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Tag: Hadoop
Just in time for the Strata + Hadoop World Conference, SAS became the first software vendor to achieve ODPi Interoperability with our Base SAS® and SAS/ACCESS® Interface to Hadoop products. Now, that's a lot to digest – so let me back up a second and give some background as to what this
Tomar decisiones inteligentes a partir de Big Data Analytics se ha convertido ahora en una posibilidad real. La analítica, sin duda, ha revolucionado la manera en la que las compañías se relacionan con sus clientes y ha permitido que se adelanten para brindarles nuevas y apropiadas ofertas en el momento
Hadoop has driven an enormous amount of data analytics activity lately. And this poses a problem for many practitioners coming from the traditional relational database management system (RDBMS) world. Hadoop is well known for having lots of variety in the structure of data it stores and processes. But it's fair to
In my last post, I talked about how data still needs to be cleaned up – and data strategy still needs to be re-evaluated – as we start to work with nontraditional databases and other new technologies. There are lots of ways to use these new platforms (like Hadoop). For example, many
If your enterprise is working with Hadoop, MongoDB or other nontraditional databases, then you need to evaluate your data strategy. A data strategy must adapt to current data trends based on business requirements. So am I still the clean-up woman? The answer is YES! I still work on the quality of the data.
Today, I was in a conversation about using Hadoop (a big data platform) for master data management (MDM). I still find it amazing when we have the discussion of what systems feed another system. Many of our friends have spent years creating MDM for customer, product, etc. with success. I'm a
How many companies are using Hadoop as part of their master data management initiative? Come on, raise your hands! Well, maybe a better question is this: How many companies are using Hadoop for enterprise data? From what I have seen, Hadoop is coming along quite nicely. However, it may not be the
More and more organizations are considering the use of maturing scalable computing environments like Hadoop as part of their enterprise data management, processing and analytics infrastructure. But there's a significant difference between the evaluation phase of technology adoption and its subsequent production phase. This seems apparent in terms of how organizations are
It's an exciting time to be in the automotive and transportation industry. The opportunities for business transformation and growth are enormous – and those companies that lead in implementing new ways to drive intelligent customer interactions will capture the greatest share of new revenue streams. For those of us fortunate enough
.@philsimon on the role of MDM. TLDR: It depends.
The numbers are daunting. More than 40 million Americans have their identities stolen each year. Credit card companies lose more than $200 billion annually due to fraud. Cybercrime-related losses exceed $3 million per claim for large companies. If you’re like me, those stats are enough to give pause. To fuel the concern,
SAS Global Forum 2016のユーザープログラムでの発表論文を、”Hadoop”というキーワードで検索し、SAS on Hadoopソリューション関連の論文を集めてみました。企業の競争戦略と密接に結びついているHadoop関連の事例はなかなか公開されないのですが、いくつかありました。これ以外にも、Hadoop事例を話すセッションがいくつかありました。 SAS Global Forum 2016 Proceedings – ユーザーおよびパートナーによるHadoop 関連の講演 Analytics and Data Management in a Box: Dramatically Increase Performance Teradata様が提供するHadoopの話です Nine Frequently Asked Questions about Getting Started with SAS® Visual Analytics インプリメンテーション・パートナーがVA & Hadoopの使用法、導入方法、管理方法についてエンドユーザーから良く受ける質問について触れられています。 Making It Happen: A novel way to save taxpayer dollars by
SAS Global Forum 2016のユーザープログラムでの発表論文を、”Hadoop”というキーワードで検索し、SAS on Hadoop関連の発表・論文を集めてみました。ざっと見たところ、SAS on Hadoopソリューションにまつわる全ての話題が網羅されていると感じます。 SAS Global Forum 2016 Proceedings – Hadoop 関連のSAS社員による講演・論文 SAS® and Hadoop: The 5th Annual State of the Union 9.4M3で実現しているSASとHadoopの連携について概説。2014年には、SAS Forum Japanでも登壇した、Paul Kentが語ります。 Introducing - SAS® Grid Manager for Hadoop Grid ManagerのHadoop版の話です。 Deep Dive with SAS® Studio into SAS® Grid Manager 9.4 SAS
