Advanced Analytics

Move beyond spreadsheets to data mining, forecasting, optimization – and more

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Data Management | Data Visualization
Ernesto Cantu 0
Acelerando un futuro analítico para manufactura en América Latina

A medida que nos acercamos a un nuevo año, los temas de productividad y optimización para operar en un  contexto volátil e incierto seguirán siendo una prioridad para los ejecutivos de todos los sectores de la industria, y manufactura no es la excepción. Los datos son un aliado importante para garantizar la resiliencia

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Data Management | Students & Educators
Adriana Rojas 0
Por qué los programas en ciencia de datos son un éxito

Hace unas semanas, anunciamos el convenio de colaboración entre el SAS Institute y la Universidad Europea con el objetivo de formar perfiles analíticos gracias a nuestras certificaciones SAS para docencia. En particular, los estudiantes del Doble Grado en Business Analytics + Administración y Dirección de Empresas, así como de los

Advanced Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Risk Management
Mauricio González 0
Apertura e innovación, herramientas del ecosistema fintech para ampliar la inclusión financiera

Para el sector fintech de México, 2021 fue un año de crecimiento pese a la pandemia y los efectos de ésta en la economía. Según Financial Technology Partners, las inversiones en esta industria durante el año pasado a escala global llegaron a la marca de los $140 mil millones de

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Fraud & Security Intelligence | Machine Learning
Yuri Rueda 0
Un enfoque híbrido para combatir el fraude en las telecom

Los habitantes del planeta están cada vez más conectados. Se estima que actualmente el número de usuarios de teléfonos inteligentes a escala global supera la marca de los 3,000 millones, y que esta cantidad siga creciendo paulatinamente en los próximos años.   Tal cantidad de usuarios demanda cada vez más de

Advanced Analytics | Analytics
Soundarya Palanisamy 0
Decentralizing clinical trials: how COVID-19 has changed drug development

The COVID-19 pandemic brought an enormous urgency to the life sciences sector. Companies vied for suitable treatments and in less than a year, COVID-19 vaccines were developed. This demonstrated clearly that the sector could move at speed when necessary. Though vaccines were supported by regulators, inefficiencies in vaccine and drug development were exposed.

Advanced Analytics | Analytics
Tres recomendaciones para mejorar el impacto de la analítica en la generación de nuevas experiencias de cliente

Industrias y organizaciones que aceleraron varios años sus procesos de transformación digital, tendencias phygital que combinan y aprovechan los escenarios físicos y digitales para adaptarse mejor a los nuevos requerimientos de los clientes y consumidores cada vez más empoderados. Estos son algunos de los elementos que están configurando la nueva

Advanced Analytics | Cloud
Lucas de Paula 0
Running CMS Risk Adjustment Models via API with SAS Analytics Pro (Viya) on Azure

In this third article, we will introduce an alternative approach that surfaces the CMS-HCC Risk Adjustment Model execution through SASPy integration to a Flask application. We will demonstrate how this integration allows a user to score an individual patient/member on-demand, using inputs to an interactive web form to execute the model score code, surfacing the resulting score to the user.

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Data Visualization
Carlos Pinheiro 0
Vehicle Routing Problem - A beer distribution example in Asheville

The Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) algorithm aims to find optimal routes for one or multiple vehicles visiting a set of locations and delivering a specific amount of goods demanded by these locations. Problems related to the distribution of goods, normally between warehouses and customers or stores, are generally considered vehicle routing problems. For this article's example, let’s consider a real (and awesome) brewery that needs to deliver beer kegs to different bars and restaurants throughout multiple locations.

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Risk Management
Joe Nyangon 0
How new regulations could streamline climate-related financial risk disclosures

Today’s investors are eager to understand the climate-related risks of their business investments, not just because they are becoming more climate-conscious but also because climate-related risk can bring financial risk. A newly proposed rule in the US aims to bring more transparency to those risks. In March, the US Securities

Advanced Analytics | Cloud
Lucas de Paula 0
Running CMS-HCC Risk Adjustment models with SAS Analytics Pro on Viya

The CMS-HCC Risk Adjustment models are used to reimburse Medicare Advantage plans based on the health status of the plans’ members. CMS-HCC Risk Adjustment is the practice of assigning a risk score based on demographics and diagnoses to an individual beneficiary of Medicare for the purpose of calculating an expected cost of care, relative to the average beneficiary. Accurate risk adjustment requires an accurate diagnostic profile of an individual on an annual basis, documenting diagnoses via submitted claims or within a provider's medical record.

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Data Management
Olivier Penel 0
The 5 characteristics of a future-fit, data-driven organisation

Change is the only constant, and it doesn’t happen overnight. This is particularly true in the world of data analytics. As organizations are looking to become more digital, resilient and profitable, executives are going back to the whiteboard to reconsider how they’re using data and analytics to transform their business.

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Data Management | Data Visualization
Charlie Chase 0
Misnomers regarding outliers and their usefulness in statistical modeling

Outliers provide much-needed insights into the actual relationships that influence the demand for products in the marketplace. They are particularly useful when modeling consumer behavior where abnormalities are common occurrences or unforeseen disruptions that impact consumer demand. But why do demand planners cleanse out outliers, when many are not really

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