligence
Sundeep Tengur 0
The hidden cost of subscription fraud 

Subscription fraud ‘disappearing acts’ have economic, human and reputational consequences. What were initially isolated cases have now become a systemic industry issue for telecommunication companies worldwide. In fact, the CFCA reports an approximate $2.03 Bn. lost to fraud every year due to subscription fraud through impersonation. Other variants of subscription fraud through applications and ‘credit muling’ contribute an additional $1.93 Bn. and $1.75 Bn. respectively.

Analytics | Fraud & Security Intelligence
Tom Wriggins 0
Fighting fraud in the new world of Value-Based Payments

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Value-Based Payments (VBP), health care’s new magic, “silver bullet” that will solve all our fraud problems. Last month, the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued a press release entitled, “HHS Proposes Stark Law and Anti-Kickback Statute Reforms to Support Value-Based and

Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Fraud & Security Intelligence
David Pope 0
How using analytics and AI to detect payment fraud netted an immediate $16 million ROI

According to the Price Waterhouse Cooper 2018 Global Economic Crime and Fraud Survey, the reported rate of economic crime is on the rise, up to 49% in 2018. That makes the use case I want to share particularly relevant, no matter what industry or sector you're in. This use case

Fraud & Security Intelligence
Ulrike Bergmann 0
Waschprogramme anhalten: Wie Geldwäsche verhindert wird

Machine Learning und selbstlernende Algorithmen lassen sich in unterschiedlichsten Geschäftsbereichen einsetzen, um manuelle Prozesse zu unterstützen oder zu automatisieren. Betrugserkennung und Geldwäscheprävention bieten sich dafür an – bedürfen dabei aber besonderer Umsicht. Denn jede Fehleinschätzung kann entweder große finanzielle Verluste oder einen erheblichen Imageschaden nach sich ziehen. Wie die Technologien

Fraud & Security Intelligence
Sundeep Tengur 0
Is your organisation doing enough to keep pace with payment fraud?

The financial services industry is under continued pressure to create more convenient ways of paying for goods and services. This trend goes beyond common hype. It’s a cultural shift from long-standing payment methods traditionally defined by industry heavyweights to embracing market demands and delivering customer-centricity. With digitisation, new market entrants

Fraud & Security Intelligence
Rodolfo Cantù 0
La tua azienda potrebbe essere vittima di frode nei processi di procurement? (È più probabile di quanto pensi)

Articolo tradotto e integrato dal post originale di Laurent Colombant In una recente survey della società di consulenza PWC è stato stimato che le frodi nei processi di procurement erano il secondo crimine economico più denunciato a livello mondiale. Si tratta di un termine ampio, che comprende di tutto, dalla

Artificial Intelligence | Fraud & Security Intelligence
Marcin Nadolny 0
Here and now: Boosting anti-money laundering efforts with Artificial Intelligence

Anti-money laundering has been an issue for banks and financial institutions for some time. Transaction monitoring systems have been around for many years. Meeting and complying with regulations at the regional or national level, however, remains a challenge. Many financial institutions are almost playing catch-up with regulators, as anti-money laundering

Artificial Intelligence | Fraud & Security Intelligence
Josefin Rosén 0
Can artificial intelligence learn fast enough to beat money launderers?

Anti-money laundering is an important issue for governments and banks alike. The fight to prevent terrorist financing and profiting from crime means that banks and other financial institutions are increasingly required by regulations to put anti-money laundering systems in place. Many are turning to analytics in the process, and particularly to

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