
Find out how analytics, from data mining to cognitive computing, is changing the way we do business

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Data for Good
Melanie Carey 0
Take customer care to the next level with automated prediction in SAS Visual Analytics

What is automated prediction? Automated prediction, in less than a minute, runs several analytic models (such as decision trees, gradient boosting, and logistic and linear regression) on a specific variable of your choice. Most of the remaining variables in your dataset are automatically analyzed as factors that might influence your specified variable. They are called underlying factors. SAS then chooses the one model (champion model) that most accurately predicts your target variable. The model prediction and the underlying factors are then displayed. You can adjust the values of the underlying factors to determine how the model prediction changes with each adjustment.

Advanced Analytics | Analytics
Andrés Mauricio Torres 0
El aprovechamiento de los datos y el espíritu salvaje, las claves para ganar el Tour (y superar desafíos) en este atípico 2020

“El deporte moderno se ha convertido en una gigante base de datos que hay que saber entender para obtener los mejores resultados”, dice Jhon Jairo Osorio, un reconocido periodista deportivo colombiano especializado en ciclismo. Jhon Jairo suele participar como comentarista en las transmisiones que canales de televisión colombianos hacen de

Mike Gilliland 0
Announcing: SAS/IIF Research Grants

The International Institute of Forecasters and SAS® announce two $10,000 grants to support research on forecasting. Per the announcement: Forecasting research has seen major changes in the theoretical ideas underpinning forecasting effectiveness over the last 30 years. However, there has been less impact on forecasting practice. We aim to put this right.

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Internet of Things | Machine Learning
Bruno Maia 0
Cuatro puntos importantes en el uso de la analítica en la crisis del COVID-19

Las soluciones analíticas son muy importantes justo en el momento que vivimos. Tanto en la lucha directa contra la proliferación del virus como en la planificación operativa de los gobiernos y las instituciones de salud, es el instrumento que permite a las empresas enfrentar la crisis económica que surgirá como

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Artificial Intelligence
Christos Michas 0
+1 ακόμα must have στην καλοκαιρινή λίστα των διακοπών σας!

Αν θέλετε να «σπάσετε» την καλοκαιρινή μονοτονία🙂 ανάμεσα στις θαλάσσιες βουτιές, το χταποδάκι στην ταβέρνα και την χαλάρωση από το διάβασμα ενός βιβλίου, σας έχω μια καλή πρόταση! Εάν δεν καταφέρατε να είστε ένας από τους χιλιάδες επαγγελματίες στον τομέα των analytics που συμμετείχαν από 56 χώρες και παρακολούθησαν το

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Customer Intelligence
José Mutis O. 0
Conciencia situacional, ¿cómo las tecnologías exponenciales ayudan a tomar mejores decisiones frente al COVID-19?

Los gobiernos y los diferentes sectores están creando protocolos para reactivar muchas de las actividades que solíamos hacer antes de la pandemia reduciendo los riesgos. Ante esta nueva etapa de apertura y reactivación, ¿se ha puesto a pensar en el tipo de decisiones que tiene que empezar a tomar ahora?

Mike Gilliland 0
The Forecaster as The Confidence Man

Everyone is familiar with The Confidence Man. This person can spout any sort of nonsense and easily demonstrable lies, and yet 40% of the people still believe him. The Confidence Man exposes a curious characteristic about human behavior: If you make your assertions with extreme confidence, no matter how obviously

Analytics | Artificial Intelligence
Jean Casini 0
Lutte contre le Coronavirus : quel rôle jouerait l'intelligence artificielle ?

L'Intelligence Artificielle (IA) et l'analytique aident à la détection des premiers symptômes indicateurs d'une possible épidémie. Ce qui contribue largement à limiter la propagation d'un virus.  Il faut pouvoir compter sur des techniques analytiques capables de repérer des événements rares mais significatifs, comme une hausse de l'absentéisme dans une école

Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Data for Good
Jihye Yoo 0
[SGF시리즈#5] AI는 어떻게 아마존 열대 우림을 보호할까

IIASA(International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, 국제응용시스템분석연구소)는 인류가 당면한 전 세계 환경과 경제, 기술, 사회적 변화로 인한 문제를 연구하는 독립적인 국제 과학 연구소입니다. 이곳에서는 특히, 글로벌 환경과 사회에 영향을 미치는 요소와 그 원인을 명확히 이해하기 위해 분석 기술을 적극 활용하고 있습니다. SAS는 교육, 환경, 건강, 인권, 빈곤 등 다양한 사회

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