Artificial Intelligence

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Analytics | Artificial Intelligence
Aline Riquetti 0
Os desafios únicos da implantação de análises de Inteligência Artificial no setor público

Ao implantar projetos de inteligência analítica os governos enfrentam desafios não vistos no setor privado. Mas se os superarmos, a recompensa será ainda maior. Meu primeiro projeto de Ciência de Dados foi ainda durante minha graduação em Estatística. Embora não tivesse esse nome à época, o objetivo e os meios

Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Fraud & Security Intelligence
Caroline S Payne 0
Accelerate the UK forward with digital transformation across government #BuildBackBetter

Caroline Payne, Head of Customer Advisory, SAS UK Public Sector Team Digital innovation across governments around the world has accelerated in the last 18 months as leaders turn to data and technology to deliver rapid responses to the pandemic. Public organisations have had to move quickly, whilst being acutely aware

Advanced Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Internet of Things
Nick Johnson 0
Your guide for analyzing real time data with streaming analytics from SAS® Viya® on Azure

This article was co-written by Jane Howell, IoT Product Marketing Leader at SAS. Check out her blog profile for more information. As artificial intelligence comes of age and data continues to disrupt traditional industry boundaries, the need for real-time analytics is escalating as organizations fight to keep their competitive edge.

Artificial Intelligence | Machine Learning
Ivan Fernando Herrera 0
7 preguntas (y respuestas) clave para entender la Inteligencia Artificial

La Inteligencia Artificial es actualmente uno de los términos más mencionados en el mundo (la búsqueda de IA (iniciales de Inteligencia Artificial) en solo Google arroja más de mil millones de resultados). No debiera ser diferente: estamos en plena era de la cuarta revolución industrial y quien aspire por lo

Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Cloud | Data for Good | Data Management | Internet of Things
Caslee Sims 0
How analytics is helping with climate sustainability

A recent report suggests that the current state of climate change is alarming. Climate change puts billions of people at risk of events like extreme hurricane seasons and rising sea levels. However, data and analytics play a critical role in informing us about the situation, planning ahead, and raising awareness

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Artificial Intelligence
Jihye Yoo 0
[SGF시리즈 #3] 성공의 열쇠 AI, 혁신적인 리더가 성장을 주도하는 방식

싱가포르에 본사를 둔 ADDO AI사는 인공 지능으로 세계를 변화시키고 있는 기술 기업으로, 세계 유수의 기업을 고객으로 두고 있는 있습니다. 이 회사의 공동 설립자 겸 대표 아예사 칸나(Ayesha Khanna)가 지난 SAS 글로벌 포럼에서 실제 기업의 사례를 중심으로 AI 트렌드를 소개하며, AI를 이용하여 경쟁에 앞서갈 수 있는 방법을 소개했습니다. 기계는 우리를 어떻게

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Cloud | Internet of Things | Machine Learning
Charlie Chase 0
Is your demand management process stuck in the 1990s?

Demand management concepts are now over 30 years old. The first use of the term "demand management" surfaced in the commercial sector in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Before that, the focus was on a more siloed approach to demand forecasting and planning that was manual and used simple

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Cloud | Internet of Things
Ernesto Cantu 0
Resiliencia, la fortaleza de la cadena de suministro del futuro

A lo largo de 2020, las cadenas de suministro estuvieron bajo gran estrés. La pandemia y los altibajos del entorno económico hicieron que las empresas enfrentaran complicados desafíos para seguir produciendo y satisfacer los nuevos patrones de demanda. Si bien privó la incertidumbre, también fue una oportunidad para que las

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Risk Management
Paul Ridge 0
A risk worth taking: Making data a company’s best friend, not its most costly mistake

Within both the business world and our personal lives, data is becoming increasingly intrinsic to everything we do. Whether it’s picking which restaurant to order from, a tailored advert or figuring out the quickest route home, data is a part of our everyday decision making. For businesses, the value of

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Artificial Intelligence
Alianza entre SAS e INIF: la manera más inteligente de prevenir y detectar fraudes en seguros en Colombia

El fraude es considerado el principal flagelo del sector asegurador en la actualidad. Un estudio publicado por la Asociación de Certificadores de Fraude de Estados Unidos (ACFE) habla de pérdidas estima las pérdidas anuales por fraude en 3.600 millones de dólares y eso solo tomando en cuenta cerca de 2.500

Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Internet of Things
Lee Ann Dietz 0
Modern infrastructure must include analytics

Throughout its history, the United States has invested in infrastructure that leverages new technologies and helps society and its economy thrive. With the advent of trains in the early 1800s, four of the country’s five transcontinental railroads were built with assistance from the federal government. When cars replaced horses and

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Internet of Things
Fadi Glor 0
Dummy's Guide to Predictive Maintenance

Beloved Dummies: Let’s demystify another #AI-hype today: predictive maintenance. Yet another one of these buzzwords that require batteries of #DataScientists and truckloads of programmers. Let me show you how Dummies like you and me can address this. What is predictive maintenance? So we’re talking maintenance of machinery. Sure, you can

Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Machine Learning
Gloria Cabero 0
Analítica, desafíos y oportunidades para las empresas mexicanas

Las empresas mexicanas han alcanzado, sin duda, un importante nivel de madurez en lo que se refiere a la adopción de tecnologías analíticas. Reconocen cada vez más la importancia de aprovechar la analítica, junto con la inteligencia artificial (IA) y el machine learning (ML), para automatizar procesos, lograr mayor agilidad

Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Cloud
Simon Overton 0
UK Government: Time to think again about the journey to digital transformation?

I’ve written before about how the COVID-19 crisis has forced UK government departments to accelerate their digital transformation, and proved that it’s possible to put policy into practice in weeks, rather than months or years. Amidst the dark cloud of the pandemic, it’s important to acknowledge silver linings where we

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