Did you know that you can use SAS Enterprise Miner 15.1 to easily create an ASTORE? You can create an ASTORE from an HP SVM node, an HP FOREST node, and also from some SAS Viya Code Nodes! This blog will show you how.
Suppose that a data set contains a set of parameter values. For each row of parameters, you need to perform some computation. A recent discussion on the SAS Support Communities mentions an important point: if there are duplicate rows in the data, a program might repeat the same computation several
In my parenting class, I talk about the 3 C’s of parenting teens—remain CALM, stay CONNECTED, and be CURIOUS. In this blogpost, I want to focus on being curious because if you take this approach in parenting your teen (or even your young adult), it will force you to slow
Let’s face it. Data sharing between platforms in health care just isn’t easy. Patient data privacy concerns, incompatible file formats, asynchronous identifiers … I’ve heard it all. From the electronic health record (EHR), picture archiving and communication systems (PACS) to discrete processes like pharmacy or departmental information systems, achieving some
Banking and Financial, this industry has been on the edge investing in anti-fraud technology, anti-money laundering technology, anti-cybercrime technology.
SAS R&D's Brent Laster, a DevOps director, describes the ease and efficiency of switching SAS software on and off using containers.
A colleague recently posted an article about how to use SAS Visual Analytics to create a circular graph that displays a year's worth of temperature data. Specifically, the graph shows the air temperature for each day in a year relative to some baseline temperature, such as 65F (18C). Days warmer
Stored processes were a very popular feature in SAS 9.4. They were used in reporting, analytics and web application development. In Viya, the equivalent feature is jobs. Using jobs the same way as stored processes was enhanced in Viya 3.5. In addition, there is preliminary support for promoting 9.4 stored processes to Viya. In this post, I will examine what is sure to be a popular feature for SAS 9.4 users starting out with Viya.
Jim Harris explains the relevance of DevOps, DataOps and ModelOps for data analytics practitioners.
If you use SAS macro variables in your programs (who doesn't?), then the SAS Macro Variable viewer is immensely useful to see current macro var values.
I'm a bit of a boat paddling enthusiast, as you might have guessed from some of my previous paddling blog posts. The amount of exertion in race-paddling is similar to running - the longest race I've paddled in a race so far was 13 miles (half-marathon distance). But in the
Do you wish you could predict the likelihood that one of your customers will open your marketing email? Or what if you could tell whether a new medical treatment for a patient will have a better outcome than the standard treatment? If you are familiar with propensity modeling, then you
Do you struggle to consume the recommended 2 servings of seafood per week? Well, you’re not alone. Research shows that 80-90% of Americans do not eat enough seafood each week. Some people simply don’t like seafood. Others can’t stand that fishy smell (or even the thought of it!). A lot
Is it getting harder and harder to find empty Excel spreadsheets cells, as you run out of columns and rows? Do your spreadsheet cell labels have more letters than the license plate on your car? Do you find yourself waking up in the middle of the night in cold
The ROC curve is a graphical method that summarizes how well a binary classifier can discriminate between two populations, often called the "negative" population (individuals who do not have a disease or characteristic) and the "positive" population (individuals who do have it). As shown in a previous article, there is
Editor's note: Given the global disruption of COVID-19, we’ve made the very difficult decision to cancel the 2020 Summer Teacher Institute. This is an experience we look forward to every year; however, like you, we feel hesitant to plan for in-person events given the evolving unpredictability surrounding this crisis. As
Last summer, I joined a growing trend: I took an online course on machine learning algorithms run by Stanford University.
In my office is a coaster with this quote from Kathleen Norris: “Anything, everything, little or big, becomes an adventure when the right person shares it.” The right person could be anyone, but for the sake of our annual Work/Life relationship series, I'm thinking about romantic partners. In the context
Ridgeline plots are useful for visualizing changes in the shapes of distribution over multiple groups or time periods. Let us look at an example of how we can create this plot using the SGPLOT procedure that is part of the ODS Graphics Procedures. For this example, we will plot the
SAS Technical Training Consultant Mary Kathryn Queen introduces you to SAS Data Studio's Suggestions feature.
The purpose of this article is to show how to use SAS to create a graph that illustrates a basic idea in a binary classification analysis, such as discriminant analysis and logistic regression. The graph, shown at right, shows two populations. Subjects in the "negative" population do not have some
What if you suspect something is wrong with your forecasting process? What if the process is consuming too much time and too many resources, while still delivering unsatisfactory results (lousy forecasts). What can you do about it? This post looks at the first two steps to effecting meaningful forecasting process
SAS' Kris Stobbe shows how you can predict survival rates of Titanic passengers with a combination of both Python and CAS using SWAT, then see how the models performed.
There’s something about the calendar rolling over to a New Year that makes most of us want to set new goals or start fresh. I’m no different. This year’s goals regarding my own physical health included a commitment to having 8 – 10 servings of vegetables per day and more
Are you a statistical programmer whose company has adopted SAS Viya? If so, you probably know that the DATA step can run in parallel in SAS Cloud Analytic Services (CAS). As Sekosky (2017) says, "running in a single thread in SAS is different from running in many threads in CAS."
Most model assessment metrics, such as Lift, AUC, KS, ASE, require the presence of the target/label to be in the data. This is always the case at the time of model training. But how can I ensure that the developed model can be applied to new data for prediction?
This post describes a fully automated validation pipeline for analytical models as part of an analytical platform, which has been set up recently as part of a customer project.
Let us now take a look at a well-known metaphor for test case development in the software industry. We are referring to the idea of the “test pyramid."
In total, there are four posts in this blog series, this is the first post describing some basic principles of the DevOps (or ModelOps) approach.
In case you missed the news, there is a new edition of The Little SAS Book! Last fall, we completed the sixth edition of our book, and even though it is actually a few pages shorter than the fifth edition, we managed to add many more topics to the book.