100년만의 최악의 허리케인, 푸에르토리코를 덮치다 지난 9월 20일, 북대서양과 카리브해 사이에 있는 미국 자치령 푸에르토리코(Puerto Rico)에 초강력 허리케인 마리아(Maria)가 상륙했습니다. 마리아는 시속 185마일(295㎞) 이상의 최고 단계인 5등급 허리케인으로 100년만의 최악의 피해를 남겼습니다. 더욱이 일명 괴물 허리케인이라고 불린 5등급 허리케인 어마(Irma)에 이어 단 2주만에 불어 닥친 재해로 340만 주민들은 엄청난 충격에
Tag: SAS Visual Analytics
In this education analytics series of blog posts, we have been on a journey to learn how education customers are turning their data into insights to be a more data-informed and analytical organizations. In my first five posts in the education analytics blog series, we learned how education customers are using SAS,
노벨상의 유래 매년 10월 초, 전 세계의 이목이 스웨덴과 노르웨이로 쏠립니다. 바로 세계에서 가장 권위 있는 시상식 '노벨상(The Nobel Prize)'이 열리기 때문인데요. 노벨상은 다이너마이트를 발명해 거대 재벌이 된 스웨덴 화학자 알프레드 노벨(Alfred Nobel)의 유언에 따라 그가 남긴 재산으로 노벨 재단을 설립하며 시작됐습니다. 최초의 노벨상은 1901년 물리학, 화학, 생리학 및 의학, 세계
Frau Beck, was spuckt denn http://www.paradies-konfigurator.de/ als Ihr „analytisches Paradies“ aus? Bei mir kommt Paddington in Australien heraus. Und was sagen Sie dazu? Waren Sie vielleicht schon mal da? Lustigerweise habe ich nach meinem Studium 11 Monate in Australien gelebt und gearbeitet. Eine der schönsten Zeiten in meinem bisherigen Leben.
SAS Applied Business Analytics - Im Rahmen ihrer Ausbildung zum Bachelor Wirtschaftsinformatik erhielten dieses Jahr weitere 51 Studenten an der SML der ZHAW (Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften) das begehrte Zertifikat SAS Applied Business Analytics. Dieses wird von SAS an Studenten vergeben, welche einen umfassenden Anforderungskatalog an Aufgaben – unter anderem
SAS Visual Analytics 7.4 has added the support for date parameters. Recall from my first post, Using parameters in SAS Visual Analytics, a parameter is a variable whose value can be changed at any time by the report viewer and referenced by other report objects. These objects can be a
그래비티(2013), 인터스텔라(2014), 마션(2015), 컨택트(2016), 패신저스(2017)까지, 여러분은 이중 몇 편의 영화를 보았나요? 최근 우주에 대한 공상과학(SF) 영화가 한해도 빼놓지 않고 박스 오피스를 기록해왔습니다. 컴퓨터 그래픽(CG) 기술 발전의 공이 크겠지만, 1969년 아폴로 11호의 인류 최초 달 착륙을 시작으로 혁신을 거듭해온 항공•우주 과학 기술 역시 큰 영향을 미쳤을 텐데요. 과학 기술의 진보와 함께
In my first four posts in the education analytics blog series, we learned how education customers are using SAS, the positive impact for their users and institution, and some of their best practices. In talking to customers for this series, one of the many things we've learned is that they
‘호모 나랜스(Homo Narrans)’라는 단어를 들어보셨나요? ‘이야기하는 사람’을 뜻하는 라틴어로 1999년 미국의 영문학자 존 닐(John Niels)이 동일 제목의 저서를 통해 처음 소개했습니다. 그는 인간은 태생적으로 이야기하려는 본능을 가지며, 이야기를 주고받지 않고서는 살아갈 수 없고, 이야기를 통해 사회를 이해한다고 설명했는데요. 이야기는 기억에 남으며, 사람과 감정적으로 연결되고, 행동을 고취시킵니다. ‘이야기하다’라는 뜻의 ‘스토리텔링(Storytelling)’은 지속적이며
In a SAS Viya 3.2 environment two types of content can be created: SAS Visual Analytics Reports and Data Plans. For administrators, who may want to manage that content within a folder structure, there are some things to keep in mind. In the current release, both types of content can be
Every year in early October, the eyes of the world turn to Sweden and Norway, where the Nobel Prize winners are announced to the world. The Nobel Prize is considered the world's most prestigious award. Since 1901, the Prize has been presented to individuals and organizations that have made significant
In this education analytics series of blog posts, we have been on a journey to learn how education customers are turning their data into insights to be a more data-informed and analytical organization. So far on our journey, we learned how education customers are using SAS, the positive impact that SAS
2017年11月にリリース予定の「SAS Visual Analytics 8.2」に搭載予定の新機能概要をご紹介します。 【SAS Visual Analytics 8.2 新機能概要】 サードパーティ・ビジュアライゼーション D3.jsやC3、あるいはGoogleチャートの機能を活用し、VAに標準装備のチャートタイプでは表現できない、より柔軟で洗練されたチャートを描画し、レポートに組み込むことが可能です。 新規追加ビジュアライゼーション バブルチェンジプロット、平行座標プロット、スケジュールチャート、など、新たに9種類のチャートオブジェクトが追加されます。 オブジェクト間の自動リンク&フィルタ設定 レポート内の全てのオブジェクトを自動的に連係させることで、効果的でインタラクティブなレポートを簡単に作成可能です。その際、一方向のフィルタなのか双方向のフィルタなのかを指定することができます。 レポート自動保存&復元 作成中のレポートは定期的に自動保存されます。これによって、仮に保存し忘れてログオフしたとしても、再ログオン時に前の状態を復元することができます。 カスタム領域塗りつぶし VA7.4と同様に、地図上にカスタムで指定した領域を塗りつぶして描画することが可能です。 地図機能拡張 Esri地図データとの連係機能が拡張され、デモグラフィック情報の活用が可能になります。例えば地図上に表示されている自店舗群を選択し、周辺住民の平均年収や年齢などの情報を把握でき、より効果的なロケーションアナリティクスが可能になります。
My new SAS Press book “An Introduction to SAS Visual Analytics” (written in collaboration with Tricia Aanderud and Rob Collum) covers all of the different aspects of SAS® Visual Analytics, including how to develop reports, load data, and handle administration. Below is an example of the types of tips that you can find
