
Rick Wicklin 0
Simulate categorical data in SAS

As I was reviewing notes for my course "Data Simulation for Evaluating Statistical Methods in SAS," I realized that I haven't blogged about simulating categorical data in SAS. This article corrects that oversight. An Easy Way and a Harder Way SAS software makes it easy to sample from discrete "named"

Chris Hemedinger 0
SAS 9.3: the list

Alison posted the Top 10 Reasons you should care about SAS 9.3. It's a bit tongue-in-cheek, but it reflects just a sample of the thousands of features and tweaks that you'll see in this new release. Even with SAS 9.2, I was nowhere near exhausting my backlog of blog topics...but

Learn SAS
Shelley Sessoms 0
SAS Press and the Miami Heat?

No, I’m not talking about a professional basketball game, though that would be fun to watch. I’m talking about the Joint Statistical Meetings in Miami Beach later this month. Julie Platt, Sharon Brandon and myself will be attending JSM July 31-August 4. A conference in August. In Miami. Um, can

Programming Tips
Chris Hemedinger 0
Computing age in SAS 9.3

It seems like such a simple problem: how can you reliably compute the age of someone or something? Susan lamented the subtle issues using the YRDIF function exactly 1.0356164384 years ago. Sure, you could write your own function for calculating such things, as I suggested 0.1753424658 years ago. Or you

Rick Wicklin 0
Improving graphs of highly correlated data

If you create a scatter plot of highly correlated data, you will see little more than a thin cloud of points. Small-scale relationships in the data might be masked by the correlation. For example, Luke Miller recently posted a scatter plot that compares the body temperature of snails when they

Kristine Vick 0
Same stuff, different year

Contributed by Amy Prince, SAS Marketing Operations Same stuff, different year is what comes to mind following our first Power Series session in Minneapolis earlier this month. What’s different this year? The SAS Power Series is a NEW, highly interactive, dynamic few hours designed to address some of the biggest

Rick Wicklin 0
Add a diagonal line to a scatter plot

In my statistical analysis of coupons article, I presented a scatter plot that includes the identity line, y=x. This post describes how to write a general program that uses the SGPLOT procedure in SAS 9.2. By a "general program," I mean that the program produces the result based on the

Kristine Vick 0
How to make an impact with analytics

Contributed by Bob Messier, Senior Director of Business Analytics, SAS Last week I participated in the SAS Power Series event in Minneapolis. It included about 23-30 folks representing a broad range of industries. Analytics was the central topic of the event. What is analytics? How do you get your organization

Rick Wicklin 0
The area under a density estimate curve

Readers' comments indicate that my previous blog article about computing the area under an ROC curve was helpful. Great! There is another common application of numerical integration: finding the area under a density estimation curve. This article provides an overview of density estimation and computes an empirical cumulative density function.

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