Fraud & Security Intelligence

Find out how analytics can protect against fraud and cybercrime

Analytics | Fraud & Security Intelligence | Risk Management
Ilkay Aydogdu 0
Three digital transformation challenge areas ahead for insurance providers in Turkey

Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, SAS has formed dedicated global teams to predict and monitor the pandemic’s course and identify the likely impact for customers. In Turkey, we have identified three main risk areas for insurers and have set out some strategies to help our clients respond, recover

Customer Intelligence | Fraud & Security Intelligence | Risk Management
Alexander Tikhonov 0
How banking in Russia is embracing digital transformation and resilience

It is becoming common to attribute huge changes in any sector to part of the global response to the pandemic. I’d argue that the pandemic has simply accelerated changes that were already happening in this sector. To test this hypothesis, I caught up with Alex Kwiatkowski, Principal Industry Consultant for

Analytics | Fraud & Security Intelligence | Risk Management
Jihye Yoo 0
[SGF시리즈#4] 코로나19 시대 금융 기업의 빠른 회복 전략

전 세계 모든 기업이 코로나19에 과감히 맞서고 있습니다. 불안과 불확실성이 있지만 현행 지표가 믿을 만하다면 금융 서비스 산업은 지금의 어려움을 이겨내고 더 강력하고 현명하게 변화된 모습으로 복귀할 것입니다. 이번 SGF 시리즈에서는 회복기 거시경제 시나리오와 은행, 보험사의 회복을 지원하는 리스크 모델링, 사기 방지 등 분석 전략을 소개합니다. 회복기 거시 경제 시나리오

Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Customer Intelligence | Data for Good | Fraud & Security Intelligence | Risk Management
Bruno Maia 0
Quatro pontos importantes no uso de analytics na crise da covid-19

As soluções de analytics são muito importantes no momento em que estamos vivendo. Tanto no combate direto à proliferação do vírus e no planejamento operacional de governos e instituições de saúde, quanto como arma das empresas para passar pela crise econômica que deve vir como resultado da pandemia da covid-19,

Analytics | Fraud & Security Intelligence | Risk Management
Francois Jaussaud 0
Risques de contrepartie : ne confondons pas les risques financiers et les risques criminels

Le point de vue et l’approche développée par SAS Toute entreprise ou organisation est confrontée au risque de contrepartie, dès lors qu’elle est en relation avec un tiers. Ce risque est inhérent à toute relation commerciale entre deux entités (personnes morales et/ou physiques), mais également aux dispositifs financiers tels que

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Fraud & Security Intelligence
Yuri Rueda 0
Cinco acciones para combatir el fraude en la era de la digitalización

Los usuarios de los servicios bancarios han reducido sus visitas a las sucursales y están optando por utilizar los canales digitales que tienen a su disposición para realizar operaciones financieras (transferencias, hacer compra de productos, pago de servicios, solicitar préstamos e invertir su dinero). La digitalización ha aportado agilidad, rapidez

Analytics | Fraud & Security Intelligence
Carl Hammersburg 0
How analytics is helping state governments head off unemployment claims fraud

If you’re in state government, you're well aware of the unprecedented challenges that come with off-the-charts unemployment numbers due to COVID-19. Crashing websites at state unemployment insurance offices and multi-hour phone hold times for the millions of people who've lost their income due to the pandemic are only the most

Analytics | Fraud & Security Intelligence
Jeanne (Hyunjin) Byun 0
자금세탁방지(AML) 및 사기 범죄에 대한 5가지 예측

평화롭고 안전한 일상을 지키기 위해 우리가 맞서 싸워야 할 대상은 사실 바이러스 말고도 꽤 많습니다. 자금세탁방지(AML)를 비롯해 신원 도용 및 보험 사기 등, 끝없이 진화하는 금융 범죄와 각종 사기 수법들이 바로 그 중 하나입니다. 2020년에도 기술적인 변이(?)를 멈추지 않을 그들을 막기 위해 우리는 무엇을 준비하고 유념해야 할까요? SAS 사기 방지

Data Management | Fraud & Security Intelligence
Nuth Ratanachu-ek 0
A practical guide to improve the effectiveness of watch list screening

Watch list screening has been one of the rules with highest false-positive rate. Watch list screening has been one of the pillars for know your customer (KYC) and anti-money laundering (AML) regulatory requirements since the beginning. It was introduced to prevent known criminals (or known high risk entities) from utilizing

Fraud & Security Intelligence
Sundeep Tengur 0
The hidden cost of subscription fraud 

Subscription fraud ‘disappearing acts’ have economic, human and reputational consequences. What were initially isolated cases have now become a systemic industry issue for telecommunication companies worldwide. In fact, the CFCA reports an approximate $2.03 Bn. lost to fraud every year due to subscription fraud through impersonation. Other variants of subscription fraud through applications and ‘credit muling’ contribute an additional $1.93 Bn. and $1.75 Bn. respectively.

Analytics | Fraud & Security Intelligence
Tom Wriggins 0
Fighting fraud in the new world of Value-Based Payments

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Value-Based Payments (VBP), health care’s new magic, “silver bullet” that will solve all our fraud problems. Last month, the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued a press release entitled, “HHS Proposes Stark Law and Anti-Kickback Statute Reforms to Support Value-Based and

Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Fraud & Security Intelligence
David Pope 0
How using analytics and AI to detect payment fraud netted an immediate $16 million ROI

According to the Price Waterhouse Cooper 2018 Global Economic Crime and Fraud Survey, the reported rate of economic crime is on the rise, up to 49% in 2018. That makes the use case I want to share particularly relevant, no matter what industry or sector you're in. This use case

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