A good data analyst has to be focused, methodical, creative, rigorous, analytical and more when doing their work. If that is not enough, when presenting their work the wisdom of a philosopher may be required. It seems the requirements do not stop. The analyst is wise to remember the words
Tag: analytics
In the past, a large percentage of US workers have been union members, and the unions could exert a big influence on elections. How powerful are the unions these days, an where do they wield the most influence? Let's map it out... In 1954, almost 35% of US workers belonged to
.@philsimon chimes in on new data-gathering methods and what they mean for analytics.
Analytics Experience 2016 will be held on Sept. 12-14, 2016 at the Bellagio in Las Vegas, NV. There will be a great number of excellent talks and demonstrations at the conference, covering many aspects of SAS analytics and many practical applications. Several of these sessions deal directly with the use
Analytics experts and decision makers are taking over Las Vegas Sept. 12-14 while attending Analytics Experience. Whether you are in Vegas or need to participate from the luxury of your sofa or office, read on for help to stay connected and be a part of it all. Watch Live There
Critical business applications depend on the enterprise creating and maintaining high-quality data. So, whenever new data is received – especially from a new source – it’s great when that source can provide data without defects or other data quality issues. The recent rise in self-service data preparation options has definitely improved the quality of
Big-Data-Themen und die damit verbundene Datenanalyse werden für Unternehmen immer wichtiger. Wie in meinem vorherigen Blog ausgeführt, ist Big Data (Analytics) deutlich mehr als einfach nur Business Intelligence für große Datenmengen. Stattdessen bilden sie die Basis für neue Geschäftsmodelle und Erfolg oder Misserfolg von Unternehmen oder gar ganzen Branchen.
Everyone who knows about monarch butterflies, likes monarch butterflies. This blog post focuses on their food source - milkweed. And to get you in the mood, here's an amazingly beautiful picture my friend Eniko made of a monarch: In recent years, I had heard reports of the dwindling number of
What do people have in common who have used analog clocks, vinyl records, and payphones? They were all probably born before 1980! Now, let's focus on those payphones!... A lot of young kids these days can't imagine a world where everyone doesn't have a wireless phone. My buddy Ed likes
Have you ever wondered how far you live from the closest nuclear power plant? I've crunched the numbers for cities here in the US, and created an interactive SAS map to help answer that question! The average age of US nuclear power plants is 35 years, and there just doesn't
Hace algún tiempo compartíamos en este mismo espacio una serie de recomendaciones para implementar de manera acertada una estrategia de marketing móvil apoyándose para ese objetivo en la analítica y gestión de los datos. Muchos de esos consejos siguen siendo válidos, pero hoy debemos hablar de una evolución: la analítica
.@philsimon continues his series on data prep and anlytics.
As Zika starts spreading into the US, it will be important to have a way to track it. Therefore I wrote some SAS code to pull the latest data from the CDC website, and plot it on a map... But before we get into the details of my map, I
Neulich saß ich am Schreibtisch und brütete über einer Fragestellung einer meiner Kunden. In Gedanken versunken überprüfte ich meine Lösungsansätze, bis plötzlich ein Kollege in der Tür stand und mich fragte: „Was machst du da?“ „Nachdenken“, war meine Antwort. „Junge“, sagte der Kollege spontan, „du musst nicht nachdenken, sondern vordenken!“
Gender and race discrimination has been banned in most countries for many years, although gender did have specific exclusions for the insurance industry, where the risk for males and females could be shown to substantially different (e.g. females have a higher life expectancy than males). In the European Union (EU)
Ever wanted to test out the latest SAS® technology on your own data, but lacked the time or administrative backing of IT to make that happen? Ever wanted to test drive Hadoop with your own data and SAS® but are lacking the support or skills to do that? If I piqued
I'm hard-pressed to think of a trendier yet more amorphous term today than analytics. It seems that every organization wants to take advantage of analytics, but few really are doing that – at least to the extent possible. This topic interests me quite a bit, and I hope to explore
Since this is an election year, I've been scrutinizing the voter registration data. One thing that surprised me is there are more female voters registered in NC than males. I wondered if this was consistent across all 100 counties, and created some charts to help visualize the data... First I went
Marketingorganisationen befinden sich längst im Wandel der digitalen Transformation. Aber wie weit ist Ihr Unternehmen an den verschieden Schauplätzen der Digitalisierung fortgeschritten? Und wie stehen die Marktbegleiter da? Mit dem Marketing Confidence Quotient (MCQ) bietet SAS Ihnen eine Online-Selbsteinschätzung und gibt Tipps für Best Practices.
There's an old expression "if you can't measure it, you can't manage it" - and while that expression probably isn't universally true (as pointed out in this interesting article), I think having a way to quantify your stress could be useful. I recently read an interesting article about the Holmes-Rahe Life
Where is solar and wind power generated in the US? Let's visualize this data on a map... I recently saw the following map on the metricmaps.org website. It caught my attention because it looks like North Carolina has a lot of solar power plants, whereas our neighboring states have very few.
I ran across a map recently that seemed to show a lot of US states are primarily coal-powered. The map was a little difficult to read, so I decided to give it a SAS makeover ... Before we get started, here's a picture my friend David took of the Shearon Harris Nuclear Power
I usually try to avoid political or religious debates ... but as an impartial data analyst, it is possible to analyze data about something, without entering into the debate. In this blog post, I try to walk that fine line, and analyze data about the political leanings of religious groups in the US.
Carlos Pinheiro is talented. One afternoon Carlos stood in front of a group of marketers including myself, and shared social network analysis using our data. Yes, the analysis took talent, but the real brilliance was that Carlos presented the information in a way where we all left the meeting with
Were you the kid who sat there analyzing the amusement park map before entering the park, planning out how you could visit the most rides in the least amount of time? If so, then this blog's for you, my data analyst kindred spirit! And to get you in the mood,
Il concetto di as-a-Service è uno dei paradigmi più importanti nel campo IT (e non solo) degli ultimi anni. Permette non solo di adottare una tecnologia innovativa, ma anche di decidere quale grado di complessità affrontare nella sua implementazione. Non è necessario essere un esperto per poter accedere a qualcosa di nuovo
First it was the patriarch of my favorite family. That shocking Red Wedding scene meant I could cross off several more characters I’d grown to love. When the season finale of Season 5 left me asking if we’d lost yet another one of my favorites, I wasn’t sure how much
One of my favorite quotes is: "You can't believe everything you read on the Internet" - Abe Lincoln, 1868. And that is especially true when it comes to graphs and statistics. Hardly a day goes by without me seeing a bad graph that misrepresents the data (either intentionally or unintentionally) .
Open Source und SAS – das sind auf den ersten Blick zwei ganz verschiedene Welten. Dabei verfolgt SAS eine ganze Reihe von Initiativen rund um Open Source – insbesondere im Umfeld des Big-Data-Frameworks Hadoop. Ich habe Andreas Gödde zum Nebeneinander und Miteinander der Technologien befragt. Andreas Gödde berät viele Kunden
What would it be like if the US was in the EU? I don't know how that would work out politically, but this map shows how it might look geographically (if the US was literally picked up and moved to Europe!) My buddy Rick Langston is a bit of a