Advanced Analytics

Move beyond spreadsheets to data mining, forecasting, optimization – and more

Advanced Analytics | Cloud
Lucas de Paula 0
Running CMS Risk Adjustment Models via API with SAS Analytics Pro (Viya) on Azure

In this third article, we will introduce an alternative approach that surfaces the CMS-HCC Risk Adjustment Model execution through SASPy integration to a Flask application. We will demonstrate how this integration allows a user to score an individual patient/member on-demand, using inputs to an interactive web form to execute the model score code, surfacing the resulting score to the user.

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Data Visualization
Carlos Pinheiro 0
Vehicle Routing Problem - A beer distribution example in Asheville

The Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) algorithm aims to find optimal routes for one or multiple vehicles visiting a set of locations and delivering a specific amount of goods demanded by these locations. Problems related to the distribution of goods, normally between warehouses and customers or stores, are generally considered vehicle routing problems. For this article's example, let’s consider a real (and awesome) brewery that needs to deliver beer kegs to different bars and restaurants throughout multiple locations.

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Risk Management
Joe Nyangon 0
How new regulations could streamline climate-related financial risk disclosures

Today’s investors are eager to understand the climate-related risks of their business investments, not just because they are becoming more climate-conscious but also because climate-related risk can bring financial risk. A newly proposed rule in the US aims to bring more transparency to those risks. In March, the US Securities

Advanced Analytics | Cloud
Lucas de Paula 0
Running CMS-HCC Risk Adjustment models with SAS Analytics Pro on Viya

The CMS-HCC Risk Adjustment models are used to reimburse Medicare Advantage plans based on the health status of the plans’ members. CMS-HCC Risk Adjustment is the practice of assigning a risk score based on demographics and diagnoses to an individual beneficiary of Medicare for the purpose of calculating an expected cost of care, relative to the average beneficiary. Accurate risk adjustment requires an accurate diagnostic profile of an individual on an annual basis, documenting diagnoses via submitted claims or within a provider's medical record.

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Data Management
Olivier Penel 0
The 5 characteristics of a future-fit, data-driven organisation

Change is the only constant, and it doesn’t happen overnight. This is particularly true in the world of data analytics. As organizations are looking to become more digital, resilient and profitable, executives are going back to the whiteboard to reconsider how they’re using data and analytics to transform their business.

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Data Management | Data Visualization
Charlie Chase 0
Misnomers regarding outliers and their usefulness in statistical modeling

Outliers provide much-needed insights into the actual relationships that influence the demand for products in the marketplace. They are particularly useful when modeling consumer behavior where abnormalities are common occurrences or unforeseen disruptions that impact consumer demand. But why do demand planners cleanse out outliers, when many are not really

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Data for Good
Josh Morgan 0
Empowering improved Medicaid policy using whole person analytics

Before I started with SAS, I worked at the San Bernardino County Department of Behavioral Health. Among many other projects, our analytics work included integrating data from multiple county departments and risk stratifying citizens in the greatest need of public services.   This led to our 1115 Whole Person Care (WPC) waiver

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Students & Educators
Alina Luchian 0
UBB FSEGA's inspiring vision for its role in Romania’s developing economy

Babeș-Bolyai University (UBB) is the largest and highest-ranked university in Romania. Its Faculty of Economics and Business Administration (FSEGA) is the largest faculty at any university in Romania. It is also the highest-ranked institution in the country for management and business and top-ranked for economics. The faculty was founded as

Advanced Analytics | Analytics
José Mutis O. 0
¿Cómo un país como Colombia está aumentando su analítica empresarial? ¿De qué manera se puede aumentar más?

El aprovechamiento de los datos se ha convertido en un elemento diferencial y cada vez más importante para la gestión y el liderazgo empresarial. Cada vez más líderes en todo el mundo recurren a los datos para proyectar sus crecimientos, decidir ampliaciones o recortes en inversiones y equipos de trabajo

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Data for Good
Briana Ullman 0
Visualizing job opportunities for military veterans using SAS Viya

During a SAS Hackathon, Zencos set out to help veterans reintegrate into a rapidly changing job market and discover potential career paths. Life after the military can be challenging, especially when it comes to finding meaningful employment that utilizes a returning service member’s unique knowledge and skills. Veterans must navigate the

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Data Visualization
Noura Ayache 0
Prise de décision partagée et transformation personnelle sur le parcours de la Business Value de l'analytique

On s'accorde de plus en plus à dire que presque toutes les entreprises devront recourir davantage à l'analyse. L'utilisation des données n'est plus un luxe, mais une méthode de travail essentielle. C'est un facteur d'efficience, d'efficacité et de centrage sur le client. Pour ceux d'entre nous qui travaillent dans le

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Fraud & Security Intelligence
Andreas Kitsios 0
Does Romania need to boost its anti-money laundering toolbox?

Traditionally, banks have been seen as the front line in anti-money laundering activity. They have increasingly been subject to regulatory requirements to check customers, transactions and activity. However, as governments have required banks to make fraudulent activity harder, criminals have evolved their tactics. And the financial sector needs to keep

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