Have you ever wondered if love at first sight really exists? And if it exists, what qualities are people drawn too? Watch any romantic comedy and you’ll see this phenomenon play out on the big screen. Which begs the question, “If it can happen to them why not me?” Let’s
Tag: open source
Recently, I was given an amazing opportunity to work on a project in biomedical image analytics in collaboration with a large university medical center. The goal of the project was to develop a computer vision system that identifies tumors in CT scans of livers. I have always loved applying technology
Finanzdienstleister haben aktuell massive Herausforderungen beim Management ihrer Daten: Der Kostendruck zwingt einerseits zu einem hocheffizienten Betrieb („run“). Zugleich wandeln sich andererseits die Prozesse im Business, Stichwort Digitalisierung („change“). Die drückenden Regeln der Aufsicht scheinen sich nicht vereinen zu lassen mit dem Anspruch der Kunden, flexibel, fix und doch datensparsam
Data-Science-Plattformen müssen vielen Anforderungen gerecht werden. Ihre Aufgaben sind relativ genau definiert – und die Erwartungen, die Unternehmen mitbringen, oft sehr hoch. Darüber hinaus sind die Anwendergruppen alles andere als homogen. Dieser Blog erläutert, was insbesondere IT-Entscheider erwarten. Was ist eine Data-Science-Plattform? Die Antwort ist einfach: Sie dient dazu, Erkenntnisse
Getting started with SAS Viya and RStudio -- making the connection, and submitting my first commands via CAS actions.
Open data is critical to research, particularly at universities. The many university students that attend SAS Global Forum bring an energy and vitality to the conference that is unmistakable. They’re everywhere…in sessions, social activities, out on the town and, of course, the academic events. This year, 150 of them graced
The SAS® platform is now open to be accessed from open-source clients such as Python, Lua, Java, the R language, and REST APIs to leverage the capabilities of SAS® Viya® products and solutions. You can analyze your data in a cloud-enabled environment that handles large amounts of data in a
Seit einigen Tagen ist das brandneue Release von SAS Visual Analytics verfügbar. Ich habe mich natürlich gleich drangemacht, die neue Ausgabe auf Herz und Nieren zu prüfen. Herausgekommen sind neben vielen neuen Funktionen auch die Top-10-Gründe, warum Sie für Ihre Big-Data-Strategie mit SAS Visual Analytics, kurz SAS VA, die besten
If you’re in the field of analytics, you’ve undoubtedly heard about SAS Viya. Designed for all analytic professionals, regardless of skills or experience, SAS Viya seamlessly handles big, complex, diverse data. It also supports any programming language, allowing analysts to choose the tool that makes them most productive. Recently a colleague
One of the big benefits of SAS Viya is how approachable it is for programmers of other languages. You don't have to learn SAS in order to become productive quickly. We've seen a lot of interest from people who code in Python, maybe because that language has become known for
It has been almost a year since then-U.S. CIO Tony Scott introduced the federal open source policy that called for agencies to share federally-developed software source code. The policy, more than anything, aimed to make agencies more agile. Instead of redeveloping the same programs the open source policy would allow
Innovation used to happen in structured cycles. The new invention was often a planned event and the domain of a select few departments within an organisation. But in today's always-on economy enterprises need to innovate on a continuous basis to keep up with new players that base their entire businesses
Thanks to a new open source project from SAS, Python coders can now bring the power of SAS into their Python scripts. The project is SASPy, and it's available on the SAS Software GitHub. It works with SAS 9.4 and higher, and requires Python 3.x. I spoke with Jared Dean
Digitalisation is blasting the cobwebs out from enterprises and organisations of all kinds – freeing them to innovate and take advantage of the always-on economy. But it’s also helping new disruptive players to gain an unexpectedly strong foothold in many markets. One of the key advantages these new players have
At SAS, we've published more repositories on GitHub as a way to share our open source projects and examples. These "repos" (that's Git lingo) are created and maintained by experts in R&D, professional services (consulting), and SAS training. Some recent examples include: sas_kernel, which provides Jupyter notebook support for SAS.