W rozwoju narzędzi Business Intelligence oraz w sposobie ich wykorzystania w nowoczesnych organizacjach można wyróżnić 4 dominujące trendy. To właśnie one przełożą się na kierunki rozwoju tych narzędzi, zmienią ich rolę we wsparciu procesów decyzyjnych i budowania przewag konkurencyjnych. Trend 1: Modele samoobsługowe Popularyzacja wykorzystania narzędzi BI w przedsiębiorstwach do
Everybody talks about Analytics today. Analytics have become so popular that you will hear concepts like “data science” in popular TV shows, such as House of Cards, and I truly expect my grandfather to ask me what I think of big data just about any day now. When I decided
Según proyecciones del reporte Big Data Analytics de Strategy Analytics, durante 2016 las empresas van a invertir más de 40 mil millones de dólares en soluciones de Big Data. Las nuevas experiencias analíticas son el camino que están encontrando las empresas para imaginar, crear e innovar a partir de su
A soccer fairy tale Imagine it's Soccer Saturday. You've got 10 kids and 10 loads of laundry – along with buried soccer jerseys – that you need to clean before the games begin. Oh, and you have two hours to do this. Fear not! You are a member of an advanced HOA
The journey continues as we hear from the instructors for each of the courses being offered on Thursday and Friday, April 21 and 22 after SAS Global Forum. Next up is Mark Jordan who developed and will teach the Introduction to DS2 and Hadoop course. Why should people get excited
Machine learning is not new. SAS has been doing it for over 20 years and some early machine learning papers date back to the 50’s. So why is it one of the hottest topics at the Strata Hadoop World conference later this week? Clearly, Hadoop is playing a major role
If a picture is worth a thousand words, then visualizing data in Hadoop would be like a billion. Over the last few years, organizations have rushed to leverage the low-cost distributed computing and storage power of Hadoop clusters. As Hadoop environments mature and move away from their initial focus of
Todo el mundo está hablando de Hadoop, analítica y big data. Según el analista IDC, el mercado de soluciones de big data y analítica en América Latina representó 661 millones de dólares en 2014. Se espera que la adopción de las soluciones de analítica y big data se incremente como
Even the most casual observers of the IT space over the last few years are bound to have heard about Hadoop and the advantages it brings. Consider its ability to store data in virtually any format and process it in parallel. Hadoop distributors, such as Hortonworks, can also provide enterprise-level
As the big data era continues to evolve, Hadoop remains the workhorse for distributed computing environments. MapReduce has been the dominant workload in Hadoop, but Spark -- due to its superior in-memory performance -- is seeing rapid acceptance and growing adoption. As the Hadoop ecosystem matures, users need the flexibility to use either traditional MapReduce
Es increíble ver cómo cada vez más organizaciones se dan cuenta de la necesidad de optimizar su atención a cliente y subir este servicio a lista de factores que representan ventaja competitiva. Sabiendo esto, un importante número de empresas han recurrido al uso de inteligencia artificial y realidad virtual. Recientes
Liz Maria Muller Junior ist aktiv im Netz unterwegs, dort vernetzt und meinungsbildend. Ihre Meinungen schätzen ihre „Follower“; das hat „ihr Data Scientist“ schon rausgefunden und ihr das Attribut „Influencer“ verpasst. Nach vielem Abmühen in seiner neuen Hadoop-Sandbox macht das ihren Data Scientist ein bisschen stolz: Eine wertvolle Neukundin wäre
Streaming analytics is a red hot topic in many industries. As the Internet of Things continues to grow, the ability to process and analyze data from new sources like sensors, mobile phones, and web clickstreams will set you apart from your competition. Event stream processing is a popular way to
The importance of data analytics in the UK public sector and wider society was in the spotlight earlier this year, following a report from Policy Exchange. It called for elected mayors to set up an Office of Data Analytics. If enacted, these teams of experts will have one central aim:
.@philsimon lists the gravest data-quality errors.
Hadoop feiert seinen 10. Geburtstag und ist zum Synonym für Big Data geworden. Mit rasant steigendem Datenvolumen werden aber auch die Herausforderungen bezüglich Datengüte größer. Ich hatte bereits einen Beitrag dazu geschrieben. Teil 1 finden Sie hier.