La lucha contra el VIH no es sinónimo de reportes interactivos o cuadros de mando, probablemente tampoco se ligue a servicios de comida para pacientes con cáncer o servicios de asistencia médica. CrescentCare ha hecho esfuerzos importantes para mejorar los servicios de salud, una pieza elemental en este esfuerzo es
In SAS Visual Analytics 8.1, report creators have the ability to include drive-distance and drive-time in their geographical maps, but only if their site has an Esri ArcGIS Online account and they have valid credentials for the account. In the user Settings for SAS Visual Analytics Geographic Mapping 8.1 release,
In my first post of this blog series, we learned how three education customers are using SAS. Today, we'll hear about the positive impact that SAS and analytics are providing for users and the education institutions. In this post, you'll hear from: Linda Sullivan, Assistant Vice President for Institutional Knowledge Management,
INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS COMMUNICATION STANDARDS is an organisation defining international standards in business communication and presenting proposals relating to designing easy-to-understand business reports and presentations.
In this blog post I am going to cover the example of importing data into SAS Viya using Cloud Analytic Services (CAS) actions via REST API. For example, you may want to import data into a CASLib via REST API. This means you can perform an import of data outside
The Cloud Analytic Server (CAS for short) is SAS’ latest high-performance, scalable, in-memory analytic data server. In this post, I’d like to discuss the CAS physical data model, i.e.what features CAS offers for data storage, and how to use them to maximize performance in CAS (and consequently SAS Visual Analytics
In a previous blog, I describe how there are a few new features related to report and page prompts in SAS Visual Analytics 8.1; namely the ability to configure cascading prompts in VA 8.1: Cascading Prompts as Report and Page Prompts. In this blog, I will cover how to configure prompts, either
In SAS Viya 3.2, SAS Visual Data Builder provides a mechanism for performing simple, self-service data preparation tasks for SAS Visual Analytics or other applications. SAS Visual Data Builder is NOT an Extract, Transform and Load (ETL) or data quality tool. You may still need one of those tools to
For colleges and universities, awarding financial aid today requires sophisticated analysis. When higher education leaders ask, “How can we use financial aid to help meet our institutional goals?” they need to consider many scenarios to balance strategic enrollment goals, student need, and institutional finances in order to optimize yield and
최근 금융, 통신, 자동차, 공공, 리테일, 교육 등 모든 산업을 관통하고 있는 한 단어가 있습니다. 바로 4차 산업혁명인데요. 빅데이터, 사물인터넷(IoT), 인공지능(머신러닝), 로봇 등 첨단 ICT 기술의 융합으로 완성되는 4차 산업혁명은 미래 산업의 필수 성장 동력으로 자리잡았습니다. 그 중에서도 특히 제조업은 이른바 ‘인더스트리 4.0’의 촉발과 함께 그 새로운 혁명의 시작을 알렸는데요.
As a technical consultant for SAS, I have the privilege of meeting with SAS customers, learning more about how they use our software, and then helping them solve their problems. Recently, a client of mine was having trouble finding a way to implement the use of multiple application servers in
In my last blog, we examined the data pane in SAS Visual Analytics 8.1. That blog discussed how to have the data pane display the data items of your active data source, and how to perform tasks such as viewing measure details, changing data item properties, and creating geographic data items,
Today in higher education, savvy users expect to have the information they need to make data-informed decisions at their fingertips. As such, leaders in institutional research (IR) are under pressure to provide these users with accurate data, reports and analyses. IR has been tasked with transforming data and reports in
In SAS Viya 3.2, the Self-Service Import provides a mechanism for a user to import (copy) data into the SAS Cloud Analytic Services (CAS) environment. The data is copied as a .sashdat file into the selected CAS Library location when it is imported. Self-Service Import data can only be imported into
지난 3월 31일 막을 올린 ‘2017 KBO 프로야구 정규시즌’이 어느새 중반부를 넘어섰습니다. 개막 두 달 만인 5월 30일 최소 경기 수 기준 역대 다섯 번째로 누적 관중 300만명을 넘어서며 식지 않는 인기를 과시하고 있는데요! 이처럼 수많은 관중들의 마음을 얻기 위해 그라운드 위 선수들의 치열한 경기 외에도 야구장 곳곳에서 다양한 시도들이
Ahora más que nunca, las personas quieren explorar los datos de su organización y utilizar la analítica, incluso si no poseen habilidades analíticas avanzadas. Al mismo tiempo, el personal de TI tiene más dificultades para satisfacer las constantes demandas de acceso y preparación de datos, además de gestionar las solicitudes