It's that time of year again. Holidays, parties, gifts, cooking, closing annual business, hitting targets and preparing for 2017. Looking back on the year for the communication and media industries, it has been a year of transition for the industry and for many of the customers I work with in my role
TL; DR Free training from SAS: "SAS Programming for R Users." Check the available Live Web offerings and register for one that fits your schedule. Or use the free e-Learning version and learn at your own pace. The complete course materials are on the SAS Software GitHub space and you
Der Top-Manager sitzt uns gegenüber und prognostiziert, dass die „kleinen Schnellboote“ unter den IT-Projekten der kommenden Monate ein hohes Gut sein werden. Er ist CIO einer der fünf größten Versicherer in Deutschland und spricht von agilen Projekten mit agilen Teams. Voraussetzung: entsprechende Software, die eine solche Agilität ermöglicht. Und an
With DataFlux Data Management 2.7, the major component of SAS Data Quality and other SAS Data Management solutions, every job has a REST API automatically created once moved to the Data Management Server. This is a great feature and enables us to easily call Data Management jobs from programming languages
Open. The very word evokes a sense of happiness and possibility. When you’re hungry at an odd hour and everything around you seems to be closed, that lone neon sign glowing in a restaurant window is a most welcome relief. When a shop or service you’ve longed for finally builds
With my first open source software (OSS) experience over a decade ago, I was ecstatic. It was amazing to learn how easy it was to download the latest version on my personal computer, with no initial license fee. I was quickly able to analyse datasets using various statistical methods. Organisations
Just in time for the Strata + Hadoop World Conference, SAS became the first software vendor to achieve ODPi Interoperability with our Base SAS® and SAS/ACCESS® Interface to Hadoop products. Now, that's a lot to digest – so let me back up a second and give some background as to what this
Neulich saß ich am Schreibtisch und brütete über einer Fragestellung einer meiner Kunden. In Gedanken versunken überprüfte ich meine Lösungsansätze, bis plötzlich ein Kollege in der Tür stand und mich fragte: „Was machst du da?“ „Nachdenken“, war meine Antwort. „Junge“, sagte der Kollege spontan, „du musst nicht nachdenken, sondern vordenken!“
Jupyter Notebookとは? Jupyter Notebookとは、ノートブック形式のインターフェースでコードの開発(記述や実行)ができるWebアプリケーションです。約50ほどの世の中のプログラミング言語に対応しています。 http://jupyter.org/ Jupyter and SASとは? Jupyterの環境に、オープンソースのSAS kernel for Jupyterを追加することで、Jupyter Notebook上でSAS言語を使用(シンタックスのハイライト、実行、ログの確認、アウトプットの表示)することが可能になります。 Jupyter Notebookでは、作業の内容は、ノートブック(*.ipynb)形式で保存されます。Jupyter Notebookでは、SASコードや実行結果だけでなく、リッチテキスト形式で文章を記載することが可能です。ノートブックはHTML形式や、PDF、あるいはSASコードとして出力することも可能です。 SAS 9.4とLinux環境があれば、ほとんどの方が導入・ご利用いただくことが可能です。 Jupyter Notebookを開くと、Notebookダッシュボードが表示されます。ここに、ノートブックや他のファイルの一覧が表示されます。 SAS University Editionでも使えますか? 2016の7月から、Jupyter NotebookとSAS Kernel for JupyterがSAS University EditionのvAppに含まれることになりました。従来、SAS University Editionのインターフェースは、SAS Studioのみでしたが、今後はJupyter Notebookもご利用いただくことが可能となります。 https://support.sas.com/software/products/university-edition/faq/jn_whatis.htm
Open Source und SAS – das sind auf den ersten Blick zwei ganz verschiedene Welten. Dabei verfolgt SAS eine ganze Reihe von Initiativen rund um Open Source – insbesondere im Umfeld des Big-Data-Frameworks Hadoop. Ich habe Andreas Gödde zum Nebeneinander und Miteinander der Technologien befragt. Andreas Gödde berät viele Kunden
If you were to climb Mt. Everest, you would face many dangers, including large crevasses in the glacier. Without best practices and a phased ascension there is a large probability that you’ll get into serious trouble and fail. When it comes to updating your data and analytics systems, the challenges
The automotive industry will face a huge challenge for several years. With the Paris Agreement made during the United Nations conference on climate change last year, world leaders agreed to hold the increase in average temperature to well below 2°C by placing restrictions on carbon emissions. How can automakers design
We've just celebrated Earth Day, but I'm here to talk about Jupyter -- and the SAS open source project that opens the door for more learning. With this new project on the github.com/sassoftware page, SAS contributes new support for running SAS from within Jupyter Notebooks -- a popular browser-based environment
Neben dem 40 jährigen Gründungsjubiläum der Software Firma SAS gibt es 2016 auch das 20 jährige KSFE - Jubiläum der Kooperation der SAS Anwender in Forschung und Entwicklung zu feiern, und zwar in der ältesten Universität Schwedens.
Offener Quelltext, freie Verfügbarkeit, Begeisterung und Engagement für eine Sache, einfach loslegen und mit der Umsetzung anfangen und die Weiterentwicklung durch viele Personen – das sind einige Punkte, die Open Source auszeichnen.